МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану

Letter from TRK ERA

10/28/2004 | Хвізик
The open letter to chiefs and employees of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine and the State Committee on Communications of Ukraine

Dear chiefs and employees of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine and the State Committee on Communications of Ukraine,

We are writing to you from the name of a big audience of the TV-Radio ERA.
We are asking you to defend the right of ERA to broadcast in the night of elections and to use its regular TV and radio frequencies according to the license and the Laws.

In the case of an unlawful shut-down of ERA, we will be asking the Court, the General State Prosecutor and the Society for Consumer Rights Defense to help us against unlawful violation of human rights on free access to information, as there are declared in the Constitution of Ukraine and other Laws.

With respect,
Oleksandr B.

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