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Maidan Observation Group: Moldovan Elections Flawed

03/07/2005 | Пані
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Ukraine’s Maidan International Election Observation Group: Moldovan Parliamentary Elections Flawed

KYIV, Ukraine, March 7, 2005. – The Maidan International Election Observation Group (the Maidan Group) believes that the Parliamentary Election in the Republic of Moldova was partially free and democratic mode, with violations reported in several parts of the country.

The Maidan International Election Observation Group consisted of representatives of Ukraine’s independent nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), the press, and political experts. The Maidan Group did not encounter any difficulties accessing polling stations and was assisted by the government, Moldova’s nongovernmental organizations, and representative of electoral contestants throughout the country. The team observed the Elections in the central and southern areas of the country, including the Gagauz Autonomous District.

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