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summer school teacher for nyu

04/23/2005 | obdymok
read good old bob for the facts on zwarycz.

(extended entry for summer school info)

unclog your ears and get to work.


bob is tired of doing FOR YOU.


  • 2005.04.23 | Свiдомий

    Re: summer school teacher for nyu

    То Зварич таки справдi був професором в Нью-Йоркському унiверситетi! Ото буде хохма, якщо вiн ще диплом покаже!


    Summer School in Ukraine
    Only 1 message in topic - view as tree
    bohdan.l.bodnar Mar 31 1992, 6:20 am show options

    Newsgroups: soc.culture.soviet, talk.politics.soviet
    Followup-To: talk.politics.soviet
    From: boh...@cbnewsd.cb.att.com (bohdan.l.bodnar) - Find messages by this author
    Date: 31 Mar 92 14:20:54 GMT
    Local: Tues,Mar 31 1992 6:20 am
    Subject: Summer School in Ukraine
    Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Report Abuse

    I recently ran across some information pertaining to a course on Ukrainian history and culture offered jointly by Lviv University and New York University.

    I'm posting a summary here as some of the readers of these newsgroups may be interested in this information.

    - Course offered by New York University (General Studies Program) in conjunction with Lviv University.

    - Upon completion, students will receive 2 (two) NYU credits that are transferable to most U.S. and Canadian
    universities and colleges.

    - Costs: aprox. $2200, depending on ticket prices at the time. Cost includes tuition, round-trip airline fare, room & board, etc.

    - Course will be taught by NYU and Lviv Univ. instructors for six weeks in June and July. Detailed information comes with the registration packet.

    For further information, contact:

    Prof. Roman M. Zwarycz, New York University, School of Continuing Education, General Studies Program 228 Shimkin Hall, Washington Square, New York, NY 10003

    Posted by bob_666 at April 23, 2005 05:03 AM

    obdymok пише:
    > read good old bob for the facts on zwarycz.
    > (extended entry for summer school info)
    > unclog your ears and get to work.
    > http://www.s95451559.onlinehome.us/1a/
    > bob is tired of doing FOR YOU.

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