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Архіви Форумів Майдану

Російським фанатам дивізії СС "Галичина" (л)

05/05/2009 | GreyWraith

Зробимо вигляд, що не помітили?

BTW ходять чутки, що батько Януковича служив німцям поліцаєм у Білорусі...


  • 2009.05.05 | Ghost

    Удивительно, я не знал об этом!

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    • 2009.05.05 | Bogun

      Re: Удивительно, я не знал об этом!

      До речі, в мене є відсканований документ про його депортацію, як посібника німецьких окупантів з Білорусії на спецпоселення у Донбас. Кому потрібно може взяти і почитати.
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      • 2009.05.06 | Хвізик

        мене дивує гриф "совершенно секретно" на такому документі

  • 2009.05.05 | DADDY

    Зауважу: "Галичина" не була дивізією СС

    Повторювати це - йти на поводу у московських луб"янських політруків.
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    • 2009.05.06 | Shooter

      Була. Waffen SS.

      Тим не менше, дивізійники

      а) жодних злочинів не здійснювали
      б) воювали, на свій розсуд, на боці одного окупанта (м'якшого) проти іншого (жорстокішого).

      Все решта - деталі.
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      • 2009.05.06 | Пан Коцький

        Ще точніше, 14 Waffengrenadierdivision der SS (galizische Nr.1)

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        • 2009.05.06 | Sean


      • 2009.05.06 | Sean

        Не була. Це різні сутности, окрім двох літерок

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        • 2009.05.06 | Сергій Кабуд

          14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Galicia (1st Ukrainian

          14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Galicia (1st Ukrainian)

          From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Galicia

          The SS Division Galicia or 14th Grenadier Division of the Waffen SS 'Galicia' (1st Ukrainian) was
          a military formation in the Waffen-SS and SS, during World War II.

          Formed in 1943 of volunteers from Galicia in western Ukraine, it was largely destroyed in the battle of Brody, reformed, and saw action in Slovakia, Yugoslavia and Austria before being renamed the first division of the Ukrainian National Army and surrendering to the Western Allies by May 10, 1945.
        • 2009.05.06 | Shooter

          :) Див. на репліку Коцького

          Галичина не була "чорним (каральним) СС". Проте була фронтовою дивізією СС.

          І, як на мене, не потрібно заперечувати очевидне. Краще просто пояснити різницю між "каральним" СС та фронтовими частинами СС.
  • 2009.05.06 | Сергій Кабуд

    Англомовні книги(безкошт) де згадується дівізія Галичина(л)

    досліджуйте, їх там багато)))

    по автору кожної можна знайти

    -хто він і

    -чи варто читати і

    -чи він є дезінформатор

    Значно краще читати це, ніж зманіпульовані КГБ архіви, які вам пюідкинули в СБУ

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    • 2009.05.06 | Сергій Кабуд

      Цікаво і у Вікі про Галичину


      Alleged war atrocities

      It is difficult to determine the extent of war criminality among members of the Division. If prior service in Nazi police units is a measure of criminality, only a small number were recruited from established police detachments.

      Among those who had transferred from police detachments, some had been members of a coastal defence unit that had been stationed in France, while others came from two police battalions that had been formed in the spring of 1943, too late to have participated in the murder of Ukraine's Jews

      There is no evidence that these units participated in anti-partisan operations or reprisals prior to their inclusion into the Division.

      However, a significant number of recruits, particularly within the former police battalions, prior to their service within the police battalions appear to have been in Ukrainian irregular formations that committed atrocities against Jews and Communists. However, both the Canadian government and the Canadian Jewish Congress in their investigations of the Division failed to find hard evidence to support the notion that it was rife with criminal elements.

      Two areas of particular controversy involve allegations that the SS “Galizien” units participated in the Huta Pieniacka massacre and in the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising in 1944.

      [edit] Huta Pieniacka

      For more information about the subject, see: Huta Pieniacka massacre

      The Division destroyed several Polish communities in western Ukraine during the winter and spring of 1944. [29] On February 23, 1944 it is alleged that two of the Division's units (the 4th and 5th regiments) - the Division was in training until May, 1944 - took part in a police action against Soviet and Polish Armia Krajowa partisans in the village of Huta Pieniacka, which had served as a shelter for Jews [29] as well as a fortified center for Polish and Communist guerillas [29] [30] following the shooting of two members of the small detachment by armed forces within the village. In the ensuing Huta Pieniacka massacre, the village was destroyed and between 500 [31] and 1,200 [32] Poles were murdered. Descriptions about what happened vary, depending on the source. According to Polish accounts, Polish civilians were locked in barns that were set on fire while those attempting to flee were brutally killed. [33] The Institute of History of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences concluded that the Division's 4th and 5th regiments did indeed kill the civilians within the village, but added that the grisly reports by alleged eyewitnesses in the Polish accounts were "difficult to believe." [34] (Follow the link above for more details.)

      The weekly publication of the Polish Home Army – the Biuletyn Ziemi Czerwienskiej (Land of Czerwien Bulletin) for 26 March 1944 (№ 12) stated that during the Battle at Pidkamene and Brody, Soviet forces took a couple of hundred soldiers of the SS Galizien division prisoner. All were immediately shot in the Zbarazh castle on the basis that two weeks earlier they had apparently taken part in the killing of the Polish inhabitants of Huta Pienacka, and as a result could not be categorized as POW’s [216, p. 8].

      Despite the actions of the 4th and 5th regiments in Huta Pienacka, the Division's role in the ethnic cleansing of Poles from western Ukraine was marginal

      On March 2, 1944, in the newspaper of the Division appeared an article directed to the Ukrainian youth, written by military commanders. They blamed all the murders of Poles and Ukrainians on Soviet partisans, and stated that "God forbid if among those who committed such inhuman acts, a Ukrainian hand was found, it will be forever excluded from the Ukrainian national community. [29]

      [edit] Warsaw uprising

      Much more controversial is the allegation that SS “Galizien” units played a role in suppressing the Warsaw Uprising. The investigation made by Polish historians Ryszard Torzecki and Andrzej A. Zięba concluded that there were no uniformed units of SS “Galizien” in Warsaw during the Warsaw Uprising.

      [edit] The Deschênes Commission
      Former UPA and SS-Galizien members with children from the Ukrainian scout organization Plast pose for photos shortly after the Anniversary of the UPA ceremony in Berezhany, western Ukraine.

      The Canadian "Commission of Inquiry on War Crimes" of October 1986, by the Honourable Justice Jules Deschênes concluded that,

      While in [POW camps in] Italy these men were screened by Soviet and British missions and neither then nor subsequently has any evidence brought to light which would suggest that any of them fought against the Western Allies or engaged in crimes against humanity.

      Their behaviour since they came to this country has been good and they have never indicated in any way that they are infected with any trace of Nazi ideology...

      From the reports of the special mission set up by the War Office to screen these men it seems clear that they volunteered to fight against the Red Army from nationalistic motives which were given greater impetus by the behaviour of the Soviet authorities during their earlier occupation of the Western Ukraine after the Nazi-Soviet Pact.

      Although Communist propaganda has constantly attempted to depict these, like so many other refugees, as "quislings" and "war criminals" it is interesting to note that no specific charges of war crimes have been made by the Soviet or any other Government against any member of this group.

      The Deschênes Commission went on to explain that:

      56- The Galicia Division (14. Waffengrenadierdivision der SS [gal. #1]) should not be indicted as a group.

      57- The members of Galicia Division were individually screened for security purposes before admission to Canada.

      58- Charges of war crimes of Galicia Division have never been substantiated, either in 1950 when they were first preferred, or in 1984 when they were renewed, or before this Commission.

      59- Further, in the absence of evidence of participation or knowledge of specific war crimes, mere membership in the Galicia Division is insufficient to justify prosecution.

      60- No case can be made against members of Galicia Division for revocation of citizenship or deportation since the Canadian authorities were fully aware of the relevant facts in 1950 and admission to Canada was not granted them because of any false representation, or fraud, or concealment of material circumstances.

      61- In any event, of the 217 officers of the Galicia Division denounced by Mr. Simon Wiesenthal to the Canadian government, 187 (i.e., 86 percent never set foot in Canada, 11 have died in Canada, 2 have left for another country, no prima facie case has been established against 16 and the last one could not be located.
  • 2009.05.06 | Andrij

    Кожний 5 солдат на Cхідному Фронті був росіянин - дивно

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