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Архіви Форумів Майдану

Унікальна можливість від The Guardian (Wikileaks)

12/09/2010 | Unique
Маючи доступ до всього архіву cablegate від Wikileaks, британьська The Guardian пропонує всім бажаючим здійснити пошук ао архіву.

Для цього теба надістали твіт @GdnCables , де вказати
1. Подія що цікавить
2. Орієнтовна дата
3. Місто, країна

наприклад: @gdncables Oil Spills June 2003 Angola

І вони можуть опублікувати цікаві та важливі знахідки.

A message from Guardian editor in chief Alan Rusbridger
You ask: we search

We're now around 10 days into coverage of the embassy cables. We've done a thorough job of searching for themes, people and issues, but we know we'll have missed many intriguing and important stories. What have we missed? What would you be searching for if you were sitting in front of the database?

We'll do our best to look. We can't, as the agony aunts say, enter into personal correspondence or hand out information or individual cables. But we can look for material that could be reported in the Guardian, or on WikiLeaks' own site, or with the four other news organisations involved. The rule of thumb is that we'll use our news judgements, as we have with all the cables we've looked at so far.

Simply tweet @gdncables with the information you're interested in. We're working with a search engine, remember, so it would help greatly if you could give us:

- Search terms
- Rough dates (the main archive runs from 2005 to Feb 2010)
- The likely embassy involved ( eg 'Moscow', or 'Kampala')

So you might say @gdncables Oil Spills June 2003 Angola

Our resources aren't infinite - but we'll do our best, so please be a *little* patient!


  • 2010.12.09 | Unique

    Re: Унікальна можливість від The Guardian (Wikileaks)

    Доречі, їм прислали вже досить багато цікавого (англ.):

    Around 100 suggestions an hour are coming through from readers suggesting subjects to search for in the cables database. We've set up a small team to go through them and so far the results look promising. Several people suggested searching for information on Madeleine McCann, the British girl who went missing in Portugal in 2007, for example. She is indeed mentioned in at least two cables from the US embassy in Lisbon. No clues to her fate, unfortunately, but some interesting observations on the involvement of British police, which we'll relay once we've checked them out. Similarly, lots of interest in the murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, who was killed in 2006 and is mentioned in around 70 cables. Other popular requests for more infomation include the private security firm Blackwater (mentioned 159 times in the cables) and several themes that have already been trawled over by Guardian journalists such as Bosnian war crimes, but which may be worth returning to on the basis of more detailed search suggestions. Please keep the ideas coming by sending tweets to @gdncables (preferably with details of dates and locations) and we'll try to respond as quickly as possible and keep you updated on the 'you ask, we search' exercise via this blog.


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