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Потрібні експерти в Computational Material Science

01/27/2008 | Shooter
Для евалюації проектів за call'ом FP7 (див. внизу)

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NMP-2008-2.5-2 Modelling of interfaces for high performance materials design
Technical content/scope: Understanding the behaviour of interfaces at the boundary of two different materials or material phases, for example at the interface between alloys with different alloy concentration, differently doped materials, systems with different strained layers or with different electromagnetic properties, has become increasingly important for many material applications. Despite the existence of many thermodynamic and transport property models for interface modelling, there are still systems and conditions for which no accurate model is available. The projects should propose advanced modelling approaches addressing interfacial phenomena which are relevant to the study, design and processing of high performance materials with radically new properties, and in particular nanostructured materials. The focus should be on the modelling of realistic systems that can predict material properties and behaviour on a usable time scale and take advantage of the potential of multi-scale approaches. Validation of the models against experimental results should also be addressed. Research which is only of relevance for surfaces and coatings is excluded.
Funding scheme: Small or medium-scale focused research projects.
Special features: In order to ensure industrial relevance and impact of the research effort, the active participation of industrial partners represents an added value to the activities and this will bereflected in the evaluation. This research area is particularly well suited for cooperation with Third Countries (e.g. United States, Russia, China, India), which can help ensure a larger impact. Funding of Third Countries is in line with the rules of participation for FP7.
Expected impact: Better understanding of the physical, chemical and biological processes taking place at the different types of interfaces. The emphasis should be placed upon the modelling of realistic interfacial systems. Projects are expected to help maintain a leading position for European science in the field.

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