МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану


11/10/2009 | Хома Брут
Син В. Гайзенберга працює в University of New Hampshire і підтримує цей сайт про свого батька. Фото, листи, спогади різних людей.

"The people here are just thinking quite differently than where we come from; particularly the young ones. An 18 year old cousin of Mary's is living here at the house too, and is often visited by a rather nice boy-friend as well. The totally automatic assumption is that life is about "Having a good time". If they were to realize that for me this looks a little differently, they would think I am crazy, or not telling the truth."

(лист до дружини з Америки, 1939)

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