shmuckfest galore
10/09/2002 | Peter Byrne
“Ukraine’s Quest for Mature Nation Statehood—Roundtable III:
Ukraine and the EuroAtlantic Community”
October 8/9, 2002, Washington, D.C.
Tuesday, October 8, 2002
Opening Remarks (9:00 AM - 9:30 AM)
M. Sawkiw (President/Ukrainian Congress Committee of America)
Rep. L. Slaughter (Co-Chair/Congressional Ukrainian Caucus)[Proposed]
Roundtable Focus Session I (9:30 AM - 10:00 AM)
Suggested Theme: Ukraine’s EuroAtlantic Ambitions as State Policy
Chair: K. Hryshchenko (Ukrainian Ambassador to the US)
Keynote: O. Chaliy (State Secretary/Ministry of Foreign Affairs)[Ukraine]
I. Assessing the Progress of Ukraine’s Transition to EuroAtlantic Standards—Three Panels (10:00 AM - 1:00PM)
Sponsored by Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine, Inc.
To What Extent Has Ukraine Established a Democratic Polity?
Moderator: S. Nix (Director-Eurasian Division/IRI)
Two Panelists: D. Rosenblum (Acting Dep. Coordinator for US Assistance to Europe & Eurasia)
H. Nemyria (Director-CEIS/Int'l Renaissance Foundation)[Ukr]
Discussants: B. Jackson (President/Democracies in Transition)
A. Hrytsenko (President/Razumkov Center)[Ukr]
Suggested Topics
· Rule of Law
· Free and Fair Elections
· Independent Civil Society
To What Extent Has Ukraine Implemented a Market Economy?
Moderator: K. Jenkins (President/U.S.-Ukraine Business Council)
Two Panelists: A. Aslund (Senior Associate/Carnegie Endowment)
Y. Yekhanurov (Chair/VR Comm. on Industry & Entrepreneurship)[Ukr]
Discussants: J. Kamins (International Trade Specialist-BISNIS/Department of Commerce)
R. Shriver (President/Lviv Initiative Group)
Suggested Topics
· Privatization
· Monetary Reform
· Fiscal Reform
To What Extent Has Ukraine Professionalized/Modernized the Military?
Moderator: F. Morgese (U.S. Military Attache to the Czech Republic)
Two Panelists: N. Krawciw (President/Dupuy Institute)
L. Holopatiuk (Cen. for Mil. Cooperation & Verification/GS-MOD)[Ukr]
Discussants: T. Donnelly (Country Desk Officer for Ukraine/ US EUR Command)
O. Sivushchenko (1st Operational Directorate/Ministry of Defense)[Ukr]
Suggested Topics
· Professionalization
· Modernization
· Civilian Control
Working Lunch (1:00 PM - 2:30 PM)
Suggested Theme: Promoting Knowledge of Ukraine in the EuroAtlantic Community—
An Investor’s Vantage Point
Chair: C. Lucyk (Department of Commerce)
Discussants: A. Kiselev (Digital Alliance)/)/M. Martin (Coca Cola)/R. Lison (Boeing)
J. Zukoski (AmCham/UA)/J. Strella (SUN Interbrew)/E. Franke (UMC)/
I. Birka (Desomark)/G. Logush (Kraft UA)
II. Assessing the State of European Union-Ukraine Relations—Three Panels (2:30 PM - 5:30 PM)
Is Ukraine Implementing Its European Choice?
Moderator: A. Karatnycky (President/Freedom House)
Two Panelists: A. Gross (Vice President/PACE)
I. Ostash (Vice President/PA OSCE)[Ukr]
Discussants: M. Tomenko (Chair/VR Committee on Information)[Ukr]
O. Bilorus (Member VR Committee on Foreign Relations)[Ukr]
Suggested Topics
· Protection of Human Rights
· Political Transparency
· Economic Transparency
What Does the Immediate Future Hold for EU-Ukraine Relations?
Moderator: J. Van Oudenaren (Head of the European Division/LOC)
Two Panelists: C. Hartzell (Sr. Advisor-Policy Unit,/Secretariat General of the EU Council)
V. Khoroshkovsky (1st Dep. of the Head of the Admin. of the President)[Ukr.]
Discussants: P. D'Anieri (Assoc. Dean for International Programs/U. of Kansas)
I. Pidluska (President/ Europe XXI Foundation)
Suggested Topics
· Present Situation
· New Economic Initiatives
· New Security Initiatives
Will Ukraine Be a Viable Candidate for EU Membership in 2011?
Moderator: J. Hewko (Associate/Carnegie Endowment)
Two Panelists: G. Burghart (Head of Delegation/European Commission)
R. Shpek (Special Envoy to the EU)[Ukr]
Discussants: J. Tedstrom (Vice President for Policy/EastWest Institute)
Y. Bystrytsky (Director/International Renaissance Foundation)[Ukr]
Suggested Topics
· Political Requisites
· Economic Requisites
· Social Requisites
Roundtable Focus Session II (5:30 PM - 6:00 PM)
Sponsored by Self Reliance (NY) Federal Credit Union
Suggested Theme: Referencing the Importance of the EuroAtlantic Community to Ukraine
Chair: A. Lozynskyj (President/Ukrainian World Congress)
Keynote: V. Yushchenko (Fmr. Prime Minister of Ukraine)
Evening Congressional Reception (7:30 PM - 10:00 PM)
Sponsored by First Security Federal Savings Bank
A Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Ukrainian National Information Service
Featured Speaker: R. Cheney (Vice President of the United States of America)[proposed]
Wednesday, October 9, 2002
Roundtable Focus Session III (9:00 AM - 9:30 PM)
Suggested Theme: Referencing the Importance of Ukraine to the EuroAtlantic Community
Chair: Rep. M. Kaptur (Co-chair/Congressional Ukrainian Caucus)
Keynote: Senator C. Levin (Chair/Sen. Armed Services Comm.)
III. Assessing the State of US-Ukraine Relations—Three Panels (9:30 AM - 12:30 PM)
Sponsored by Motorola
Has Ukraine's 'Strategic Partnership' with the US Developed an Operational Form?
Moderator: H. Pirchner (President/American Foreign Policy Council)
Two Panelists: S. Lenti (Director-Europe and Eurasia/NSC)
H. Udovenko (Chair/VR Comm. on Human Rights)[Ukr]
Discussants: C. Crowley (Director of Mission-Ukraine/USAID)
S. Larrabee (European Security Chair/RAND)
Suggested Topics
· Common Global Goals
· Common Regional Goals
· Common Bilateral Goals
Will the US Assist Ukraine in the WTO Accession Process?
Moderator: A. Bihun (International Trade Specialist/Commerce Dept.)
Two Panelists: S. Donnelly (Principal Deputy Asst. Sec. of State for Economics and Business)
A. Honcharuk (Dep. State Sec'y/Min. of Economics)[Ukr]
Discussants: S. Osyka (VR Chair/Ukraine-U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Commission)[Ukr]
W. Miller (Fmr. US Ambassador to Ukraine)
Suggested Topics
· PNTR Passage as Prelude
· Indirect Advocacy
· Direct Advocacy
Has Ukraine Contributed Enough to the US-Led War on Terrorism?
Moderator: I. Berman (Vice President for Policy/American Foreign Policy Council)
Two Panelists: S. Pifer (Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia)
G. Perepelitysya (Head-Dept. of Military-Political Affairs/NISS)[Ukr.]
Discussants: A. Cohen (Research Fellow/Heritage Foundation)
O. Derkachov (Editor/Politychna Dumka)[Ukr]
Suggested Topics
· Intelligence Sharing
· Non Military Aid
· Military Aid
Working Lunch (12:30 PM - 2:00 PM)
Suggested Theme: Promoting Knowledge of Ukraine in the EuroAtlantic Community—
A Journalist’s Vantage Point
Chair: J. McLaughlin (Producer-Commentator/The McLaughlin Group)
Discussants: T. Warner (FT)/J. Mostova (DT)/ A. Shevchenko (NK)/R. Woronowycz(TUW)/
I. Bokij (SV)/L. Wolanskyj (EE)/O. Kryvenko (HR)/Y. Hlibovitsky (1+1)
IV. Assessing the State of NATO-Ukraine Relations—Three Panels (2:00 PM - 5:00 PM)
Have Efforts Aimed at NATO-Ukraine Cooperation Produced Tangible Results?
Moderator: J. Micgiel (Executive Director-Institute for the Study of Europe/Columbia U.)
Two Panelists: I. Brzezinski (Dep. Asst. Sec'y of Defense/Europe & NATO)
S. Pyrizhkov (Dep. Sec'y/Nat. Security & Defense Council)[Ukr]
Discussants: M. Haltzel (Senate Foreign Relations Committee)
B. Andresyuk (Dep. Chair/VR Committee on National Security & Defense)[Ukr]
Suggested Topics
· Peacekeeping
· Joint Exercises
· Interoperability
How Will the Upcoming Expansion of NATO Impact Ukraine?
Moderator: S. Konopylov (Executive Director-UNSP/Harvard University)
Two Panelists: A. Stent (Director-CREES/Georgetown U.)
V. Badrak (Director/Center for Conversion & Disarmament)[Ukr]
Discussants: G. Kriuchkov (Chair/VR Committee on National Security & Defense)[Ukr]
R. Legvold (Professor of Political Science/Columbia University)
Suggested Topics
· Prompt Movement West
· Prompt Movement East or South
· Prompt Isolationism
Will Ukraine Become a Member of NATO in the Foreseeable Future?
Moderator: W. Courtney (President/ DynCorp)
Two Panelists: J. Sherr (Fellow - CSCR/Royal Military Academy Sandhurst)
B. Tarasyuk (Chair/VR Committee on European Integration)[Ukraine]
Discussants: C. Wallander (Director of the Russia & Eurasia Program/CSIS)
V. Horbulin (Head/State Defense Industrial Complex Commission)[Ukr]
Suggested Topics
· Membership Likely
· Membership Possible
· Membership Unlikely
Roundtable Focus Session IV (5:00 PM - 5:30 PM)
Suggested Theme: Ukraine’s EuroAtlantic Ambitions and US Policy
Chair: Rep. B. Schaffer (Co-chair/Congressional Ukrainian Caucus)
Keynote: P. O'Neill (U.S. Secretary of the Treasury) [Proposed]
Closing Remarks (5:30 PM -6:15PM)
G. Nesterczuk (Executive Coordinator/Roundtable Steering Committee)
Rep. C. Weldon (Member/Congressional Ukrainian Caucus)
Patrons' Reception (7:00 PM - 8:30 PM)
(By Special Invitation)
Featured Speakers: D. Tabachnyk (Chair/VR Committee on Foreign Relations)[Ukr]
M. Bleyzer (President/SigmaBleyzer)
2002.10.09 | Wolverhampton Wanderer
Re: shmuckfest galore
What? Are you offended you weren't invited? At least A. Lozynskyj (President/Ukrainian World Congress) will be there to represent your views...2002.10.09 | Peter Byrne
Re: shmuckfest galore
wouldn't be caught dead with these duckies.Sawkiw (President/Ukrainian Congress Committee of America) - BOZO
Slaughter - IGNORAMUS
Hryshchenko - ASK PODILSKY
Nix (Director-Eurasian Division/IRI) - BUREUORAT
Rosenblum (Coordinator for US Assistance to Europe & Eurasia) - HUH?
Nemyria (Director-CEIS/Int'l Renaissance Foundation) - DUNNO
Hrytsenko (President/Razumkov Center)[Ukr] - OK
Jenkins (President/U.S.-Ukraine Business Council) - APCO
Aslund (Senior Associate/Carnegie Endowment)- OVERTHEHILL
Yekhanurov - PATSY
Kamins (BISNIS/Department of Commerce) - HUH?
R. Shriver (President/Lviv Initiative Group) - SO WHAT
Morgese (U.S. Military Attache to the Czech Republic) - SO WHAT
Krawciw (President/Dupuy Institute) - HUH?
Holopatiuk (Cen. for Mil. Cooperation & Verification)[Ukr] - HUH?
Donnelly (Country Desk Officer for Ukraine/ US EUR Command) - OK
Sivushchenko (Ministry of Defense)[Ukr] - DUNNO
Lucyk (Department of Commerce) - DUNNO
Kiselev (Digital Alliance)/) - DUNNO
Martin (Coca Cola)/R. Lison (Boeing) - DUNNO
Zukoski (AmCham/UA) - NUMBNUTS
Karatnycky (President/Freedom House) - SHUD HAVE GIVEN GEORGY MONEY
Ostash (Vice President/PA OSCE)[Ukr] - IDIOT
Tomenko (Chair/VR Committee on Information)[Ukr] - OK
Bilorus (Member VR Committee on Foreign Relations)[Ukr] - DUNNO
Oudenaren (Head of the European Division/LOC) - WHO CARES
Hartzell (Secretariat General of the EU Council) - WHO CARES
V. Khoroshkovsky (Admin. of the President)[Ukr.] - SCUMBAG
D'Anieri (Assoc. Dean for International Programs/U. of Kansas) - HUH?
Pidluska (President/ Europe XXI Foundation) - OK
Shpek (Special Envoy to the EU)[Ukr] - SOLD OUT
Tedstrom (Vice President for Policy/EastWest Institute) - DIPSHIT
Bystrytsky (Director/International Renaissance Foundation) - IDIOT
Lozynskyj (President/Ukrainian World Congress) - IDIOT
Yushchenko (Fmr. Prime Minister of Ukraine) - HA!
Cheney (Vice President of the United States of America) - NOSHOW
Kaptur (Co-chair/Congressional Ukrainian Caucus) - IDIOT
Levin (Chair/Sen. Armed Services Comm.) - DUNNO
Pirchner (President/American Foreign Policy Council) - DUNNO
Lenti (Director-Europe and Eurasia/NSC) - DUNNO
H. Udovenko (Chair/VR Comm. on Human Rights)[Ukr] - TIMETORETIRE
Crowley (Director of Mission-Ukraine/USAID) - TIMETORETIRE
Larrabee (European Security Chair/RAND) - DUNNO
Honcharuk (Dep. State Sec'y/Min. of Economics)[Ukr] - DUNNO
Osyka (Ukraine-U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Commission)[Ukr] - HUH?
Miller (Fmr. US Ambassador to Ukraine) - MEA CULPA
Berman (American Foreign Policy Council) - OK
Pifer (Deputy Assistant Secretary of State) - DUD
Perepelitysya (Military-Political Affairs/NISS)[Ukr.] - FIRETHEBOOB
Cohen (Research Fellow/Heritage Foundation) - GOP JERK
Derkachov (Editor/Politychna Dumka)[Ukr] - GOOD GUY
McLaughlin (Producer-Commentator/The McLaughlin Group) - LOUDMOUGH
Mostova (DT) - OK
Shevchenko (NK) - OK
Wolanskyj - IDIOT
Kryvenko - GRANT EATER
Hlibovitsky - SELL OUT
Micgiel (Columbia U.) - DUNNO
Brzezinski (Dep. Asst. Sec'y of Defense/Europe & NATO) - DUNNO
Pyrizhkov (Dep. Sec'y/Nat. Security & Defense Council)[Ukr] - WHOCARES
Haltzel (Senate Foreign Relations Committee) - DUNNO
Badrak (Director/Center for Conversion & Disarmament)[Ukr] - ?
Kriuchkov (Chair National Security & Defense)[Ukr] - BUTTERFLY
R. Legvold (Columbia University) - OUT IN SPACE
Courtney (President/ DynCorp) - DUNNO
Sherr (Fellow - CSCR/Royal Military Academy Sandhurst) - DUNNO
Tarasyuk (European Integration Cmte.)[Ukraine] - YECH!
Wallander (Director of the Russia & Eurasia Program/CSIS) - DUNNO
Horbulin (Industrial Complex Commission)[Ukr] - SELLOUT
Schaffer (Co-chair/Congressional Ukrainian Caucus) - WANNABEAMBASSADOR
O'Neill (U.S. Secretary of the Treasury) - NOSHOW
Nesterczuk (Roundtable Steering Committee) DUNNO
Weldon (Member/Congressional Ukrainian Caucus) - DIPSHIT
Tabachnyk (Chair/VR Committee on Foreign Relations)[Ukr] - SWORD MAN
M. Bleyzer (President/SigmaBleyzer) - INVESTOR (HA! HA! HA!)
2002.10.09 |
P. Byrnstein: TIME TO GO HOME
2002.10.09 | American Psycho
2002.10.09 | Augusto©
Нехай вони теж посміються разом з тобою!
Пєтя, я перешлю твої примітки всім позначеним, щоб воно не виглядало так дивно. Хоча я впевнений, що нікому нема справи до тебе і так (who cares?), і так (so fucking what?!), ти ж розумієш, сподіваюсь, що ти повний лузер? Якщо ні, то я хочу бути першим, хто тобі це скаже! Не журись, ось Бека послухай: Сой ун пердідор, як про тебе написано!2002.10.09 | Latynnyk
Re: Нехай вони теж посміються разом з тобою!
Voooooooooooooooooot kak KHAAAAARRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!Ya prosto okhrenel kogda eto teploye g----o poproboval, PIIIIEEEETTTTIIIEEERR!!!!
Vot eta da!
Ty predstavlyayesh sebe, kakoi Ty mudilo?
Pochemu zh vsekh zaserat, khorokhysh, nikakikh da i deistvitelno plokhikh plutat?
Eto meropriyatiye - popytka pomoch Ukrayine vyiti z sehodniashnego tupika. A Ty vsio eto nazyvayesh kakoi-to OMIGOSH. Tebia ne v menshei mere, chem drugikh ispolzovali, daby zamutit vodu yeshche bolshe, chem vse anti-kuchmisty vmeste vzyaty.
Ty voobshche etogo nie ponimayesh. No kogda proidiot kadrovaya chystka na Ukrayine, Ty eto poimiopsh, poskolku te liudi, kotoriye Tebia podstrekayut, ostanutsia za predelamy vlasti. Togda Tebe priydiotsia kakym to obrazom prynesti nekotorym iz tekh, koho Ty tolko shto oskorbil, svoyi iskrenniye izninneniya...
Ty postoyanno uprekayesh razprostranitelei "Tapegate"-a v bezotvetstvennosti, no Ty sam takoi!
Augusto пише:
> Пєтя, я перешлю твої примітки всім позначеним, щоб воно не виглядало так дивно. Хоча я впевнений, що нікому нема справи до тебе і так (who cares?), і так (so fucking what?!), ти ж розумієш, сподіваюсь, що ти повний лузер? Якщо ні, то я хочу бути першим, хто тобі це скаже! Не журись, ось Бека послухай: Сой ун пердідор, як про тебе написано!
2002.10.09 | Wolverhampton Wanderer
Re: shmuckfest galore
For a guy who is an "expert" on Ukraine, you aren't very well informed are you? Don't know the former Ukrainian Ambassador to the U.S.? Don't know the former U.S. Senior Military Representative to Ukraine? You may not like most of the people on the list, but they do influence policy on Ukraine. Probably not a good idea for a reporter who claims "objectivity" to post of list of personal likes and dislikes. Wonder what your editors would have to say about this? I hope, for your sake, this list isn't circulated around the internet...Peter Byrne пише:
> Nemyria (Director-CEIS/Int'l Renaissance Foundation) - DUNNO
> R. Shriver (President/Lviv Initiative Group) - SO WHAT
> Krawciw (President/Dupuy Institute) - HUH?
> Holopatiuk (Cen. for Mil. Cooperation & Verification)[Ukr] - HUH?
> Sivushchenko (Ministry of Defense)[Ukr] - DUNNO
> Lucyk (Department of Commerce) - DUNNO
> Kiselev (Digital Alliance)/) - DUNNO
> Martin (Coca Cola)/R. Lison (Boeing) - DUNNO
> Bilorus (Member VR Committee on Foreign Relations)[Ukr] - DUNNO
> Hartzell (Secretariat General of the EU Council) - WHO CARES
> D'Anieri (Assoc. Dean for International Programs/U. of Kansas) - HUH?
> Levin (Chair/Sen. Armed Services Comm.) - DUNNO
> Pirchner (President/American Foreign Policy Council) - DUNNO
> Lenti (Director-Europe and Eurasia/NSC) - DUNNO
> Larrabee (European Security Chair/RAND) - DUNNO
> Honcharuk (Dep. State Sec'y/Min. of Economics)[Ukr] - DUNNO
> Berman (American Foreign Policy Council) - OK
> Micgiel (Columbia U.) - DUNNO
> Brzezinski (Dep. Asst. Sec'y of Defense/Europe & NATO) - DUNNO
> Haltzel (Senate Foreign Relations Committee) - DUNNO
> Badrak (Director/Center for Conversion & Disarmament)[Ukr] - ?
> Courtney (President/ DynCorp) - DUNNO
> Sherr (Fellow - CSCR/Royal Military Academy Sandhurst) - DUNNO
> Wallander (Director of the Russia & Eurasia Program/CSIS) - DUNNO
> Nesterczuk (Roundtable Steering Committee) DUNNO
2002.10.09 | Serhiy Hrysch
Probably... a good idea!!
Wolverhampton Wanderer пише:> For a guy who is an "expert" on Ukraine, you aren't very well informed are you? Don't know the former Ukrainian Ambassador to the U.S.? Don't know the former U.S. Senior Military Representative to Ukraine? You may not like most of the people on the list, but they do influence policy on Ukraine. Probably not a good idea for a reporter who claims "objectivity" to post of list of personal likes and dislikes. Wonder what your editors would have to say about this? I hope, for your sake, this list isn't circulated around the internet...
*** Oh! hm.. Reporters have the right to dramatize. Did you know that, ha? :) Did ya??
*** Finally, former U.S. Ambassador IS a buddy. He is a buddy to Ukrainians and a great person, but he can also be taken fun of.
> > Nemyria (Director-CEIS/Int'l Renaissance Foundation) - DUNNO
* Renaissance reportedly give kickbakcs to Kuchma's administrators. The kickbacks are 30% of the amount of grants.
> > R. Shriver (President/Lviv Initiative Group) - SO WHAT
* So what?
> > Hartzell (Secretariat General of the EU Council) - WHO CARES
* Really, who cares?
> > D'Anieri (Assoc. Dean for International Programs/U. of Kansas) - HUH?
* Huh?
> > Levin (Chair/Sen. Armed Services Comm.) - DUNNO
> > Pirchner (President/American Foreign Policy Council) - DUNNO
> > Lenti (Director-Europe and Eurasia/NSC) - DUNNO
> > Larrabee (European Security Chair/RAND) - DUNNO
> > Honcharuk (Dep. State Sec'y/Min. of Economics)[Ukr] - DUNNO
> > Berman (American Foreign Policy Council) - OK
> > Micgiel (Columbia U.) - DUNNO
> > Brzezinski (Dep. Asst. Sec'y of Defense/Europe & NATO) - DUNNO
> > Haltzel (Senate Foreign Relations Committee) - DUNNO
> > Badrak (Director/Center for Conversion & Disarmament)[Ukr] - ?
> > Courtney (President/ DynCorp) - DUNNO
> > Sherr (Fellow - CSCR/Royal Military Academy Sandhurst) - DUNNO
> > Wallander (Director of the Russia & Eurasia Program/CSIS) - DUNNO
> > Nesterczuk (Roundtable Steering Committee) DUNNO
2002.10.10 | Andrew Gump
Re: shmuckfest galore
he ought to know.BORDER DISORDER (Nation) 13 Sep 2002 Media feeling the squeeze on eve of protests (Nation) 13 Sep 2002 Protest rallies to roll across the nation (Nation) 06 Sep 2002 Opposition sets date for rallies (Nation) 27 Aug 2002 Our Ukraine deputies say businesses targeted (Nation) 15 Aug 2002 Report finds several new deputies delinquent (Nation) 08 Aug 2002 Tymoshenko charged as protests near .(Nation) 08 Aug 2002 Oleksandrov case verdict overturned (Nation) 01 Aug 2002 U.S. aid hinges on arms-sale report (Nation) 01 Aug 2002 Storm clouds gather over government (Nation) 11 Jul 2002 Bila Tserkva colony drives prison reform (Nation) 04 Jul 2002 A Taxing ordeal (Nation) 27 Jun 2002 EU speech to be hyped in schools, media (Nation) 20 Jun 2002 Last chance to get in (Nation) 13 Jun 2002 Cheap caviar comes with the job (Nation) 13 Jun 2002 Melnychenko accuses officials (Nation) 30 May 2002 May 2002 Deputies required to quit day jobs (Nation) Seeing red on May Day (Nation) Q&A with Yulia Tymoshenko (Opinion) April 2002 Dnipropetrovsk election results invalidated (Nation) Feldman sentenced to nine years (Nation) Capital's roads lack capacity to cope with growth in traffic (Nation) Officials deny illegal arms sales to Iraq (Nation) Despite Rada win, UNA-UNSO leader remains in jail (Nation) Foreign media vary accents on election results (Nation) Candidates complain of violations (Nation) Lines prove to be a trial for voters (Nation) Major cities throughout nation elect mayors (Nation) March 2002 SS ‘decision' causes stir (Nation) Courts fail to address violations (Nation) Political heavyweight (Nation) Candidates clash over debate debacle (Nation) End of Rada session a yawn (Nation) Markets microcosm of business (Business) Media access gets mixed reviews (Nation) February 2002 spreads the news via Russian site (Nation) Kuchma dogged by tapes again (Nation) Socialist Party pin hopes on popular leader (Nation) International donors take on election projects (Nation) January 2002 Tymoshenko injured in automobile accident (Nation) Central Election Committee bumps Melnychenko, Bubka from party lists Jockeying for position (Nation) The race is on! (Nation) Melnychenko wants to run for parliament (Nation) December 2001 Looking back at a memorable year in Ukraine (Nation) Eurasia to start doling out grants in region after two-year suspension Media group aims to promote fair elections (Nation) Green Party fights to retain good-guy image (Nation) Kravchenko picked to be Kherson governor (Nation) November 2001 News analyst wants to be Rada deputy (Nation) Kyiv courts closure irks lawyers (Nation) Kyiv courts closure irks lawyers (Nation) October 2001 'Tipsy' scribes leery of press-vest campaign (Nation) Trail of lies? (Nation) Campaign uncertainty could favor well-heeled candidates (Nation) Man in the news: Oleksandr Kuzmuk (Nation) Election law in limbo as candidates gear up for spring poll (Nation) PACE may discontinue monitoring (Nation) September 2001 Kroll report says Kuchma not involved in Gongadze disappearance (Nation) Ukraine supports fight against terrorism (Nation) Gongadze case spurred few changes (Nation) Unveiling the man behind the scandal (Nation) Nation trains foreign pilots (Nation) Court imposes gag order on newspaper (Nation) August 2001 Violence against journalists continues (Nation) Court rules Feldman must remain locked up (Nation) 10 years of hope, despair (Nation) Another cyber-cafe boots up (Business) Melnychenko set to assist investigators (Nation) Advocates want Feldman freed (Nation) Kyiv spruces up for Independence Day (Nation) Tymoshenko faces new charges (Nation) Polishing Ukraine's image (Nation) Demiray ‘making sense of it all' (Nation) July 2001 Ex-Naftogaz head nabbed in Germany (Nation) U.S. House slashes aid to Ukraine (Nation) Lawyer beaten as case heats up (Nation) Rice coming to Kyiv for official talks (Nation) Eurasia investigation comes to close (Nation) U.S. Aid keeps flowing in (Nation) Kuchma: find killer of journalist (Nation) Kentucky's coal barons look East (Nation) Q+A with human rights worker Boris Glazunov (Opinion) Potebenko wants to oust Justice Minister (Nation) Rada wants corruption inquiry (Nation) June 2001 Opposition journalist questioned by SBU (Nation) Lytvyn: Bush a supporter of Kuchma (Nation) Reports of ban on Radio Liberty chief denied (Nation) Court slaps libel rap on editor (Nation) Opposition outlines plan for summer (Nation) May 2001 Kuchma picks Kinakh (Nation) Q&A with Olha Fischuk and Lana Samakhvalova (Opinion) Maidan construction wreaks havoc on city traffic (Nation) Moscow tabs former PM ambassador (Nation) Official: Ukraine favors U.S. missile defense idea (Nation) Opposition in disarray (Nation) Ukrainians dazed by odd May Day schedule (Nation) Westerners blast away at Kuchma (Nation) April 2001 Evaded taxes, lies and audiotapes (Nation) Versiya builds Ukrainian PCs (Business) Melnychenko given U.S. refuge (Nation) Gazprom studying pipe routes (Business) Putting the Melnychenko tapes in context (Opinion) Nation balks at PACE's ouster threat (Nation) Oppostion looks for unity, leader (Nation) First U.S. piracy sanctions take effect (Nation) Latest tape snippets show Kuchma's ire (Nation) Slavic union offers Kuchma counsel (Opinion) March 2001 Powell tells Zlenko to hold course (Nation) U.S. talks tough on free speech (Nation) Kuchma demands loyalty pledge (Nation) Western community roundly criticizes latest display of force (Nation) KUCHMA: FOLLOW ME OR QUIT (Nation) New report fails to say tapes real (Nation) February 2001 Ex-dissident Yury Murashev (Opinion) Kuchma bestows award on Volkov (Nation) One can learn a lot from a dung beetle (Opinion) Opposition unites under one banner (Nation) Kyiv cigar shop survives smokey tax, customs laws (Business) Hints drop that tapes are real (Nation) Protesters demand Kuchma resignation (Nation) Council of Europe eager to study tape (Nation) On-again, off-again protests on again (Nation) Medical expert Valery Ivasyuk (Opinion) January 2001 Deputy's death in eastern Ukraine dubbed suicide (Nation) Flaws in Ukrainian laws dog due process in Gongadze case (Nation) Poll shows confidence in state's news media (Nation) Rights groups question pro-Kuchma rallies (Nation) Tymoshenko lashes out at opponents (Nation) Ukraine rings in millennium (Nation) Expert says she faced harassment (Nation) December 2000 Moroz spouts off during Internet interview (Nation) Q&A: Sloviansky Bank's Evheny Serebryany (Opinion) Experts claim Gongadze tapes real (Nation) Sloviansky Bank's Evheny Serebryany (Opinion) November 2000 Newspapers decry state crackdown (Nation) Scandal coverage understated (Nation) Heat on Tymoshenko turned up (Nation) Has Gongadze been found? (Nation) Kuchma reveals his soft side (Nation) Business booming for Mercedes dealer (Business) Tiff wanes; Yushchenko still working (Nation) Ukrainians confused, amused by U.S. election fiasco (Nation) More vice, less porn (Nation) PM threatens to quit (Nation) The Lunatic fringe goes on a binge (Nation) Energy wars building to a crescendo (Nation) October 2000 Ukraine, EU eye gas deal with Russia (Nation) Zlenko, in Moscow, talks up ties (Nation) Kuchma's phony war (Opinion) Kuchma, Putin take wind out of gas dispute (Nation) Government, media continue to trade blows (Nation) Tymoshenko rides storm in Rada (Nation) Deputy Prime Minister rides storm in parliament (Nation) Article 19 journalists' only hope? (Nation) World Bank boss comes to Kyiv (Nation) Thousands March in Minsk (Nation) Pifer bids Kyiv farewell (Nation) Journalist missing for 3rd week (Nation) September 2000 Police draw a blank in Gongadze case (Nation) Kyiv journalist caught up in case of vanished reporter (Nation) Economists: Mutual offsetting on the rise (Business) Churches' row clouds state holiday (Nation) Churches' row clouds state holiday (Nation) Tymoshenko's husband arrested (Nation) August 2000 Russia pounces on Kuchma gaffe (Nation) CIS leaders cluster in Crimea (Nation) Eurasia scandal being swept under rug? (Nation) No new IMF loan cash in sight (Nation) Yushchenko: Kyiv may toss Moscow a pipeline (Business) Pifer may stay on as ambassador (Nation) Retired Colonel Leonid Polyakov (Opinion) July 2000 Crunch time for officials seeking cash (Nation) Crunch time for officials seeking cash (Nation) Ukraine scrambles for fresh gas (Nation) Gov't 'sleuths' hound online paper (Nation) Cabinet passes muster, barely (Nation) Parliament's tumultuous fifth session finally comes to an end (Nation) Rada rubber-stamps Kuchma power play (Nation) Government awaiting 'mini-executions' (Nation) Rada approves Kuchma's bill amending constitution (Nation) Kuchma lashes U.S. prosecutors over Lazarenko (Nation) Court deems Kuchma referendum bill constitutional (Nation) U.S. investor disputes still unresolved (Nation) Investigation of Sloviansky Bank highlights sector's many woes (Business) June 2000 U.S. Senate mulling Pascual confirmation (Nation) Q&A: Former political prisoner Nina Virchenko (Opinion) Fuming TV debate underscores Ukraine's energy woes (Nation) EU, WTO still far off, say analysts (Nation) State oil and gas company chief dismissed from his job, maybe (Nation) NBU officials under investigation (Nation) Gov't trying to be Internet savvy (Nation) Q&A: Belarusian journalist Vladimir Dzyuba (Opinion) World Bank mulling new aid strategy (Business) Clinton addresses Ukrainians (Nation) Clinton's impending visit fails to excite Ukrainians (Nation) Q&A: Political analyst Mykhailo Reutsky (Opinion) Crimean parliament backs down on sacking government (Nation) May 2000 Experts pour cold water on fire fears (Nation) Q & A: Lawmaker Oleksandr Moroz (Opinion) Sloviansky Bank scandal heats up (Nation) Bog fires spark Chernobyl fears (Nation) Ukraine eases visa regulations (Nation) New state agency to monitor Internet (Archive) April 2000 Divided we stand, united we vote (Archive) Q&A: Media guru Volodymyr Ruban (Archive) Observers question Cabinet's achievements (Archive) Q&A: Economist Viktor Skorshevsky (Archive) Who are the people writing unpublished articles? (Archive) Tax police swoop leaves bankers edgy (Archive) March 2000 Q&A: Evgeny Diky of Helsinki 90 (Archive) Q&A: Marie Stock (Archive) Russia eyes Ukraine's blue chips (Archive) Russia eyes Ukraine's blue chips (Archive) Police raid office of U.S. investor (Archive) February 2000 New import rules tee off drug firms (Archive) January 2000 Rada ruptures in half (Archive) Governing by referendum no way to govern (Archive) U.S. to boost aid to Kyiv in year 2000 (Archive) Ukrainians Czeched by new law (Archive) Y2K software firm sued (Archive) Ukraine hits 2000 without a hitch (Archive) December 1999 Yushchenko names close advisor to run Cabinet (Archive) EBRD loan goes to controversial railway (Archive) Yushchenko to be (Archive) Kuchma makes new reform pledge (Archive) Q&A: Steven Pifer (Archive) Kuchma lurking in lenders' den (Archive) Lazarenko trail leads FBI to Kyiv (Archive) November 1999 Q&A with Petro Symonenko (Archive) October 1999 Kaniv-4 fails to anoint challenger (Archive) Q&A with Thurston Teele (Archive) September 1999 Hate haunts Babyn Yar day (Archive) Scandal shakes Eurasia foundation (Archive) Independent STB caught in state vise (Archive) Red tape ties up pharmaceutical business (Archive) Will vote be fair? (Archive) August 1999 Money a concern as schools open (Archive) Moods vary as holiday approaches (Archive) Q&A with Vladimir Malinkovich (Archive) Kuchma silent on media curbs (Archive) Axe falls on first deputy premier (Archive) July 1999 Crimean TV stations shut by state (Archive) State to pull plug on local TV station (Archive)
2002.10.09 | Serhiy Hrysch
Thanks for intelligent observations! :)
Agree, more or less, :)The guys that organized this are good guys, though. But the schmackfest is a schmakfest. Well, let's take fun of presenters and participants already!
I was amazed to see Horoshkovsky in a list of presenters! It's like inviting a mafiozo to the Congress to *establish a dialogue*. He-he.
Many of the guys at the conference will be gone in no more than two years, and we will not remember their initials, hopefully. Like Horoshkovsky... Oh, fiew! I ALREADY forgot his first name!
2002.10.09 | Shooter
Intresting note
Serhiy Hrysch пише:> I was amazed to see Horoshkovsky in a list of presenters!
Why "Horoshkovsky"? Or it's in some way linked with horror?
Should be Khoroshkovsky (on the way to nowhere).
Ця блядська транслітерація через третю мову, котра не має "г", мене вже задрала.
2002.10.09 | Wolverhampton Wanderer
Re: Intresting note
Panove,Vybachaius' shcho dopysuiu anhliihs'koiu, meni tse znachno lekshe. Pyshit' ridnoiu i ne biites' shcho vas nezrozumiut'.
2002.10.09 | insider
Byrne fest
Conference: Peter Byrne, agent of influenceLocation: Volodymyrska 36, Kyiv, Ukraine
Day One
9:00 am
Topic: The importance of Peter Byrne's work.
Discussants: L. Kuchma, L. Derkach
Moderator: J. Sunden
12:00 pm Lunch
Keynote address: Strategies for discrediting Melnychenko.
Delivered by: P. Byrne
3:00 pm
Topic: Should we pay Peter more?
Discussants: V. Radchenko, V. Pikhovshek
Moderator: S. Tygypko
6:00 pm Dinner
Keynote address: Ukraine, Belarus: Why so different?
Delivered by: P. Byrne
Conference proceedings will be recorded and made available on the Internet.
2002.10.09 | Shooter
Опозиціонерів попросили, щоб вони не ганьбили Кучму у Вашингтоні
Опозиціонерів попросили, щоб вони не ганьбили Кучму у Вашингтоніwww.ПРАВДА, 9.10.2002, 14:50
Представники української влади давали настанови членам української делегації щодо виступів у Вашингтоні. Про це повідомив народний депутат Тарас Чорновіл, виступаючи у вівторок в американській столиці на конференції "Україна на шляху до зрілої національної державності".
"Тільки не говоріть про те, як в Україні. Кожне погане слово про президента може стати цвяхом у домовину української держави", - навів Чорновіл слова неназваного представника влади. Депутат також повідомив, що не погоджується з цим принципом, оскільки "найбільшу шкоду державі може завдати брехня".
Як зазначив у своєму виступі Чорновіл, головною перешкодою євро-атлантичного вибору України є владна верхівка держави. Він також наголосив на необхідності чітко розрізняти країну, український народ, які дійсно прагнуть демократизації та європейської інтеграції, та, з протилежного боку – представників влади.
Він запропонував розглянути можливість особистої відповідальності українських посадовців, безпосередньо причетних до незаконних оборудок, наприклад: заборона на в'їзд до західних країн, міжнародний ордер на арешт, чи накладання арешту на їхні закордонні банківські рахунки.
Цю тезу про необхідність розмежування відповідальносты народу та влади у своїх виступах відлунювали не тільки деякі промовці з України, як, наприклад, Олег Білорус (член фракції БЮТ) й Анатолій Гриценко (президент Центру Разумкова), але й американські та європейські учасники.
На конференції також обговорювалася україно-російська угода про створення газового консорціуму, яку Тарас Чорновіл назвав прикладом гальмування Кучмою руху України у задекларованому напрямку до євро-атлантичної інтеграції.
На засіданні конференції у перший день роботи був присутній екс-майор Управління державної охорони Микола Мельниченко.
Конференцію "Україна на шляху до зрілої національної державності" вже третій рік поспіль організовує Український Конгресовий Комітет Америки - oдна з провідних парасолькових організацій української діаспори у США. Вона проходить 8-9 жовтня у Вашингтоні.
Головні питання, які порушуються на конференції – євро-атлантичний вибір України та шляхи його здійснення. Україну тут представлено найчисленнішою за останні роки делегацією, до якої увійшли як урядовці, так і представники опозиції, законодавці, журналісти, фахівці в галузі оборони та міжнародної безпеки, а також представники низки неурядових організацій.
Оглядачі вважають, що цьогорічна конференція привертає до себе особливу увагу з огляду на нещодавно заявлений американським урядом перегляд свого ставлення до України, зокрема особисто до президента Кучми.
2002.10.09 | -
Як видно, що укрнарод прагне до демократизації ? (-)
2002.10.09 | Coltranefan
I am sure you will get a quantity discount :D
Just an impression: you must be hanging out with Ukrainian pols too much, enough to have picked up their habit of judging people by rumors and press coverage, which is essentially the same thing in Ukraine.
In this imperfect world, poor countries like Ukraine have to bend over and take it up the ass sometimes - most of the time, actually.
Too bad.
This cannot be remedied much with international conferences, this cannot be remedied by finding out whether that poor kid is really dead or not, and this certainly cannot be remedied with name-calling.
2002.10.09 | Andrij
Re: Whole sale
Coltranefan пише:> In this imperfect world, poor countries like Ukraine have to bend over and take it up the ass sometimes - most of the time, actually.
Think in terms of people, not countries. After all, both you and Peter are just people, not "countries". Both you and him just want to demean some other people, either personally or whole sale.
2002.10.09 | Coltranefan
Rather than meaning to bemean, or be mean:)
I was speaking in terms of objective realities that we can see today, and I can assure you that I like those no more than you do.I am sorry if you were offended by the language.
2002.10.09 | Andrij
Re: Whatever you mean,
try to think more about those "objective realities". I can't imagine 48 million people "taking up the ass sometimes" simply because you think they do or should. Such "reality" is neither "objective", nor even "reality". It's just some hot imagination of yours. People are not preoccupied with these fantasies, they mostly work, try to make ends meet, care about their families. Bad or very bad things can happen, of course, like they did to Ukraine 70 years ago. Still very few thought of doing then what you suggested here.Cheers
2002.10.11 | Coltranefan
I guess I owe an explanation
which is the only reason thatI am posting on this board again.Andrij пише:
> try to think more about those "objective realities". I can't imagine 48 million people "taking up the ass sometimes" simply because you think they do or should. Such "reality" is neither "objective", nor even "reality". It's just some hot imagination of yours. People are not preoccupied with these fantasies, they mostly work, try to make ends meet, care about their families. Bad or very bad things can happen, of course, like they did to Ukraine 70 years ago. Still very few thought of doing then what you suggested here.
> Cheers
We seem to be speaking two different languages here, at least figuratively. While you must be referring to Ukraine in general human terms, as a nation of its people, I am talking about Ukraine as a player in international politics. Had I meant otherwise, I would have insulted the good friends that I have all over this country, and that was not my intention at all.
When a President or a government is making a decision and things get screwed, it is a usual thing in international politics to say that it is the United States, or Ukraine, not Mr. Bush or Mr. Kuchma that got itself into trouble.
Are ordinary Americans or Ukrainians responsible for those mistakes? Yes, they are, at least indirectly, because they had elected those leaders.
OK, I am done with the rant, and I am going back to my jazz records:)
2002.10.10 | W.W.
Re: I am sure you will get a quantity discount
Coltranefan пише:> In this imperfect world, poor countries like Ukraine have to bend over and take it up the ass sometimes - most of the time, actually.
> Too bad.
> This cannot be remedied much with international conferences, this cannot be remedied by finding out whether that poor kid is really dead or not, and this certainly cannot be remedied with name-calling.
Hey, Byrne, is that you? Whoever you are, it sure sounds like you're running on empty--nothing to offer, nothing really to say, just despair parading as insight. Why are you even here?
2002.10.10 | Peter Byrne
sorry to disappoint
actually it is me, now, that is.i seem to have picked up a 'double' on this forum, which is interesting because it's the second time.
sorry, just put up the schedule and guest speakers - not their characteristics. although i agree with some of their labels.
insults are the last resort of an exhausted intellect, so i'll let you and Свистович sort it out.
what IS interesting is the amount and consistency of the venom freely exchanged.
2002.10.10 | Augusto©
Що Пєтюня, проспався?
"Пєтюня, я ж просіл тєбя, нє піть с утра бєнзін..."©Нікіта ДжігурдаСхотів тепер дати "повний назад!"?! А воно і потяг вже пішов і рейки вже розібрано...
Знаєш як в Росії кажуть? Тебе ж вчили чомусь? "Нє плюй в колодєцЪ, вилєтітЪ - нє поймаєш!".
Цікавий твій час: доки ти наливався самогоном, все тобі здавалося логічним і ти не думав відповідати, а проспався - диви, буксанув! Нічого, підеш в терапію вдома, запишешся до АА, дивись твій "дaбл" і не зможе поселятися в твоїй голові та примушувати тебе робити дивні речі.
2002.10.10 | Stad
v vashingtone slonu yajtsa kachayut (-)
2002.10.10 | Augusto
Re: Що Пєтюня, проспався?
the best retort to the taunt is that standards matter, and I will defend the standards, even if i'm found to guzzling gasoline daily.the problem with you, like many of the other morons contributing to this forum, is that you're too insecure to even bear to hear about any morality that finds you personally wanting.
laughing at the blind man after sniffing glue - that's you, augusto.
2002.10.10 | Augusto©
Пєтя, Пєтя....
Пєтя з похмела пише:> the best retort to the taunt is that standards matter, and I will defend the standards, even if i'm found to guzzling gasoline daily.
> the problem with you, like many of the other morons contributing to this forum, is that you're too insecure to even bear to hear about any morality that finds you personally wanting.
> laughing at the blind man after sniffing glue - that's you, augusto.
Augusto на це пише:
I don't even dare to think of touching all the self-pity lexicon of yours (how can I?), but the latest is really good, cuz I didn't realize that you were sniffing glue, thanks a lot! Well, I'm learning something! Peter, don't you ever try to kill me with laugh, young man, sir! ROTFL.
2002.10.10 | Augusto
Пєтюня - повний казьол!
І ваабщє, всі тут казли окрім мене, Augusto Коробєйніка.І країни ваша - Кучмоїна, а всі ви - кучманоїди.
Позаздріть мені - я в Голандії сижу, євро заробляю поки ви тут 8 років Кучмі жопу лижете!
А все тому, що ви дурні кучмаїнці не хочете слухати мене, розумного Augusto Коробєйніка.
2002.10.10 | Augusto Коробєйніка
Re: Пєтюня - повний казьол!
Я повний казьол.2002.10.10 | Augusto ©
Я бачу. Неможу допомогти.
Augusto Коробєйніка пише:> Я повний казьол.
Усвідомлення проблеми є першим кроком до її вирішення, але видові ознаки не змінюються швидко. Тримайся, казьол!
2002.10.10 | Augusto ©
Звернення до брата мого меншого. Відкрите. З проханням.
Щось ти не часто вигулькуєш, тому я не завжди бачу, які теми викликають такі сильні почуття в братів моїх/наших чотироногих. Будь-ласка, частіше з'являйся, я тоді битиму краще (сильніше, влучніше) по ваших рогатих головах!2002.10.10 | Coltranefan
An evil twin brother, eh?
Nothing that a good registration/e-mail password thingie on this forum could not cure, I assume. Oh well...I guess I should retract my caustic comment then. Hope I will not have to pull an Al Gore and retract my retraction :D
2 Byrnedouble: your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries (c) MP
2002.10.10 | W.W.
Re: sorry to disappoint
You play the venom game very well yourself, disparaging anyone who disagrees with your particular conspiracy theory. That's why no one here thought the postings out of character. The list of IDIOTs and DUNNOs sure does look like your style, down to the lack of proper capitalization that characterizes your writing.Whadya do, realize you made a stupid mistake in branding many people you might have to interview at some point as IDIOTs? I'd be a tad more concerned than you seem to be if someone was going around putting up such stuff under my name. Credibility, my boy, credibility.
2002.10.11 | Михайло Свистович
Re: Пане Аугусто, чи не можете Ви перекласти мені, що тут
написано, англійською не володію, але побачив, що тут всує згадується моє прізвище.2002.10.11 | Augusto ©
Переклад (з прикладеним Петюнiним мордописом).
sorry to disappoint[vybachte za rozcharuvannya]
actually it is me, now, that is.
[dijsno ce ya, zaraz, shcho tut.](
i seem to have picked up a 'double' on this forum, which is interesting because it's the second time.
[vyglyadaye na te, shcho do mene prychepyvsya dvojnyk na c'omu forumi, shcho ye cikavym, bo ce vzhe drugyj raz]
sorry, just put up the schedule and guest speakers - not their characteristics. although i agree with some of their labels.
[vybachte, prosto vyklav rozklad ta spysok vystupayuchyh, ne harakterystiky na nyh, hocha ya i pogodzhuyus' z deyakymy z nyh]
insults are the last resort of an exhausted intellect, so i'll let you and Свистович sort it out.
[obrazy ce ostannje, shcho zalyshayet'sya vtomlenomu intelektu, nu to ya zalyshayu ce vam ta Svystovychu rozibrat'sya z cym]
what IS interesting is the amount and consistency of the venom freely exchanged.
[shcho YE cikavym, tak ce kil'kist' ta yakist' otruty, yakoyu tut obminyuvalysya]
2002.10.12 | Михайло Свистович
Re: Петер Бірне, майте мужність визнати, що це були Ви
Бо то дійсно були Ви, і про це вже говорять люди з Вашого списку.А на майбутнє майте сміливість зареєструватися, щоб тоді всі вже точно знали, що це Ви, і щоб лазівки для виправдання Вам вже не було.
2002.10.10 | Coltranefan
Just looked in the mirror, and I am almost
sure I am not Mr. Byrne.>>Why are you even here?
I am here as a one-time, and absolutely free reality check for you gentlemen.
2002.10.10 | W.W.
Re: Just looked in the mirror, and I am almost
Coltranefan пише:> I am here as a one-time, and absolutely free reality check for you gentlemen.
Then move along. Reality check? right. More like a blues and depression check.
2002.10.10 | Coltranefan
The blues are good for you:)
I am a Trane fan, but I think I gonna sing me some bluze now:The thrill is gone, the trill is gone awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I used to believe in a good future for this country too, you see.
Moving on, moving on...
2002.10.12 | Мертві Бджоли Загудуть
Dumb & Dumber + Byrne & Byrner = Kenmore fan (-)
2002.10.12 | Coltranefan
Relax, kiddo. Go take some Humor 101 (-)
2002.10.12 | Цікаво!
Якаж вдала назва теми для того що всередині... (-)