МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану


03/16/2003 | Алеся Сёмуха
Thank you to all Ukrainian friends who supported the effort of contacting their representatives in the US Congress to cosponsor the Bill "Belarus Democracy Act".

The next major effort should consist of telephone calls by individuals to the Representatives' offices asking them to support this Bill. Organizations that have members, supporters or readers in many districts should also organize telephone teams to call on their behalf.

The phone message to a staffer dealing with Foreign Relations, can be as simple as this:
Bill HR 854 Belarus Democracy Act of 2003 has been introduced in Congress. I would appreciate it if Representative .............. joined Representative (Chris Smith, if calling a Republican, Steny Hoyer, if calling a Democrat) in cosponsoring this Bill.
My name is ..................... and I livein ................................... (You may add your phone number)

The passage of this Bill depends on our effort.
Please help us bring Lukashenka down!

Alesya Semukha


  • 2003.03.16 | Serhiy Hrysch

    To the Attention of the Diaspora: Help Bring Down Lukashenka

    Madian Inform has received a letter asking for support from the Ukrainian Diaspora in the U.S. to promote a U.S. Congressional Act to help democracy in Belarus.



    Dear Ukrainian friends,

    Belarus Democracy Act 2003 was introduced by Congressman Christopher Smith as H.R. 854 in U.S. House of Representatives on February 13, 2003 with Congressmen Hoyer (MD), Hoeffel (PA) and Congresswoman Slaughter (NY) as the original co-sponsors.

    In order for this much needed Act (BDA 2003) to be passed, it needs a large number of additional co-sponsors.

    Please write a letter to your Congressman and ask him/ her to cosponsor the bill!!! Thanks in advance to all.

    Alesya Semukha

    YOU MAY SEND AN EMAIL TO YOUR U.S. CONGRESSPERSON USING THE FOLLOWING LINK: http://www.house.gov/writerep/ (the House) and http://www.senate.gov (the Senate)

    Here is a sample letter:


    Dear [name],

    Two weeks ago Congressman Christopher Smith of New Jersey introduced Bill H.R. 854 “Belarus Democracy Act of 2003”, which is intended to help promote democracy, human rights and the rule of law in Belarus. It also considers sanctions against the regime of Alexander Lukashenka, commonly referred to in the Western press as “the last dictator in Europe”. This regime suppresses independent press, totally controls radio and TV, persecutes journalists, various non-governmental organizations and the democratic opposition.

    There is evidence that this regime is responsible for the disappearance of political opponents and for total rigging of elections. It recently adopted the most repressive and discriminatory law on religions in Europe.

    What is more alarming, it is also a major arms supplier to the “rogue states” and has recently been training Iraqi anti-aircraft officers.

    I hope that you will support H.R. 854 “Belarus Democracy Act of 2003” and become its cosponsor. Belarus deserves to be free and democratic.


    [your name]


    The next major effort should consist of telephone calls by individuals to the Representatives' offices asking them to support this Bill. Organizations that have members, supporters or readers in many districts should also organize telephone teams to call on their behalf.

    The list of websites and contacts of Congresspersons are here:
    * for the House: http://www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW.html
    * for the Senate: http://www.senate.gov

    The phone message to a staffer dealing with Foreign Relations, can be as simple as this:

    Bill HR 854 Belarus Democracy Act of 2003 has been introduced in Congress. I would appreciate it if Representative .............. joined Representative (Chris Smith, if calling a Republican, Steny Hoyer, if calling a Democrat) in cosponsoring this Bill.
    My name is ..................... and I livein ................................... (You may add your phone number)

    The passage of this Bill depends on our effort.
    Please help us bring Lukashenka down!


    The statement of Congressman Chris Smith: http://www.charter97.org/eng/news/2002/06/28/07

    The letter of Congressman Smith to President Bush: http://www.usis.minsk.by/html/smith_letter_bush.html

    The text of the proposed Act: http://www.ucpb.org/eng/showart.shtml?art=27

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