Один з кандидатів у мери Запоріжжя кастрував себе
06/11/2003 | Serhiy Hrysch
HEADLINE: Hurt by low turnout, candidate for mayor castrates himself
BYLINE: By Anatoly Gordeyev
The campaign of one of aspirants for mayor of Ukraine's city of Zaporozhye has come to a dramatic
end. He lost. And castrated himself.
He told police, who visited him in hospital, that he emasculated himself "in protest of a low
activity of voters".
The 49-year-old man protested by cutting off his scrotum, the bag of flesh holding testicles.
A hospital spokesman told Itar-Tass that his condition was "satisfactory", and was past danger.
Members of the city election commission told Itar-Tass that the candidate for mayor puzzled the
commission at the very outset of the election race by his programme that was in fact a summary of
the Bible.
Ninety-nine voters cast their ballots for him in Sunday's elections, or 0.035 percent of the city's
total electorate.
LOAD-DATE: June 11, 2003
BYLINE: By Anatoly Gordeyev
The campaign of one of aspirants for mayor of Ukraine's city of Zaporozhye has come to a dramatic
end. He lost. And castrated himself.
He told police, who visited him in hospital, that he emasculated himself "in protest of a low
activity of voters".
The 49-year-old man protested by cutting off his scrotum, the bag of flesh holding testicles.
A hospital spokesman told Itar-Tass that his condition was "satisfactory", and was past danger.
Members of the city election commission told Itar-Tass that the candidate for mayor puzzled the
commission at the very outset of the election race by his programme that was in fact a summary of
the Bible.
Ninety-nine voters cast their ballots for him in Sunday's elections, or 0.035 percent of the city's
total electorate.
LOAD-DATE: June 11, 2003
2003.06.11 | Englishman
Це не жарт? Звідки інформація?2003.06.11 | 123
В УНІАН було сьогодні чи вчора (-)
2003.06.12 | Vadym Gladchuk
Re: Один з кандидатів у мери Запоріжжя кастрував себе
Ні це наче правда.Цікаво, що б зробив О. Омельченко, якщо б програв мені вибори мера ?
2003.06.12 | trick
Re: Один з кандидатів у мери Запоріжжя кастрував себе
Ta-a-a.... Omelya zastaryj, jomu mabut vzhe vse pofigu, a ot sho _Vy_ budete robyty ,Vadyme , koly prograete?2003.06.12 | Vadym Gladchuk
Re: Один з кандидатів у мери Запоріжжя кастрував себе
Коли я програв, через порушення Закону, які суттєво вплинули на результати виборів - я подав до суду