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США хоче гроші відмиті іноземними лідерами

09/05/2003 | Пані
Тобто те, про що давно писали, як про припущення, наразі почалося. З бувшого президента Нікарагуа. Якщо захочуть, можуть взятися і за наших, це припускаючі, що в них вистачило дурі проводити гроші через США.

Ось тільки отримала в розсилці.

U.S. Wants Foreign Leaders' Laundered Assets

Federal officials have developed a plan to seize
financial assets laundered into the United States by
foreign leaders whom they suspect of public
corruption, with a jailed former president of
Nicaragua as the first target.

Federal agents at a newly created multiagency task
force in Miami have opened nine investigations into
allegations of foreign money laundering in six Latin
American countries, officials said. In at least one
case, a high-ranking foreign official is under
investigation, they said.

The effort reflects an aggressive new strategy to try
to trace "dirty" money in the United States to its
foreign roots, in part by using expanded powers
granted to the government under the USA Patriot Act,
as the sweeping legislation passed after the Sept. 11
attacks is known, officials said.

"Offshore & Privacy Secrets, September 5th 2003"

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