Потрібні помічники для написання новин англійською мовою.
10/31/2003 | Майдан
Мається на увазі переклад найцікавіших новин Майдан-Інформу ( можна коректувати стиль і виправляти різні ляпи) і подання власних новин.
У звязку із специфікою допускається одно-двох денне ( а часом і більше) запізнення з пропозицією цих новин (на Заході про нас знають лише через Росію та контрольовані владою України інформагентсва).
Можете зробити зараз повідомлення за інформаціями, які надходять з Донецька.
Поки що Ваші тексти ставте сюди в тему, або просто на форум.
У звязку із специфікою допускається одно-двох денне ( а часом і більше) запізнення з пропозицією цих новин (на Заході про нас знають лише через Росію та контрольовані владою України інформагентсва).
Можете зробити зараз повідомлення за інформаціями, які надходять з Донецька.
Поки що Ваші тексти ставте сюди в тему, або просто на форум.
2003.10.31 | Zaporozhets
31.10.2003, 9:50, Донецьк
Delegations which arrived into Donetsk are now waiting for the end of meeting of "Our Ukraine" leaders. General spirit of deputies: none of reserve variants of further proceedings would pass, not when police is directing provocations. Such version wasn't anticipated, obviously. For security considerations, "OU" leaders are considering commanding delegations to go home. Yushchenko didn't arrive - deputies are concerned about safety of people and his personal safety.Now those who had to "meet" Yushchenko at airport are being transported towards "Yunist'" palace. It's planned that there would be about 10,000 people. Among those brought by authorities many are already drunk. "Anti-OU" crowds have bonfires right in the center of the city to warm up. It's cold there.
2003.10.31 | Zaporozhets
31.10.2003, 9:05, Донецьк
One old man when asked about payments for participation in "protests" answered: "Yes, they paid me - whole 20 hryvnya (*)! It'd be enough for a bottle, some food, and some even would be left to spend on a woman!". This old man is from Proletarsky district.(*) less than 4 USD.
2003.10.31 | Майдан
Дякуємо, і ще продовження :
31.10.2003, 11:00, Київ: Група народних депутатів на чолі з Віктором Ющенком вирішила летіти в Донецьк.31.10.2003, 10:50, Донецьк: Микола Томенко: "з"їзд відміняється з міркувань безпеки. Всі 930 делегатів прибули на місце проведення з"їзду"
Інтерфакс: "При этом вокруг Дворца молодежи находится более 100 автобусов с предпринимателями, работающими на рынках, студентами, работниками бюджетных организаций. По их словам, распоряжение прибыть ко дворцу они получили от руководителей своих предприятий и организаций, а также вузов. Торговцы
рынков заявили корреспонденту агентства, что в обмен на присутствие в этот день возле дворца им обещали 3 дня освобождения от рыночного сбора.
Вокруг "Юности" и в самом городе много милиции. Кроме того, в ночь на пятницу неизвестные разрисовали радикально -националистической символикой пальму Мерцалова - символ Донбасса, расположенный неподалеку от Дворца "Юность". На ней нарисовали черный крест на красном фоне, аббревиатуру "УНСО", лозунг "Украина - наша!", а внизу - надпись латиницей "VAU!". Милиция расследует этот инцидент."
Вибачте, не можу стриматись щоб не прокомментувати: на святе, на пальму Мерцалова руку підняли ці трикляті нацюки!
31.10.2003, 10:20, Донецьк: На площі перед "Юністю" розгорнуто 2 намети, з яких роздають газету "Без Цензури" (рос. мовою) та книжки про Ющенка. Привезені люди в більшості своїй реагують нормально, беруть матеріали і ховають щоб прочитати вдома. Багато п"яних, є невелика кількість які голосно протестують. Рішення про відміну з"їзду поки не прийнято.
ще одна пікантна деталь - згідно з повідомленням з уніан, "плакати з символікою "SS" розклеювалися людьми, яких супроводжували машини державної автоінспекції".
2003.10.31 | Zaporozhets
31.10.2003, 10:20, Донецьк
At the square in front of "Yunist" two tents are built. Books about Yushchenko and "Without censorship" newspaper (in Russian) are handed out by tents' occupants. People brought by authorities react with tolerance, are take materials and hide them to be read later at home. Decision about convention cancellation is still pending.Another piquant bit: according to UNIAN information, posters with SS symbols slanderous to "Our Ukraine" were posted by people who were escorted by state road patrol cars.
2003.10.31 | Майдан
І ще - літаки вилітають у Донецьк
Ющенко в Борисполі: "Ми вирішили летіти в Донецьк"Щойно завершилася імпровізована прес-конференції лідерів "Нашої України" в аеропорту. Короткий виступ Ющенка зводився до таких тез: "Незважаючи на те, що ніхто не може гарантувати нам безпеку, оскільки донецька влада усунулася від відповідальності, я і народні депутати нашої фракції вирішили летіти на Донбас. Ми не можемо залишити непризволяще наших прихильників у Донецьку. Режисер того, що відбувається, сидить у Києві. МВС остаточно перетворилася на політичну інституцію".
Крім літака, яким летить Ющенко з нардепами, в Донецьк полетить іще одна машина, зі 120 людьми - журналістами, членами "НУ" і представниками посольств. Наразі ніхто не відмовився від польоту.
2003.10.31 | Zaporozhets
31.10.2003, 11:19, Бориспіль + 31.10.2003, 11:31, Донецьк
Yushchenko in Boryspil: "We decided to fly to Donetsk".Improvised press conference was held in Boryspli airport. Highlights of Yushchenko statements:
- Even though noone can guarantee our safety, because Donetsk authorities withdrawn from their responsibilities, I and peoples deputies of our faction decided to fly to Donbass.
- We can't abandon our supporters in Donetsk.
- Directors of these events reside in Kyiv.
- Ministry of Internal Affairs transformed into poltical institution once and for all.
Apart from plane carrying Yushchenko and peoples deputies, another plane is headed to Donetsk with 120 people on board - journalists, "OU" members, representatives of embassies. So far noone refused to go.
31.10.2003, 11:31, Donetsk:
One of the buses headed to airport to meet V.Yushchenko delegation, was crashed by the tram car. Noone is injured. Tram driver reported broken brakes was the cause of accident.
2003.10.31 | Zaporozhets
31.10.2003, 11:00, Київ + 31.10.2003, 10:50, Донецьк
31.10.2003, 11:00, Kyiv: Group of peoples deputies lead by Victor Yushchenko desided to fly to Donetsk.31.10.2003, 10:50, Donetsk: Mykola Tomenko: "convention is cancelled due to safety considerations".
Interfax: There's more than 100 buses around the palace of youth, all carrying private entrepreneurs, which work at city's markets, students, governmental, education and social workers from organisations finansed by state's budget. According to their words, orders to arrive to the palace they got from their supervisors or managers. Market traders claimed they were promised 3-day exemption from collection of market duties, in exchange for their presence near the palace.
There's lots of police around "Yunist" and in the city as a whole.
During the night before friday, unknown persons covered with drawings of radical nationalist symbolism the Mertsalov Palm, the recognized symbol of Donbass, located near "Yunist" palace. They drew the black cross on red background, "UNSO" abbreviation, "Ukraine is ours" slogan, and "VAU" in latin letters below. Police is investigatin this incident.
UNSO has no relation whatsoever to "Our Ukraine" or Yushchenko personally, so it seems that perpetrators (idiots from "Regions Party" who control Donetsk, obviously, or their sock-puppets) didn't even try to hide the provocative nature of their actions.
2003.10.31 | Zaporozhets
31.10.2003, 11:19, Донецьк + 31.10.2003, 12:29, Донецьк
31.10.2003, 11:19, Donetsk:According to information disclosed by Volodymyr Bondarenko, several criminal gangs were brought to Donetsk. They armed with baseball bats and pieces of armature. They have single task - creating of bloodbath.
31.10.2003, 12:29, Donetsk:
Our source from the square near "Yunist": slowly, students and pupils are going away. They're replaced by representatives of various "Slavian" and internationalist movements. Near "Our Ukraine" activist shouting "Kuchma - get out" with megaphone some locals gather with interest, some of them seem to like it.
There's some disruptions in "Our Ukraine" web server response, possibly due to overload.
"Inter" TV newsline reported 6 injured in Donetsk. No independent confirmation available.
2003.10.31 | Serhiy Hrysch
Запорожцю, перекладіть, будь ласка нові новини, ці вже є(-)
2003.10.31 | Zaporozhets
31.10.2003, 12:47, Донецьк
31.10.2003, 12:47, Donetsk:People, which started to dissipate, now surrounded by "shepherds" from "movements". Guys and gals - students - were running to their teachers and professors, asking "What do we need to say?" Then people from "Slav parties" gathered along perimeter, to hold back youngsters. Those started next part of their "How we hate Yushchenko" play, this time with anti-Ukrainian agenda. There's no speeches, they just shout slogans like "We're for Russian language", "We're for Ruth", "There's no Ukraine, just Poland and Russia". The song was played, "Artilleryman, Stalin gave an order".
Seems like this show is directed by secret Yushchenko's admirer, because it's hard to imagine something more brain-dead.
Anyway, students are finding a ways to escape.
2003.10.31 | Zaporozhets
31.10.2003, 13:31, Донецьк + 31.10.2003, 13:27, Донецьк
31.10.2003, 13:31, Donetsk:"Ukrainian Pravda" reports: Group of people's deputies and journalists is blocked in Donetsk airport.
(Я гадаю, УП має англійську версію, тому це не перекладаю)
31.10.2003, 13:27, Donetsk:
People, brought by Kuchma's administration, rolled up their banners, stopped their speeches and shouting. Police showed up for the first time. OU, SPU, YTB activists are now at the square near palace, just opposite to the wall of people driven there by kuchmists.
2003.10.31 | Yatsyk
Re: Потрібні помічники для написання новин англійською мовою.
Прем"єр Міністр України Вітор Янукович може бути причетний до розклеювання нацистських величезних плакатів (бігбоардів) проти Ющенка і України по Донецьку напаредодні візиту Віктора Ющенка в місто. Наша Україна (НУ) повідомила, що величезні плакати з нацистською політичною рекламою були організовані і можливо проплачені фірмою ПЛАЗМА, якою володіє син Януковича. Місцева міліція підтримала і надала охорону робітникам, які розклеювали нацистські плакати проти Ющенка і України.Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych may have been involved in posting throughout Donetsk of giant Nazi placards compromising Yuschenko on the eve of arrival of the Our Ukraine’s leader. The Our Ukraine bloc has reported that the placards could have been printed and paid for by the PLASMA company owned by a son of Viktor Yanukovych. The billstickers who posted the Nazi bigboards compromising Yuschenko and Ukraine were aided by the local police.
2003.10.31 | Zaporozhets
31.10.2003, 13:32, 13:51, 14:14, Донецьк, Київ
31.10.2003, 14:14, Kyiv:Photographs show what obstacles were encountered by participants of Forum of Democratic Forces. See http://maidan.org.ua/gallery/don
31.10.2003, 13:51, Kyiv:
"Our Ukraine" web server, www.razom.org.ua, is working again.
31.10.2003, 13:32, Donetsk:
Ukrainian Pravda" reports: Group of 70 people managed to make it's way to square near Donetsk airport. Blocking of Yushchenko is supervised by State Auto Inspection.
2003.10.31 | Zaporozhets
31.10.2003, 14:23, Донецьк + 31.10.2003, 14:30, Донецьк
31.10.2003, 14:23, Donetsk:Not all students left the square in front of "Yunist". One of the groups unexpectedly unfolded banner with words "Kremin' - get away!"
Nice surprise for minister of education!
Wall of people opposite another wall of people - opponents and supporters of Yushchenko are standing that way for a hour already. Supporters chant "Yushchenko! Yushchenko!" Rows of people are divided by police.
31.10.2003, 14:30, Donetsk:
Examlpes of "protesters": Mykhaylo Mykhaylovych Kuzmenko, Shakhtarsk, mine worker for 18 years. He agreed to publishing of his name. He was paid 40 hryvnya, and together with others was driven to Donetsk, to square near "Yunist". Buses registration numbers: 072-92 ЯН, 081-88 В?, 37-45 ЯН.
2003.10.31 | Zaporozhets
31.10.2003, 14:35, Донецьк
31.10.2003, 14:35, Donetsk:5 minutes ago in Donetsk Region State Administration building started negotiations between Victor Yushchenko and Donetsk "governor" Anatoly Blyznyuk. They're deciding where convention will be carryed out.
2003.10.31 | Zaporozhets
31.10.2003, 16:06, Донецьк
31.10.2003, 16:06, Donetsk:"Our Ukraine" representatives finished speaking to the crowd of supporters and opponents of Yushchenko. Ivan Plyushch was the last speaker. After reading resolution text, he announced beginning of all-Ukrainian collection of citizens signatures for presidental elections by popular vote.
На цьому я прощаюсь на сьогодні, мушу йти. Вибачайте, якщо щось не так
2003.10.31 | Biasha
10.31.2003 5:22 p.m and 4:40 p.m.., Donetsk
10.31.2003 5:22 p.m., Donetsk: Viktor Yushchenko is departing from Donetsk. His press conference is planned to take place immediately at his arrival to “Boryspil”. A part of “Our Ukraine” delegation departed to Lviv to attend tomorrow’s forum of democratic forces. “Convention of “Our Ukraine is postponed. The convention will take place in Donetsk in any case. (Y. Pavlenko)Summary: Yushchenko and delegates from “Our Ukraine” despite strong hostility from local authorities, and numerous obstructions, succeeded in their plans: arrived to Donetsk and spoke their words.
Thousands of Donetsk and Donbass inhabitants freezing since 6 a.m. , part of whom stayed in the square under the warning of being fired from their jobs, could see Yushchenko who, for some reason, turned out not to be a fascist, but has rather spoken the right words about pensions, salaries and the country that is divided between those who rob and those who do not.
10.31.2003 4:40 p.m., Donetsk: We happened to obtain a short instruction that was distributed today in Donetsk among all “idiological oponents” to “Our Ukraine”. Content (shortened):
“Staged behavior in the hall”
“Shame!”, “Go Away!”, “No to Nashism!”, “ Yushchenko speech. Speech of non-Yushchenko. (no nashism in Donbass! – announcer). “No to Nashism!” – scansion. “Furer – go away!”
2003.10.31 | Biasha
10.31.2003 8:02 p.m, Boryspil
10.31.2003 8:02 p.m., Boryspil: press conference in the airport:Viktor Yushchenko: actions in Donetsk – the block’s victory despite the postponement of the convention. “I saw people who were bought, but I also saw people who were unbrocken.”
On November the 3rd, the political committee of “Our Ukraine” will decide as to the further actions of the faction in the face of today’s activities that took place in Donetsk.
Answering the question who is responsible to the activities in Donetsk, Yushchenko replied that the true director resides in Kiev and these actions are not only of the Administration of the President (AP) but also of the other political forces. As to the participation of Janukovitch, Viktor Yushchenko thinks that without doubt he was aware.