Штат Мийн, США запровадив закон "чистих виборів" в 1996.
12/30/2011 | hrushka
Чи щонебудь відповідне Україні, мудрі люди могли`б розглянути ...
The Maine Clean Election Act
The Maine Clean Election Act (MCEA) established a voluntary program of full public financing of political campaigns for candidates running for Governor, State Senator, and State Representative. Maine voters passed the MCEA as a citizen initiative in 1996. Candidates who choose to participate may accept very limited private contributions at the beginning of their campaigns (seed money contributions). To become eligible, candidates must demonstrate community support through collecting a minimum number of checks or money orders of $5 more made payable to the Maine Clean Election Fund (qualifying contributions). After a candidate begins to receive MCEA funds from the State, he or she cannot accept private contributions, and almost all goods and services received must be paid for with MCEA funds.
Інші місцевості мають свої закони.
The Maine Clean Election Act
The Maine Clean Election Act (MCEA) established a voluntary program of full public financing of political campaigns for candidates running for Governor, State Senator, and State Representative. Maine voters passed the MCEA as a citizen initiative in 1996. Candidates who choose to participate may accept very limited private contributions at the beginning of their campaigns (seed money contributions). To become eligible, candidates must demonstrate community support through collecting a minimum number of checks or money orders of $5 more made payable to the Maine Clean Election Fund (qualifying contributions). After a candidate begins to receive MCEA funds from the State, he or she cannot accept private contributions, and almost all goods and services received must be paid for with MCEA funds.
Інші місцевості мають свої закони.
2011.12.30 | charly3091
Як я вже казав
Як я вже казав - в кожному турі має бути встановлено відсоток 50% -ніхто не набрав - до побачення, навіть якщо це другий тур. Результати першого туру у другому не враховуються.2011.12.30 | Hadjibei
Мудрі люди - тут, на Форумі, а не в Україні
2011.12.31 | hrushka
Тут не справа мудрости, бо Мийн став штатом 1820 а закон чистих виборів 1996 :-)
2012.01.04 | hrushka
Ви`ж подивіться який вплив моя замітка мала!
Губернатор Папієв пропонує оголосити 2012-й роком чесних виборівhttp://molbuk.ua/chernovtsy_news/43528-gubernator-papyev-proponuye-ogolositi-2012-y-rokom-chesnih-viborv.html
та`ж я родом з Буковини !!!
2012.01.04 | hrushka
Тільки я не певний чи "чисті" те саме що може "відкриті", "справедливі", "чесні" ...