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Orwell's "Animal Farm" and Ukrainian translation "Kolhosp Tvaryn" - anh.

03/02/2012 | hrushka
... "Animal Farm came out in August of 1945, almost four months after the Nazis surrendered, and by the following February it had traveled east and was read by a young highly educated language and literature scholar 24-year-old Ihor Ševčenko, an unscathed refugee of Ukrainian origin who spent the final years of the war earning a doctorate at a university in Prague. Ševčenko was raised by parents who, during the Russian Revolution, helped lead a movement against the Bolsheviks for Ukraine's independence, and was drawn to the Ukrainian DP camps to help. There, he translated aloud in Ukrainian while reading Orwell's Animal Farm, a book he had recently picked up somewhere, to a transfixed audience. (Ševčenko learned English from listening to the BBC.) He wrote to Orwell on April 11, 1946, asking if he could publish his novel in Ukrainian for his "countrymen" to enjoy. Orwell agreed to write a preface, refused any royalties, and even tried to recruit his friend Arthur Koestler, author of the Soviet dystopian novel Darkness at Noon, writing, "I have been saying ever since 1945 that the DPs were a godsend opportunity for breaking down the wall between Russia and the West.".....



  • 2012.03.02 | Hadjibei

    Дякую за посилання

  • 2012.03.03 | Георгій

    Цікаво. Я знав одного добродія на ім"я Ігор Шeвчeнко...

    Коли моя родина і я мeшкали в Cіeтлі (штат Вашінгтон) (1991-1998), ми затоваришували там з однією старeнькою парою, пані Марією Шeвчeнко і паном Ігорeм Шeвчeнком. Їм тоді було років дeсь так біля сeмидeсяти. Вони були надзвичайно приємні люди і палкі прихильники літeратури, читання. В них була колосальна бібліотeка. Коли ми збиралися пeрeїжджати з Cіeтла до Місісіпі (дe ми отримали нову роботу), подружжя Шeвчeнків подарувало нам багато дужe цікавих книжок. Чи цe часом нe цeй пан Ігор Шeвчeнко, про якого згадує Ваш рeсурс?
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
  • 2012.03.03 | Мірко

    Re: Orwell's "Animal Farm" and Ukrainian translation "Kolhosp Tvaryn" - anh.

    Прекрасна стаття.
    Мені найцікавіше як тяжко було тому Орвелу видати свою книжку анґґлійською.

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