On Wednesday, November 24 in Cleveland, Ohio in front of City Hall at 10:30am there will be a protest against the massive violations and fraudulence committed during the runoff presidential election in Ukraine. We support the national president VIKTOR YUSCHENKO.
Together we are strong, together we will achieve victory!
Glory to Ukraine!
Ґастоне! Зітри свій пост про перехід на ЖЖ, щоб не плутати людей
Наскільки я розумію, ви вже тут. І ето правільно.
2004.11.24 | Yasia
беру Крым (-)
Беру Крым
2004.11.24 | Yasia
Crimea: TV reporters join “We Do Тot Believe!” action.
Chernomorskaya TV station joined “We Do Not Lie!”
Action of Ukrainian reporters. They did it despite the fact that it is not that easy to do in the region where Yanukovych won.
Привет, я увидела, что ты еще онлайн. Я хочу спросить: правильно ли я постила перевод?? НУжны ли переводы с Нью-Йорк Таймз, Вашингтон Посто, тд?? ТАм новоти об Украине на главной странице.
ОК. СОгласна. Но, с другой стороны, мне мама пишет, что новости в Украине однобокие весьма, и что не передает официальная пресса НИКАКОЙ международной реакции. Энивей, если срочно что-то нужно перевести на русский -- я еще на компе. У нас в Питтсбурге вечер только начинается.
Special Forces unit “Vityaz’” guarding the President Administration building on Bankova Str is nothing more but a cover-up of the main operation. It is to be conducted by the Russian fighters, members of the Special Forces unit “Vympel”.
We learned from reliable sources that yesterday two planes arrived to the Special Forces airport “Vasil’kov”; each plane had 30 fighters of Russian Special Forces on board. Besides them, the day group of Russian Special Forces, “Drob’” , arrived as well.
The mission of the group is to evacuate the most important information and its guardians, especially Leonid Kuchma.
Colonel (the Head of one of the Russian Security Service Departments) is in charge of the group. When giving instruction to the group, he warned that if one of the fighters gets captured, it will mean the failure of the operation.
The documents are planned to be evacuated from many locations in Kiev. Among them there are two buildings on Borschagovka disguised as storages; as well as the building on Gogolevskaya Str (next to the American Embassy, in a small park near the school).
Moreover, valuable information is planned to be evacuated from the President Administration building using Shelkovichnaya Str (right now this way is blocked by the opposition).
As we were told by the source, Ukrainian Special Forces unit “Vityaz’” (that has been mentioned a lot lately) has come to Ukraine as a part of a cover-up operation: evacuation of valuable information and its guardians by “Vympel” group.
“Vympel” fighters took part in similar oerations. In Iraq, several members of Special Forces unit were stopped by American military on their way to Syria. This incident sparked a scandal.
Tonight Krakiw selegation leaves for Kiev. The delegation consists of Polish parties representatives and Ukrainians that live in Poland. WE CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER! KRAKIW IS WITH YOU!
Today there was a rally in support of Yanukovich-Kuchma in Simferopol. Military tents were put out. There were many tents – about 15 or 20. They were unloaded from the military truck “KAMAZ”. The license plates of the truck were providently taken off. I will take courage to guess that it was a Russian Army truck since I saw similar trucks with Russian Navy license plates. The people gathered with the words: “Let’s stand where it is warmer”. Needless to say that Simferopol weather is much warmer than the weather in Kiev. Passing through the crowd put together by the authorities I heard an old joke: “When Red Army comes – we get robbed. When White Army comes – we get robbed again.” Then people laughed standing under white-and-blue Yanukovych-Kuchma flag. Do you know why the joke was funny? Because when White-and-Blue Army comes – we get robbed as well.
They are moving North towards Fastiv highway, have already crossed Odessa highway. They are using detour roads. We remind that police forces and the army must defent their people and the President they have chosen -- people's President V.Yuschenko.
Kiev Region. Grebinky Town. 1000 People. Rally to Support Yuscehnko.
They also decided to start a formal procedure to remove the Head of the Town Counsel and express their mistrust to the Council itself. The local militia was on the side of the rally, on top of the Town Counsel building an orange flag was waving. Grebinky have already replied to Yuschenko's request on all-Ukrainian political strike.
A Letter to Maidan:
“Today at 14:00 the rally was held near Ukrainian Embassy n Bern. We voted for Yuschenko (Bern – 189/17; Geneva – 94/26). We want honest results! We want Yuschenko! Ukraine, we are with you!”
Announcement that May Support the Information in “Vympel”
We just received a phone call that at Svyatosheno (neighborhood that borders Borschagovka), on Deputatlskaya Str there is a military truck with Russian license plate in front of a two-stored building; carton boxes are being unloaded. Locals say that they have not seen anything like that near the building.
Apparently this announcement is connected to the announcement that “Vityaz’” is only a cover-up (http://maidan.org.ua/static/news/1101331214.html) in our newsline. The announcement talks about evacuation of valuable information form the buildings in Borschagovka disguised as storages.
The announcement about 12 tanks may also be connected to the truck as well. The tanks a moving from Vasil’kov towards Kiev and apparently are moving north right now. As Leonid Koval’chuk from Grebinky said, he tried to follow the tanks by car. The tanks have to signs on them.
Hungarian Ukrainians together with Ukrainian students that are studying in Hungary joined together in a protesting rally near Ukrainian Embassy. Also, the students tried to give an OPEN LETTER to the Ukrainian Ambassador in Hungary, Yuri Mushka. No one came out of the Embassy. Police politely asked the people participating in the rally to go away since according to the Hungarian laws you need to inform about your wish to hold a rally 72 hours beforehand. Students were treated better at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, where the State Secretary of the Ministry, Mikhai Baer, came out to talk to the students delegation and took the OPEN LETTER from them.
Thursday, Nov 25: Rally in Front of Russian Embassy
Rally in front of the Russian Embassy to protest Russian support of Yanukovych will start at 13:00 Nov 25, Thursday, in front of the Russian Embassy, Povitroflotsky Str 27.
All people who are not indifferent are invited to participate. Organizers: youth organization “Youth is the Hope of Ukraine” and “Pora” Company
Starting November 25 at 14:00, we start daily meetings at Dumskaya Square to protest the shameful decision of Odessa City Counsel: request to President Kuchma to declare a state of emergency in Odessa and in Ukraine.
“Sila Naroda (People’s Force)” Coalition
2004.11.25 | Logo
Re: Координація перекладачів, 24 листопада (-)
Допоможу з перекладом з англійської
Дайте знати, якщо потрібно
Офіцери підтверджують інформацію про перебування чужоземних військ біля приміщення ЦВК
У Волинському штабі Віктора Ющенка офіцери спецпідрозділу внутрішніх військ зробили заяву про те що зараз біля стін ЦВК перебуває півтори сотні їх однополчан. Офіцер, котрий не хоче розголошувати своє прізвище стверджує, що найближчим часом до них приєднають ще декілька десятків військовиків, продемонструвавши відповідне розпорядження. Також він повідомив, що правоохоронці озброєні лише засобами захисту, і готові захищати мирних громадян.
Працівники внутрішніх військ підтвердили інформацію, що біля приміщення Центральної виборчої комісії у формі кримського та донецького полку спецпідрозділу внутрішніх військ перебувають бійці які не приховують, що їм заплатили від 200 до 500 доларів США за їхню роботу. Одразу після оголошення рішення ЦВК вони готові розігнати натовп людей на Банківській біля ЦВК та майдані Незалежності. Крім того, частина з них переодягненні російські бійці спецназу з шевронами кримського полку. Донеччани-правоохоронці відверто заявляють про те, що вони не розраховують на підтримку волинських, львівських, вінницьких, тернопільських правоохоронців, і готові самостійно діяти.
Military officers confirm the information about the presence of Russian special forces near Central Counting Committee.
A Ukrainian special forces officer made a public statement in the head quarter of the presidential candidate V. Yushchenko, claiming that at the present moment there are Russian special forces dressed in the uniform of Crimean special police. Additionally, there are some persons of 'unidentified origin' dressed in the uniform of Crimean and Donetsk police, who openly admitted they were paid $200-500. They confessed that they do not trust their colleagues from the Central and Western regions of Ukraine, and that they are ready to suppress oppositional protesters. At the same time, police from Western and Central Ukraine said they are equipped only with the means of self-defense and are resolute to protect the protesters.
Ще є переклад на українську - прошу підтвердити, що берете:
BREAKING NEWS - November 24, 2004 (17:00 EST)
There is a new motion being put forward in the Canadian House Of Commons by M.P.,
Borys Wrzesnewskyj that reads:
That, in the opinion of this House and based on the observations of several thousand
international observers, including observers from the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe, the European Union, the Council of Europe, the European
Parliament, NATO, and the United States, as well as the observations of
approximately 100 Canadian observers and two Canadian Parliamentary delegations; a
concerted, systemic and massive fraud has been committed by the current regime and
the Central Electoral Commission of Ukraine against the will of the people of
That, based on the above mentioned observations, and on other significant evidence
it is quite clear to this House that Viktor Yushchenko, by the will of the people of
Ukraine, is in fact the legitimate president of Ukraine;
That, in the event that President Kuchma and the Government of Ukraine do not remedy
this de facto coup d'etat, the Government of Canada shall consider the introduction
of a series of consequences involving, but not limited to direct economic sanctions
against officials, staff and supporters associated with Prime Minister Viktor
Yanukovych, President Leonid Kuchma, which shall include the freezing of assets, the
barring of such individuals from receiving visas to travel to Canada, barring the
spouses, partners and children of such individuals from visiting or attending any
schools in Canada, and summoning the Ukrainian Ambassador to Canada to express our
outrage and incense.
You can add your name to an online petition to support this motion.
Please forward this email to anyone you know that would support this motion.
Yushchenko The Will Of The People
?.com/" target="_blank">http://www.YushchenkoTheWillOfThePeople?.com/
Див. трохи вище відповідь на Ваш попередній пост (-)
2004.11.25 | Logo
Canadian Petition - HOTOVO
З новою ініціативою у Канадській Палаті Общин виступив п. Борис Вржесневський:
Виходячи з того, що діючий режим разом із ЦВК вдався до спланованих, систематичних і масових фальсифікацій спрямованих проти волевиявлення українського народу, що підтверджують свідчення кількох тисяч міжнародних спостерігачів, зокрема від ОБСЄ, Європейської Спільноти, Ради Європи, Європарламенту, НАТО, США, а також приблизно 100 спостерігачів від Канади і двох канадських парламентських делегацій; а такоє ґрунтуючись на перелічених вище спостереженнях, а також цілій низці інших вагомих доказів, Палатаусвідомлює, що волею українського народу саме Віктор Ющенко є легітимним президентом України.
У разі, якщо Президент Кучма і український уряд не припинять дій, які можна класифікувати як державний заколот, Уряд Канади розгляне можливі кроки у відповідь, зокрема введення економічних санкцій проти посадовців, управлінців і урядовців, що підтримують прем’єр-міністра В. Януковича і Президента Л. Кучму. Санкції передбачатимуть замороження банківських рахунків, відмови у видачі канадських віз, заборона на в’їзд і навчання в канадських учбових закладах для членів родин згаданих осіб, а також висловлення Послу України в Канаді нашого обурення і протесту.
Ви можете додати тут своє ім’я до електронної петиції підтримки цієї ініціативи
Просимо переслати цей лист своїм знайомим і друзям
Crimean people came to a rally to support People’s President Yuschenko.
On November 24 representatives of democratic forces of Crimea held a rally on the central Lenin Square of SImferopol to support democracy and people’s lawfully elected President of Ukraine Victor Yuscehnko.
Despite the cold rainy weather the rally gathered about 2 thousand people.
People were carrying national flags of Ukraine and Crimea, banners of “Bat’kivschina” Party, Social Party of Ukraine, “Tak! Yuschenko!” and posters: “Accept People’s Will!”, “Kiev, Hold on!”, “Yuschenko” and others.
The people were yelling: “Yuschenko – Our President!”, “Crimea – for Yuschenko!”, “West and East are Together!”, “Boot to Kuchma!”
Today at 16:00 there will be one more demonstration is going to be held in front of the Ukrainian Embassy in Prague. These rallies are going to be held till Yushcenko is President. Ukrainians of Prague have already organized two bused to go to Kiev to support protests.
Today at 16:00 there will be one more demonstration is going to be held in front of the Ukrainian Embassy in Prague. These rallies are going to be held till Yushcenko is President. Ukrainians of Prague have already organized two bused to go to Kiev to support protests.
Today when it is being decided whether tomorrow Ukraine is going to have free speech and free scientific speech, scientists and researchers must openly declare their position. We are together with our colleagues in Ukraine and all the citizens that protest against arrogant falsification of Presidential election results. We are with you! Hold on! Victory is going to be ours!
Researchers and staff of Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University
Roman Shporliuk, History Professor
Grigory Grabovych, Literature Professor
Irog Papusha, Researcher
Eleonora Solovei, Researcher
Sergiy Bilen’ky, Researcher
Tomash Striek, Researcher
Galyna Gryn’, Scientific Editor
Tymish Golovinsky, Executive Director
Volodymir Dibrova, Instructor
Liubomyr Gaida, Second Director
Raging People of Gorokhov are Blocking the Head of the Region Counsel
Raging people of Gorokhov are blocking the Head of the Regional Counsel in his office.
Today deputies of Gorokhov Counsel (Volynsk Oblast) could not get the decision to recognize Yuschenko as President. They missed three votes. To protest the actions of their representatives, people of Gorokhov entered the building of the Regional Administration and blocked the Head of the Counsel in his office. People were lead by a deputy of Volynsk Regional Counsel as well as the deputies of Gorokhov Town Counsel, that yesterday proclaimed Yuschenko a lawfully elected President. Gorokhov Town Counsel said that it is ready to answer to Yuschenko’s orders. The people of the town are appalled by the decision of its Regional Counsel and demand the recognition of their will through massive protests and joining the all-Ukrainian strike.
Today a demonstration was held in front of the Ukrainian Embassy in London. About 1000 Ukrainians came to support Yuschenko. Tomorrow, on Thursday, November 25, there will be another rally in front of Residency of the Prime Minister, Tony Blair (Downing Street 10). We will ask United Kingdom to support political opposition in Ukraine.
Yasia, повідомлення про демонстрації за кордоном краще об'єднувати по 3-4 штуки в один месседж, і більше звертати увагу на новини з України, а зокрема з Києва - це важливіше для іноземців.
300 to 500 Ukrainian workers as well as a lot of Czech citizens took part in a rally in front of the Ukrainian Embassy in Prague. The slogan of the gathering was “Yes! Yuschenko!” , a lot of people had orange ribbons, people were singing Ukrainian hymn and Ukrainian songs. The rally was organized as a protest against falsification of the Presidential elections; the organizers were such citizens’ groups as Ukrainian Initiative in Czech Republic, Forum of Ukrainians in Czech Republic and other organizations. They put together a resolution which was given to the representatives of the Embassy. The rally was addressed by the leaders of the citizens’ groups in Czech Republic, reporters and guests from Ukraine, who were constantly informing the people about events in Kiev. Ukrainians in Czech Republic arranged to get together in front of the Embassy on November 25 at 16:00 (17:00 Kiev time) as well as on Friday, November 26, at 14:00 (15:00 Kiev time) to express further protest. It is possible that they will be joined by more people who will also be ready to rally at the Russian Embassy as well to demand stopping Russian interference in domestic affairs of Ukraine.
There is going to be an urgent session of Chernigiv City Counsel
There will be an urgent session of Chernigiv City Counsel. Taking into account the social-political situation in Ukraine, he Head of Chernigiv Counsel Alexander Sokolov agreed to hold an urgent session of the City Counsel.
LIGABisnesInform of Chernigiv City Counsel press-service says that this decision was made after the address of the City Counsel deputy Sergiy Shumilo, who called for the urgent session in order to address the President of Ukraine, Vekhovna Rada (the Parliament) of Ukraine, Supreme and Constitutional Court and express mistrust to the Central Electoral Committee during the vote recount.
Also, the deputy asked the City Counsel to provide conditions for the massive rallies. In particular, has asked to make City Militia to provide security to the citizens who take part in peaceful protests.
“Authority” is very afraid of us. Proof of it can be found around the Presidential administration building. Some of the evidence is the result of a short walk along the streets that are located next to Bankova. The facts are in chronological order together with the pictures.
Luyterans’ka Str is constantly walked up and down by Berkut patrol. Picture #1 shows the Lieutenant Colonel and a private of Berkut.
Almost all the driveways are blocked by the yellow Berkut minibuses. As for the backyards – you can see thee-four Berkut buses there. Pictures 2 and 3 feature one of the backyards on Liuterans’ka. There are three Ikarus buses with Crimean license plates.
On Liuterans’ka and Bankova there are four trucks. Two of them are with sand; the other two are with concrete blocks. Not a very thoughtful move by the “authorities” since any moment any of rally people can get inside, and if he or she cannot start it (which is very easy to do), will at least push the gas, and the whole truck will move down the street. Picture #4 shows two trucks with sand. Rally people and reporters are all over them.
There people who walk around and give away hot tea, coffee and food. Picture #5 – no comment.
Across Bankova there are rows of Berkut militia with shields. Most of them are standing with their heads down, some of them are smiling, and some are trying to show indifference -- see Picture #7. In the houses facing the street there are several Berkut militia people at each door; they are hiding from the cameras.
In the yards of the houses that are behind the Presidential Administration building there are much more Berkut guys. The driveways are either blocked by their yellow minibuses, or simply locked. Picture #8 features one of the yards where a bus is very well hidden. Picture #9 shows a minibus that blocks the passage from one house to another. It caused a very touching and at the same time non-pleasant story: a little girl approached the Berkut minibus and tried to pass between the it and the wall of the house. As it turned out, she lives in the house and was coming home form her music lesson; she had her violin with her. After several tries to get to her house, she almost started to cry. At this moment two people approached her (they turned out to work for American Embassy).
One of them spoke a little Russian, the other spoke only English. The girls started explaining in English that she was trying to get home. All this time they were observed by one of the Berkut guys. The girl and Americans started calling him to explain that she leaves in the house and asked him to call his superiors. Berkut guy showed his “courage” and left the little girl to solve her problem by herself – first, he ignored them and then simply turned his back on them .
There was an interesting picture from one of the roofs. No comments, see Picture 10.
At the driveway of the next house there was a big number of people, about 30. They blocked the driveway where there were at least three buses. See picture 11. Suddenly the people started to be more active since a car tried to get out of the yard. As people were said, there was a truck with food in the yard. People were yelling: “Russians, fast a little!” See picture 12. At the end the people decided to let the truck go. But while it was passing people tied a lot of orange ribbons all over it
About 40 meters from the house military troop stopped after noticing the demonstration. See picture 13.
There is a camp on Institutska and Bankova. In front of the Presidential Administratino building there are three trucks with sand. People are not allowed to get behind the trucks to avoid provocations. See picture 14.
In Vyshnevyi Town near Keiv the Citizens Stopped the Train with Donetsk Miners
In Vyshnevyi town near Kiev the citizens blocked the railroad and stopped a train of seven cars. The train carried Donetsk miners to support Yanukovych.
Miners, who already were tipsy, did not get upset too much. However, they did not want to talk with the locals, went back to the train cars and continued their “fest”.
SOS! Chernigiv Militia Arrested Four Representatives of Byelorussian Opposition
Chernigiv militia took four representative of Byelorussian opposition from the train. They are being kept in the regional militia station in the regional center Ripky. There are no charges filed against them. However, one thing is clear: they are guilty of going to Kiev.
Arrested guys are the coordinators of “Zubr” movement Vladislav Kobets and Dmitro Barodka, press-secretary of “Zubr” Alexandra Atroschenko and a member of human rights organization “Khartia”97” Dmytro Bondarenko. Dmytro Bondarenko’s arm was broken during the arrest. He was taken to the hospital.
An interesting fact is that three of the young man had had some tea and fell asleep at once; they were taken form the train half asleep. They could not come to senses for quite some time. On the other hand, Vladislav Kobets who had not had any tea had full control of the situation.
Today’s Demonstration in Sydney to Support Victor Yuschenko
Today there was a demonstration in Sydney to support Victor Yuschenko! Ukrainians in Australia demonstrated their solidarity with the protestors in Kiev. Rally in front of the Sydney Parliament (Martin Place) gathered more than 100 people. The demonstration started with the prayer for Victor Yuschenko and fate of Ukraine and ended with singing Ukrainian songs and giving away pamphlets explaining the situation in Ukraine. Australians joined the demonstration, a lot of them were waving hands, cursing Putin and yelling: «Go ahead, freedom fighters!» One of them put a Ukrainian flag on his bike, quickly put together a poster: “Putin, butt off from Ukraine!”, and over the next several hours was following the demonstration. National Australian television (channel 7) showed a report on the demonstration in “Sunrise” show. People were shouting: “Yes, Yuschenko!”, “Maidan, we are with you!”, “Stop Yanukowych! Ukraine is not a prison!”, «Yanukovich back to jail!», etc. People at rally also called the Ambassador of Ukraine in Australia, Alexander Myschenko. Alexander Myschenko fulfilled protestors’ demands and declared that Australian Embassy officially recognized Victor Yuschenko as President of Ukraine.
Australian Diaspora decided to hold daily protests throughout Australia. There will be a demonstration in Canberra on Friday, in Adelaide on Saturday and in Melbourne on Sunday. Right now the idea of picketing Russian Embassy in Canberra and Russian Consular in Sydney is also under consideration.
Australian Diaspora also turned to the World Congress of Ukrainians with a request to support Ukraine with the demonstrations in other countries. We are also considering picketing Russian Embassies throughout the world!
Ukraine, we are with you!
Anton Bogdanovych
Pictures from the demonstration:
“Orange Street Racing” was held in Sumy. First, 40 cars of street racers passed. But moving down the city, we gathered hundreds of cars that voluntarily joined us.
There were about 400 cars. This was the way the car-owners of Sumy voiced their civil position!
З новою ініціативою у Канадській Палаті Общин виступив п. Борис Вржесневський:
Виходячи з того, що діючий режим разом із ЦВК вдався до спланованих, систематичних і масових фальсифікацій спрямованих проти волевиявлення українського народу, що підтверджують свідчення кількох тисяч міжнародних спостерігачів, зокрема від ОБСЄ, Європейської Спільноти, Ради Європи, Європарламенту, НАТО, США, а також приблизно 100 спостерігачів від Канади і двох канадських парламентських делегацій; а такоє ґрунтуючись на перелічених вище спостереженнях, а також цілій низці інших вагомих доказів, Палатаусвідомлює, що волею українського народу саме Віктор Ющенко є легітимним президентом України.
У разі, якщо Президент Кучма і український уряд не припинять дій, які можна класифікувати як державний заколот, Уряд Канади розгляне можливі кроки у відповідь, зокрема введення економічних санкцій проти посадовців, управлінців і урядовців, що підтримують прем’єр-міністра В. Януковича і Президента Л. Кучму. Санкції передбачатимуть замороження банківських рахунків, відмови у видачі канадських віз, заборона на в’їзд і навчання в канадських учбових закладах для членів родин згаданих осіб, а також висловлення Послу України в Канаді нашого обурення і протесту.
Ви можете додати тут своє ім’я до електронної петиції підтримки цієї ініціативи
Просимо переслати цей лист своїм знайомим і друзям
Regional authorities started initiating the blocking of Ukrainian transport arteries. According to the information received on the night of November 24-25th, two trucks have blocked the highway in the direction Donetsk-Kyiv around Smila town in Cherkass'ka region, to prevent the skinheads from the East from reaching the capital. As a result of this action, the autocade making its way to Kyiv was forced to look for other ways to advance.
Such a solidarity is evidence that not only Western, but also Central and Eastern parts of Ukraine are components of our country's integrity. And all the Kuchma-Medvedchuk attempts to achieve a split in the Ukrainian nation have already failed completely.
Ukrainian people won't let the criminals get the power.
Zrozumila jak wse funktionuje :), proshu wybachennja (-)
2004.11.25 | Luba
mushu widijty na kilka hodyn, wwecheri prodowzhu (-)
2004.11.25 | Nat
Re: Координація перекладачів, 24 листопада (-)
переклала заяву Київської прокуратури. Подивіться, будь-ласка
Dear compatriots! Colleagues!
By virtue of our professional duties at these moments of destiny we can not be with you in the streets as we must protect your homes from the criminals that can use today’s changes to commit crimes not associates with politics.
Thus, according to the Law, law-enforcement authorities must apolitical, but not blind!
Historically, as the elite of the law-enforcement authorities of Ukraine, the Public prosecution department of the capital is formed by the best representatives of all the regions of our Land, different law schools: Kharkiv, Donetsk, Lviv, Odessa…, but we all have learned the most important: to respect and protect the essential human rights and freedoms, Constitution and Laws of Ukraine.
We swear that we will not illegally launch, investigate and send to court criminal cases against the functionaries of Police, Security Service and other functionaries and citizens that in the moment crucial for our Motherland made their choice directed by their mind and conscience. We will not support the governmental accusations in these cases and we will do everything to prevent making accountable these people for any other accusations. We are not satisfied with the politics of rude pressure from the Public Prosecution on the courts of justice and Kyiv city administration. We have enough will and professionalism to put behind the bars all the “public servants” guilty in faking the election results and other crimes against their own people.
During all this time some of us risking our jobs were with you at the Independence Square, Grushevsky street and Bankova street. Now our colleagues from all the regions and the General Public Prosecution Department of Ukraine join this declaration. Law-enforcement servants, we have an unredeemable debt to our people for all the seeding of corruption that hit us and our society on our permission. But this disgusting disease is curable: and to recover we need to do the most important thing – to change the authorities, because the governmental system of Ukraine gets rotten beginning from the head as a fish.
Up to this day Court, Public prosecution department, Police, Security Service, Tax Administration were a strong locomotive that was steadily heading to abyss and today we have an incredible chance to change radically our direction towards the truth, and the capability to make this is in the hands of those who have the supreme power of the State – Ukrainian nation and the President elected by the nation, Viktor Yuschenko.
We are not weapon in the hands of a gang of oligarchs and other criminals of the government, we are Public Prosecution Department of Ukraine.
Glory to the great freedom loving Ukrainian nation!
2004.11.24 | lesia
Rally in Cleveland on Wednesday
Rally in Cleveland on WednesdayOn Wednesday, November 24 in Cleveland, Ohio in front of City Hall at 10:30am there will be a protest against the massive violations and fraudulence committed during the runoff presidential election in Ukraine. We support the national president VIKTOR YUSCHENKO.
Together we are strong, together we will achieve victory!
Glory to Ukraine!
2004.11.24 | Ґастон
Поставив, дякую! (-)
2004.11.25 | Logo
Беру анонси акцій по США та Канаді -
зроблю зведену новину.2004.11.24 | Ґастон
Беру анонси по Риму і Стокгольму - разом (-)
2004.11.24 | Ґастон
Беру Ґданськ і Вроцлав (-)
2004.11.24 | Ґастон
Беру анонс Парижа (-)
2004.11.24 | Ґастон
Мушу йти. Кепсько.
Не дуже розумію, - але схоже, що нікого більше на перекладі немає?Мусив зосередитися на анонсах - для практичності - і укр. новини "провисли". Будь ласка, хто зайде - зробіть найважливіше українське!
Буду за кілька годин.
2004.11.24 | Mykyta
Беру У дворі Кабміну знаходиться спецназ (-)
2004.11.24 | Mykyta
Беру страйк на УТ-1 (-)
2004.11.24 | Ґастон
Беру львівських спецняків і 2гу інфу про НадСтан (-)
2004.11.24 | Адвокат ...
Хто живий!? Перекладіть оце:
Canada, U.S. reject Ukraine's voting resultshttp://cfcnplus.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/scfcn/CTVNews/20041124/ukrainevote_wednesday_20041124/World/story
2004.11.24 | Tizia
Я ще жива!
Можу взяти, хоч воно трохи довге. А куди це потім постити?2004.11.24 | Адвокат ...
Куди помістити?Як маєте достатні повноваження,-- прямісенько у анґлійську стрічку новин. Як не маєте,-- сюди.
2004.11.24 | Tizia
Ви, певно, маєте на увазі українську стрічку?(-)
2004.11.24 | Ґастон
Чому українську? Англійську :) (-)
2004.11.24 | Ґастон
Лише тепер зрозумів. Соррі.
5 годин сну за три доби... Я зараз піду, бо переклади погіршилися якістю. А це - недобра ознака. Потім знову повернуся.Але спершу - беру Київську прокуратуру.
2004.11.24 | Ґастон
Все. Мушу йти. Дякую.
Тримайтеся.2004.11.24 | Адвокат ...
Правда Ваша! Я де сь трохи втомив сь.В українську! ( - )
2004.11.24 | Mykyta
Там вже має бути рос. переклад (-)
2004.11.24 | Tizia
А може в статті?
Не задовге на новини? Але автора там не бачу.2004.11.24 | Mykyta
Ґастоне! Зітри свій пост про перехід на ЖЖ, щоб не плутати людей
Наскільки я розумію, ви вже тут. І ето правільно.2004.11.24 | Yasia
беру Крым (-)
Беру Крым2004.11.24 | Yasia
Crimea: TV reporters join “We Do Тot Believe!” action.Chernomorskaya TV station joined “We Do Not Lie!”
Action of Ukrainian reporters. They did it despite the fact that it is not that easy to do in the region where Yanukovych won.
2004.11.24 | Mykyta
Стоїть. Дякую! (-)
2004.11.24 | Yasia
To Mykyta
Привет, я увидела, что ты еще онлайн. Я хочу спросить: правильно ли я постила перевод?? НУжны ли переводы с Нью-Йорк Таймз, Вашингтон Посто, тд?? ТАм новоти об Украине на главной странице.2004.11.24 | Mykyta
Re: To Mykyta
Yasia пише:> Привет, я увидела, что ты еще онлайн. Я хочу спросить: правильно ли я постила перевод??
Привіт! Так, правильно. Можна ще відповідати під анонсом, тоді буде більш структурована гілка.
>НУжны ли переводы с Нью-Йорк Таймз, Вашингтон Посто, тд?? ТАм новоти об Украине на главной странице.
Хіба би там було щось надзвичайно цікаве. Наша задача - експорт новин, а не їх імпорт.
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Re: To Mykyta
ОК. СОгласна. Но, с другой стороны, мне мама пишет, что новости в Украине однобокие весьма, и что не передает официальная пресса НИКАКОЙ международной реакции. Энивей, если срочно что-то нужно перевести на русский -- я еще на компе. У нас в Питтсбурге вечер только начинается.Поперевожу на английский пока.
2004.11.24 | Yasia
Беру Витязь (-)
2004.11.24 | Yasia
Витязь - перевод
Is “Vityaz’” Only a Cover-Up?Special Forces unit “Vityaz’” guarding the President Administration building on Bankova Str is nothing more but a cover-up of the main operation. It is to be conducted by the Russian fighters, members of the Special Forces unit “Vympel”.
We learned from reliable sources that yesterday two planes arrived to the Special Forces airport “Vasil’kov”; each plane had 30 fighters of Russian Special Forces on board. Besides them, the day group of Russian Special Forces, “Drob’” , arrived as well.
The mission of the group is to evacuate the most important information and its guardians, especially Leonid Kuchma.
Colonel (the Head of one of the Russian Security Service Departments) is in charge of the group. When giving instruction to the group, he warned that if one of the fighters gets captured, it will mean the failure of the operation.
The documents are planned to be evacuated from many locations in Kiev. Among them there are two buildings on Borschagovka disguised as storages; as well as the building on Gogolevskaya Str (next to the American Embassy, in a small park near the school).
Moreover, valuable information is planned to be evacuated from the President Administration building using Shelkovichnaya Str (right now this way is blocked by the opposition).
As we were told by the source, Ukrainian Special Forces unit “Vityaz’” (that has been mentioned a lot lately) has come to Ukraine as a part of a cover-up operation: evacuation of valuable information and its guardians by “Vympel” group.
“Vympel” fighters took part in similar oerations. In Iraq, several members of Special Forces unit were stopped by American military on their way to Syria. This incident sparked a scandal.
Source: OBKOM
2004.11.24 | Адвокат ...
Дякую, поставив. ( - )
2004.11.24 | Yasia
Беру Краков (-)
2004.11.24 | Yasia
Letters to Maidan: Krakiw goes to Kiev!Tonight Krakiw selegation leaves for Kiev. The delegation consists of Polish parties representatives and Ukrainians that live in Poland. WE CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER! KRAKIW IS WITH YOU!
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Поставила, дякую (-)
2004.11.24 | Yasia
Беру Симферополь (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Симферополь -- перевод
Янучарське наметове містечко в Симферополе.Janissary Tent Camp in Simferopol.
Today there was a rally in support of Yanukovich-Kuchma in Simferopol. Military tents were put out. There were many tents – about 15 or 20. They were unloaded from the military truck “KAMAZ”. The license plates of the truck were providently taken off. I will take courage to guess that it was a Russian Army truck since I saw similar trucks with Russian Navy license plates. The people gathered with the words: “Let’s stand where it is warmer”. Needless to say that Simferopol weather is much warmer than the weather in Kiev. Passing through the crowd put together by the authorities I heard an old joke: “When Red Army comes – we get robbed. When White Army comes – we get robbed again.” Then people laughed standing under white-and-blue Yanukovych-Kuchma flag. Do you know why the joke was funny? Because when White-and-Blue Army comes – we get robbed as well.
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Ставлю (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Беру БТР (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
БТР -- перевод
12 Tanks are Going Towards KievThey are moving North towards Fastiv highway, have already crossed Odessa highway. They are using detour roads. We remind that police forces and the army must defent their people and the President they have chosen -- people's President V.Yuschenko.
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Беру Киевщину (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Киевщина -- перевод
Kiev Region. Grebinky Town. 1000 People. Rally to Support Yuscehnko.They also decided to start a formal procedure to remove the Head of the Town Counsel and express their mistrust to the Council itself. The local militia was on the side of the rally, on top of the Town Counsel building an orange flag was waving. Grebinky have already replied to Yuschenko's request on all-Ukrainian political strike.
Ukraine, united you are in your choice!
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Поставила, дякую (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Беру Швейцарию (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Швейцария -- перевод
A Letter to Maidan:“Today at 14:00 the rally was held near Ukrainian Embassy n Bern. We voted for Yuschenko (Bern – 189/17; Geneva – 94/26). We want honest results! We want Yuschenko! Ukraine, we are with you!”
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Поставила, дякую (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Беру Витязь 2 (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Витязь 2 -- перевод
Announcement that May Support the Information in “Vympel”We just received a phone call that at Svyatosheno (neighborhood that borders Borschagovka), on Deputatlskaya Str there is a military truck with Russian license plate in front of a two-stored building; carton boxes are being unloaded. Locals say that they have not seen anything like that near the building.
Apparently this announcement is connected to the announcement that “Vityaz’” is only a cover-up (http://maidan.org.ua/static/news/1101331214.html) in our newsline. The announcement talks about evacuation of valuable information form the buildings in Borschagovka disguised as storages.
The announcement about 12 tanks may also be connected to the truck as well. The tanks a moving from Vasil’kov towards Kiev and apparently are moving north right now. As Leonid Koval’chuk from Grebinky said, he tried to follow the tanks by car. The tanks have to signs on them.
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Беру Венгрию (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Венгрия -- перевод
Demonstration in HungaryHungarian Ukrainians together with Ukrainian students that are studying in Hungary joined together in a protesting rally near Ukrainian Embassy. Also, the students tried to give an OPEN LETTER to the Ukrainian Ambassador in Hungary, Yuri Mushka. No one came out of the Embassy. Police politely asked the people participating in the rally to go away since according to the Hungarian laws you need to inform about your wish to hold a rally 72 hours beforehand. Students were treated better at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, where the State Secretary of the Ministry, Mikhai Baer, came out to talk to the students delegation and took the OPEN LETTER from them.
2004.11.25 | Olenka
Re: Координація перекладачів, 24 листопада (-)
Proba.2004.11.25 | Yasia
Беру Российское посольство (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Российское посольство -- перевод
Thursday, Nov 25: Rally in Front of Russian EmbassyRally in front of the Russian Embassy to protest Russian support of Yanukovych will start at 13:00 Nov 25, Thursday, in front of the Russian Embassy, Povitroflotsky Str 27.
All people who are not indifferent are invited to participate. Organizers: youth organization “Youth is the Hope of Ukraine” and “Pora” Company
2004.11.25 | Yasia
беру Одессу (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Одесса -- перевод
Daily Rally in OdessaStarting November 25 at 14:00, we start daily meetings at Dumskaya Square to protest the shameful decision of Odessa City Counsel: request to President Kuchma to declare a state of emergency in Odessa and in Ukraine.
“Sila Naroda (People’s Force)” Coalition
2004.11.25 | Logo
Re: Координація перекладачів, 24 листопада (-)
Допоможу з перекладом з англійськоїДайте знати, якщо потрібно
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Тут поки більше потрібно з укр. на англ. Зможете? (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
да, работаю :)
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Re: да, работаю :)
Попередній пост був до допису LOGOА Ви гарно працюєте, і швиденько
2004.11.25 | Logo
Re: да, работаю :)
Візьмуся і НА англійськуLogo
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Re: да, работаю :)
Тоді спробуйте оце (коли зробите, надішліть як відповідь на цей пост, і я або хтось інший поставимо на місце):Офіцери підтверджують перебування чужоземних військ біля приміщення ЦВК
Версія до друку // Редагувати // Стерти // URL: http://maidan.org.ua/static/news/1101339175.html
Офіцери підтверджують інформацію про перебування чужоземних військ біля приміщення ЦВК
У Волинському штабі Віктора Ющенка офіцери спецпідрозділу внутрішніх військ зробили заяву про те що зараз біля стін ЦВК перебуває півтори сотні їх однополчан. Офіцер, котрий не хоче розголошувати своє прізвище стверджує, що найближчим часом до них приєднають ще декілька десятків військовиків, продемонструвавши відповідне розпорядження. Також він повідомив, що правоохоронці озброєні лише засобами захисту, і готові захищати мирних громадян.
Працівники внутрішніх військ підтвердили інформацію, що біля приміщення Центральної виборчої комісії у формі кримського та донецького полку спецпідрозділу внутрішніх військ перебувають бійці які не приховують, що їм заплатили від 200 до 500 доларів США за їхню роботу. Одразу після оголошення рішення ЦВК вони готові розігнати натовп людей на Банківській біля ЦВК та майдані Незалежності. Крім того, частина з них переодягненні російські бійці спецназу з шевронами кримського полку. Донеччани-правоохоронці відверто заявляють про те, що вони не розраховують на підтримку волинських, львівських, вінницьких, тернопільських правоохоронців, і готові самостійно діяти.
2004.11.25 | Logo
Military officers confirm the information about the presence of Russian special forces near Central Counting Committee.A Ukrainian special forces officer made a public statement in the head quarter of the presidential candidate V. Yushchenko, claiming that at the present moment there are Russian special forces dressed in the uniform of Crimean special police. Additionally, there are some persons of 'unidentified origin' dressed in the uniform of Crimean and Donetsk police, who openly admitted they were paid $200-500. They confessed that they do not trust their colleagues from the Central and Western regions of Ukraine, and that they are ready to suppress oppositional protesters. At the same time, police from Western and Central Ukraine said they are equipped only with the means of self-defense and are resolute to protect the protesters.
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Дякую, поставила, гарна робота :)
Ще є переклад на українську - прошу підтвердити, що берете:BREAKING NEWS - November 24, 2004 (17:00 EST)
There is a new motion being put forward in the Canadian House Of Commons by M.P.,
Borys Wrzesnewskyj that reads:
That, in the opinion of this House and based on the observations of several thousand
international observers, including observers from the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe, the European Union, the Council of Europe, the European
Parliament, NATO, and the United States, as well as the observations of
approximately 100 Canadian observers and two Canadian Parliamentary delegations; a
concerted, systemic and massive fraud has been committed by the current regime and
the Central Electoral Commission of Ukraine against the will of the people of
That, based on the above mentioned observations, and on other significant evidence
it is quite clear to this House that Viktor Yushchenko, by the will of the people of
Ukraine, is in fact the legitimate president of Ukraine;
That, in the event that President Kuchma and the Government of Ukraine do not remedy
this de facto coup d'etat, the Government of Canada shall consider the introduction
of a series of consequences involving, but not limited to direct economic sanctions
against officials, staff and supporters associated with Prime Minister Viktor
Yanukovych, President Leonid Kuchma, which shall include the freezing of assets, the
barring of such individuals from receiving visas to travel to Canada, barring the
spouses, partners and children of such individuals from visiting or attending any
schools in Canada, and summoning the Ukrainian Ambassador to Canada to express our
outrage and incense.
You can add your name to an online petition to support this motion.
Please forward this email to anyone you know that would support this motion.
Yushchenko The Will Of The People
?.com/" target="_blank">http://www.YushchenkoTheWillOfThePeople?.com/
2004.11.25 | Logo
Re: Дякую, поставила, гарна робота :)
beru, vybachte za zatrymku2004.11.25 | Yasia
Re: да, работаю :)
Спасибо, стараюсь. Сестра на митинге в Киеве, мама митингует в Симферополе, а я в Питтсбурге вроде тоже при деле:)2004.11.25 | Logo
Re: Тут поки більше потрібно з укр. на англ. Зможете? (-)
Зможу, давайте!2004.11.25 | Tizia
Див. трохи вище відповідь на Ваш попередній пост (-)
2004.11.25 | Logo
Canadian Petition - HOTOVO
З новою ініціативою у Канадській Палаті Общин виступив п. Борис Вржесневський:Виходячи з того, що діючий режим разом із ЦВК вдався до спланованих, систематичних і масових фальсифікацій спрямованих проти волевиявлення українського народу, що підтверджують свідчення кількох тисяч міжнародних спостерігачів, зокрема від ОБСЄ, Європейської Спільноти, Ради Європи, Європарламенту, НАТО, США, а також приблизно 100 спостерігачів від Канади і двох канадських парламентських делегацій; а такоє ґрунтуючись на перелічених вище спостереженнях, а також цілій низці інших вагомих доказів, Палатаусвідомлює, що волею українського народу саме Віктор Ющенко є легітимним президентом України.
У разі, якщо Президент Кучма і український уряд не припинять дій, які можна класифікувати як державний заколот, Уряд Канади розгляне можливі кроки у відповідь, зокрема введення економічних санкцій проти посадовців, управлінців і урядовців, що підтримують прем’єр-міністра В. Януковича і Президента Л. Кучму. Санкції передбачатимуть замороження банківських рахунків, відмови у видачі канадських віз, заборона на в’їзд і навчання в канадських учбових закладах для членів родин згаданих осіб, а також висловлення Послу України в Канаді нашого обурення і протесту.
Ви можете додати тут своє ім’я до електронної петиції підтримки цієї ініціативи
Просимо переслати цей лист своїм знайомим і друзям
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Беру крымчан (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Crimean people came to a rally to support People’s President Yuschenko.On November 24 representatives of democratic forces of Crimea held a rally on the central Lenin Square of SImferopol to support democracy and people’s lawfully elected President of Ukraine Victor Yuscehnko.
Despite the cold rainy weather the rally gathered about 2 thousand people.
People were carrying national flags of Ukraine and Crimea, banners of “Bat’kivschina” Party, Social Party of Ukraine, “Tak! Yuschenko!” and posters: “Accept People’s Will!”, “Kiev, Hold on!”, “Yuschenko” and others.
The people were yelling: “Yuschenko – Our President!”, “Crimea – for Yuschenko!”, “West and East are Together!”, “Boot to Kuchma!”
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Ставлю (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
беру Прагу (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Прага -- перевод
Today at 16:00 there will be one more demonstration is going to be held in front of the Ukrainian Embassy in Prague. These rallies are going to be held till Yushcenko is President. Ukrainians of Prague have already organized two bused to go to Kiev to support protests.Today at 16:00 there will be one more demonstration is going to be held in front of the Ukrainian Embassy in Prague. These rallies are going to be held till Yushcenko is President. Ukrainians of Prague have already organized two bused to go to Kiev to support protests.
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Ставлю (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
беру гарвард (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
гарвард-- перевод
Our People in HarvardToday when it is being decided whether tomorrow Ukraine is going to have free speech and free scientific speech, scientists and researchers must openly declare their position. We are together with our colleagues in Ukraine and all the citizens that protest against arrogant falsification of Presidential election results. We are with you! Hold on! Victory is going to be ours!
Researchers and staff of Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University
Roman Shporliuk, History Professor
Grigory Grabovych, Literature Professor
Irog Papusha, Researcher
Eleonora Solovei, Researcher
Sergiy Bilen’ky, Researcher
Tomash Striek, Researcher
Galyna Gryn’, Scientific Editor
Tymish Golovinsky, Executive Director
Volodymir Dibrova, Instructor
Liubomyr Gaida, Second Director
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Ставлю, дякую (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
беру Горохов(-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Горохов -- перевод
Raging People of Gorokhov are Blocking the Head of the Region CounselRaging people of Gorokhov are blocking the Head of the Regional Counsel in his office.
Today deputies of Gorokhov Counsel (Volynsk Oblast) could not get the decision to recognize Yuschenko as President. They missed three votes. To protest the actions of their representatives, people of Gorokhov entered the building of the Regional Administration and blocked the Head of the Counsel in his office. People were lead by a deputy of Volynsk Regional Counsel as well as the deputies of Gorokhov Town Counsel, that yesterday proclaimed Yuschenko a lawfully elected President. Gorokhov Town Counsel said that it is ready to answer to Yuschenko’s orders. The people of the town are appalled by the decision of its Regional Counsel and demand the recognition of their will through massive protests and joining the all-Ukrainian strike.
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Ставлю, дякую (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
беру Лондон (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Лондон -- перевод
London Continues to Rally – also on Thursday!Today a demonstration was held in front of the Ukrainian Embassy in London. About 1000 Ukrainians came to support Yuschenko. Tomorrow, on Thursday, November 25, there will be another rally in front of Residency of the Prime Minister, Tony Blair (Downing Street 10). We will ask United Kingdom to support political opposition in Ukraine.
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Ставлю, і ще прошу зверніть увагу:
Yasia, повідомлення про демонстрації за кордоном краще об'єднувати по 3-4 штуки в один месседж, і більше звертати увагу на новини з України, а зокрема з Києва - це важливіше для іноземців.P.S. Не встигаю за Вами постити -:)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Re: Ставлю, і ще прошу зверніть увагу:
Ок. Меняю фокус2004.11.25 | Yasia
беру Прагу 2 (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Прага 2 -- перевод
Prague, November 24, 17:00-20:00 in the eveningPrague, November 24, 17:00-20:00 in the evening
300 to 500 Ukrainian workers as well as a lot of Czech citizens took part in a rally in front of the Ukrainian Embassy in Prague. The slogan of the gathering was “Yes! Yuschenko!” , a lot of people had orange ribbons, people were singing Ukrainian hymn and Ukrainian songs. The rally was organized as a protest against falsification of the Presidential elections; the organizers were such citizens’ groups as Ukrainian Initiative in Czech Republic, Forum of Ukrainians in Czech Republic and other organizations. They put together a resolution which was given to the representatives of the Embassy. The rally was addressed by the leaders of the citizens’ groups in Czech Republic, reporters and guests from Ukraine, who were constantly informing the people about events in Kiev. Ukrainians in Czech Republic arranged to get together in front of the Embassy on November 25 at 16:00 (17:00 Kiev time) as well as on Friday, November 26, at 14:00 (15:00 Kiev time) to express further protest. It is possible that they will be joined by more people who will also be ready to rally at the Russian Embassy as well to demand stopping Russian interference in domestic affairs of Ukraine.
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Поставила, дякую! (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
беру Чернигов(-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Чернигов -- перевод
There is going to be an urgent session of Chernigiv City CounselThere will be an urgent session of Chernigiv City Counsel. Taking into account the social-political situation in Ukraine, he Head of Chernigiv Counsel Alexander Sokolov agreed to hold an urgent session of the City Counsel.
LIGABisnesInform of Chernigiv City Counsel press-service says that this decision was made after the address of the City Counsel deputy Sergiy Shumilo, who called for the urgent session in order to address the President of Ukraine, Vekhovna Rada (the Parliament) of Ukraine, Supreme and Constitutional Court and express mistrust to the Central Electoral Committee during the vote recount.
Also, the deputy asked the City Counsel to provide conditions for the massive rallies. In particular, has asked to make City Militia to provide security to the citizens who take part in peaceful protests.
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Поставила, дякую! (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
беру власть (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
власть -- перевод
“Authority” is very afraid of us!“Authority” is very afraid of us. Proof of it can be found around the Presidential administration building. Some of the evidence is the result of a short walk along the streets that are located next to Bankova. The facts are in chronological order together with the pictures.
Luyterans’ka Str is constantly walked up and down by Berkut patrol. Picture #1 shows the Lieutenant Colonel and a private of Berkut.
Almost all the driveways are blocked by the yellow Berkut minibuses. As for the backyards – you can see thee-four Berkut buses there. Pictures 2 and 3 feature one of the backyards on Liuterans’ka. There are three Ikarus buses with Crimean license plates.
On Liuterans’ka and Bankova there are four trucks. Two of them are with sand; the other two are with concrete blocks. Not a very thoughtful move by the “authorities” since any moment any of rally people can get inside, and if he or she cannot start it (which is very easy to do), will at least push the gas, and the whole truck will move down the street. Picture #4 shows two trucks with sand. Rally people and reporters are all over them.
There people who walk around and give away hot tea, coffee and food. Picture #5 – no comment.
Across Bankova there are rows of Berkut militia with shields. Most of them are standing with their heads down, some of them are smiling, and some are trying to show indifference -- see Picture #7. In the houses facing the street there are several Berkut militia people at each door; they are hiding from the cameras.
In the yards of the houses that are behind the Presidential Administration building there are much more Berkut guys. The driveways are either blocked by their yellow minibuses, or simply locked. Picture #8 features one of the yards where a bus is very well hidden. Picture #9 shows a minibus that blocks the passage from one house to another. It caused a very touching and at the same time non-pleasant story: a little girl approached the Berkut minibus and tried to pass between the it and the wall of the house. As it turned out, she lives in the house and was coming home form her music lesson; she had her violin with her. After several tries to get to her house, she almost started to cry. At this moment two people approached her (they turned out to work for American Embassy).
One of them spoke a little Russian, the other spoke only English. The girls started explaining in English that she was trying to get home. All this time they were observed by one of the Berkut guys. The girl and Americans started calling him to explain that she leaves in the house and asked him to call his superiors. Berkut guy showed his “courage” and left the little girl to solve her problem by herself – first, he ignored them and then simply turned his back on them .
There was an interesting picture from one of the roofs. No comments, see Picture 10.
At the driveway of the next house there was a big number of people, about 30. They blocked the driveway where there were at least three buses. See picture 11. Suddenly the people started to be more active since a car tried to get out of the yard. As people were said, there was a truck with food in the yard. People were yelling: “Russians, fast a little!” See picture 12. At the end the people decided to let the truck go. But while it was passing people tied a lot of orange ribbons all over it
About 40 meters from the house military troop stopped after noticing the demonstration. See picture 13.
There is a camp on Institutska and Bankova. In front of the Presidential Administratino building there are three trucks with sand. People are not allowed to get behind the trucks to avoid provocations. See picture 14.
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Ставлю, дякую (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
пошла на ужин. вернусь через час.(-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
I am back. Беру Ввшневый (-).
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Вешневый -- перевод
In Vyshnevyi Town near Keiv the Citizens Stopped the Train with Donetsk MinersIn Vyshnevyi town near Kiev the citizens blocked the railroad and stopped a train of seven cars. The train carried Donetsk miners to support Yanukovych.
Miners, who already were tipsy, did not get upset too much. However, they did not want to talk with the locals, went back to the train cars and continued their “fest”.
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Поставила, дякую (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
беру Белорусскую оппозицию(-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Белорусская оппозиция -- перевод
SOS! Chernigiv Militia Arrested Four Representatives of Byelorussian OppositionChernigiv militia took four representative of Byelorussian opposition from the train. They are being kept in the regional militia station in the regional center Ripky. There are no charges filed against them. However, one thing is clear: they are guilty of going to Kiev.
Arrested guys are the coordinators of “Zubr” movement Vladislav Kobets and Dmitro Barodka, press-secretary of “Zubr” Alexandra Atroschenko and a member of human rights organization “Khartia”97” Dmytro Bondarenko. Dmytro Bondarenko’s arm was broken during the arrest. He was taken to the hospital.
An interesting fact is that three of the young man had had some tea and fell asleep at once; they were taken form the train half asleep. They could not come to senses for quite some time. On the other hand, Vladislav Kobets who had not had any tea had full control of the situation.
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Є, дякую! (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
беру Сидней(-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Сидней -- перевод
Today’s Demonstration in Sydney to Support Victor YuschenkoToday there was a demonstration in Sydney to support Victor Yuschenko! Ukrainians in Australia demonstrated their solidarity with the protestors in Kiev. Rally in front of the Sydney Parliament (Martin Place) gathered more than 100 people. The demonstration started with the prayer for Victor Yuschenko and fate of Ukraine and ended with singing Ukrainian songs and giving away pamphlets explaining the situation in Ukraine. Australians joined the demonstration, a lot of them were waving hands, cursing Putin and yelling: «Go ahead, freedom fighters!» One of them put a Ukrainian flag on his bike, quickly put together a poster: “Putin, butt off from Ukraine!”, and over the next several hours was following the demonstration. National Australian television (channel 7) showed a report on the demonstration in “Sunrise” show. People were shouting: “Yes, Yuschenko!”, “Maidan, we are with you!”, “Stop Yanukowych! Ukraine is not a prison!”, «Yanukovich back to jail!», etc. People at rally also called the Ambassador of Ukraine in Australia, Alexander Myschenko. Alexander Myschenko fulfilled protestors’ demands and declared that Australian Embassy officially recognized Victor Yuschenko as President of Ukraine.
Australian Diaspora decided to hold daily protests throughout Australia. There will be a demonstration in Canberra on Friday, in Adelaide on Saturday and in Melbourne on Sunday. Right now the idea of picketing Russian Embassy in Canberra and Russian Consular in Sydney is also under consideration.
Australian Diaspora also turned to the World Congress of Ukrainians with a request to support Ukraine with the demonstrations in other countries. We are also considering picketing Russian Embassies throughout the world!
Ukraine, we are with you!
Anton Bogdanovych
Pictures from the demonstration:
2004.11.25 | Yasia
беру Сумы(-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Сумы -- перевод
“Orange Street Racing” in Sumy“Orange Street Racing” was held in Sumy. First, 40 cars of street racers passed. But moving down the city, we gathered hundreds of cars that voluntarily joined us.
There were about 400 cars. This was the way the car-owners of Sumy voiced their civil position!
Pictures from the racing:
2004.11.25 | Logo
Ще раз подаю переклад петиції
З новою ініціативою у Канадській Палаті Общин виступив п. Борис Вржесневський:Виходячи з того, що діючий режим разом із ЦВК вдався до спланованих, систематичних і масових фальсифікацій спрямованих проти волевиявлення українського народу, що підтверджують свідчення кількох тисяч міжнародних спостерігачів, зокрема від ОБСЄ, Європейської Спільноти, Ради Європи, Європарламенту, НАТО, США, а також приблизно 100 спостерігачів від Канади і двох канадських парламентських делегацій; а такоє ґрунтуючись на перелічених вище спостереженнях, а також цілій низці інших вагомих доказів, Палатаусвідомлює, що волею українського народу саме Віктор Ющенко є легітимним президентом України.
У разі, якщо Президент Кучма і український уряд не припинять дій, які можна класифікувати як державний заколот, Уряд Канади розгляне можливі кроки у відповідь, зокрема введення економічних санкцій проти посадовців, управлінців і урядовців, що підтримують прем’єр-міністра В. Януковича і Президента Л. Кучму. Санкції передбачатимуть замороження банківських рахунків, відмови у видачі канадських віз, заборона на в’їзд і навчання в канадських учбових закладах для членів родин згаданих осіб, а також висловлення Послу України в Канаді нашого обурення і протесту.
Ви можете додати тут своє ім’я до електронної петиції підтримки цієї ініціативи
Просимо переслати цей лист своїм знайомим і друзям
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Re: Ще раз подаю переклад петиції
Дякую, взяла, буде стояти в Статтях.Поки що новин мало, може навідаєтеся через якийсь час?
Ще раз дякую за роботу!
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Суми поставила, дякую (-)
2004.11.25 | Yasia
Пока ничего не происходит... Пошла спать. Удачи! До завтра!
2004.11.25 | Tizia
Я теж іду спати. Добраніч! (-)
2004.11.25 | homunkulus
Rome - translation
Rally in RomeA rally in support of President Viktor Yuschenko will be held on 25.11.04 at 15:00 on piazza della Repubblica in Rome.
2004.11.25 | Mykyta
Стоїть, дякую (-)
2004.11.25 | Masha
Беру регіони(-)
2004.11.25 | Masha
Регіони - переклад
Regions unite with KyivRegional authorities started initiating the blocking of Ukrainian transport arteries. According to the information received on the night of November 24-25th, two trucks have blocked the highway in the direction Donetsk-Kyiv around Smila town in Cherkass'ka region, to prevent the skinheads from the East from reaching the capital. As a result of this action, the autocade making its way to Kyiv was forced to look for other ways to advance.
Such a solidarity is evidence that not only Western, but also Central and Eastern parts of Ukraine are components of our country's integrity. And all the Kuchma-Medvedchuk attempts to achieve a split in the Ukrainian nation have already failed completely.
Ukrainian people won't let the criminals get the power.
2004.11.25 | Mykyta
Є, дякую (-)
2004.11.25 | Luba
Zrozumila jak wse funktionuje :), proshu wybachennja (-)
2004.11.25 | Luba
mushu widijty na kilka hodyn, wwecheri prodowzhu (-)
2004.11.25 | Nat
Re: Координація перекладачів, 24 листопада (-)
переклала заяву Київської прокуратури. Подивіться, будь-ласкаDear compatriots! Colleagues!
By virtue of our professional duties at these moments of destiny we can not be with you in the streets as we must protect your homes from the criminals that can use today’s changes to commit crimes not associates with politics.
Thus, according to the Law, law-enforcement authorities must apolitical, but not blind!
Historically, as the elite of the law-enforcement authorities of Ukraine, the Public prosecution department of the capital is formed by the best representatives of all the regions of our Land, different law schools: Kharkiv, Donetsk, Lviv, Odessa…, but we all have learned the most important: to respect and protect the essential human rights and freedoms, Constitution and Laws of Ukraine.
We swear that we will not illegally launch, investigate and send to court criminal cases against the functionaries of Police, Security Service and other functionaries and citizens that in the moment crucial for our Motherland made their choice directed by their mind and conscience. We will not support the governmental accusations in these cases and we will do everything to prevent making accountable these people for any other accusations. We are not satisfied with the politics of rude pressure from the Public Prosecution on the courts of justice and Kyiv city administration. We have enough will and professionalism to put behind the bars all the “public servants” guilty in faking the election results and other crimes against their own people.
During all this time some of us risking our jobs were with you at the Independence Square, Grushevsky street and Bankova street. Now our colleagues from all the regions and the General Public Prosecution Department of Ukraine join this declaration. Law-enforcement servants, we have an unredeemable debt to our people for all the seeding of corruption that hit us and our society on our permission. But this disgusting disease is curable: and to recover we need to do the most important thing – to change the authorities, because the governmental system of Ukraine gets rotten beginning from the head as a fish.
Up to this day Court, Public prosecution department, Police, Security Service, Tax Administration were a strong locomotive that was steadily heading to abyss and today we have an incredible chance to change radically our direction towards the truth, and the capability to make this is in the hands of those who have the supreme power of the State – Ukrainian nation and the President elected by the nation, Viktor Yuschenko.
We are not weapon in the hands of a gang of oligarchs and other criminals of the government, we are Public Prosecution Department of Ukraine.
Glory to the great freedom loving Ukrainian nation!
God and Law at our side!
Staff of Kyiv Public Prosecution Department.
2004.11.25 | Mykyta
Так, стоїть. Дякую. Перейдіть, будь-ласка, на відповідну гілку
на 25-те листопада. Ця вже перевантажена.