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2004.11.25 | Nat
Re: Переклад Беру вояків західної україни
Divisions of the Western Operational Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will not fight against their own people, declared officer-in-chief of the Western Operational Command lieutenant-general Mykhaylo Kutsyn.
“My actions are directed towards unquestioning fulfillment of the law and Constitution of Ukraine and I officially declare that divisions of the Western Operational Command will not fight their own people”, said M. Kutsyn during briefing in Lviv.
According to his words, the command of the Western OC ask political and social leaders not to pull armed forces of the Western OC into the social confrontation.
As he said, during last days more and more different political and social leaders as well as regular citizens address him and the chief officers of divisions trying to get the answer for the question: with whom is the army?
“And that is why I want to announce the following: the armed forces of the Western Operational Command are in the site of their permanent dislocation and they do not take part in any political actions”, M. Kutsyn said.
“Army does not interfere any processes and we think that the position must be reasonable and there is no need to declare that the army can attack the citizens of Ukraine”, stressed the general.
He stated that Thursday morning representatives of community blocked in the city of Drogobyh exit of one of military divisions. As he said, the representatives of community blocked entrance and exit of the division and demanded the officer of this division to go with them to the session of the city council and announced his position.
As Kutsyn thinks, such actions are unacceptable because military swore fealty to Ukrainian nation and are not going to break their oath.
2004.11.25 | Mykyta
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Робіть анонси в гілці "КООРДИНАЦІЯ ПЕРЕКЛАДАЧІВ на 25-те листопада"Якщо тіло повідомлення порожне, знак "(-)" ставте у заголовку.
2004.11.25 | Nat
Re: Переклад Беру вояків західної україни
Divisions of the Western Operational Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will not fight against their own people, declared officer-in-chief of the Western Operational Command lieutenant-general Mykhaylo Kutsyn.“My actions are directed towards unquestioning fulfillment of the law and Constitution of Ukraine and I officially declare that divisions of the Western Operational Command will not fight their own people”, said M. Kutsyn during briefing in Lviv.
According to his words, the command of the Western OC ask political and social leaders not to pull armed forces of the Western OC into the social confrontation.
As he said, during last days more and more different political and social leaders as well as regular citizens address him and the chief officers of divisions trying to get the answer for the question: with whom is the army?
“And that is why I want to announce the following: the armed forces of the Western Operational Command are in the site of their permanent dislocation and they do not take part in any political actions”, M. Kutsyn said.
“Army does not interfere any processes and we think that the position must be reasonable and there is no need to declare that the army can attack the citizens of Ukraine”, stressed the general.
He stated that Thursday morning representatives of community blocked in the city of Drogobyh exit of one of military divisions. As he said, the representatives of community blocked entrance and exit of the division and demanded the officer of this division to go with them to the session of the city council and announced his position.
As Kutsyn thinks, such actions are unacceptable because military swore fealty to Ukrainian nation and are not going to break their oath.