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Архіви Форумів Майдану

беру Янукович выбил Кирпе зубы (-)

11/25/2004 | olya


  • 2004.11.25 | Mykyta

    Олю! Ця новина надто незрозуміла для західного споживача

    Зайдіть, будь-ласка для перекладів на відповідну гілку http://maidan.org.ua/static/draft.php?key=1101396346
  • 2004.11.25 | olyam

    Re: беру Янукович выбил Кирпе зубы (-) - translation

    Minister of Transportation loses teeth in a brawl with Yanukovich.

    According to the eye-witnesses at yesterday’s meeting of the Prime Minister and the Governors, after the meeting Yanukovich was threatening the head of Ternopol administration, shoving him in the shoulder (source «ГлаV.red»).

    Later Yanukovich took his anger out on Kirpa, the Minister of Transportation, accusing him of NOT sabotaging the busses and trains from the western regions to Kiev.

    The fight ended with Kirpa losing 2 teeth.

    This morning a train arrived from Livyv to Kiev covered with orange ribbons. In a cabin designed for 4 people 8 were traveling.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.25 | Адвокат ...

      Дякую, додав. ( - )

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