11/27/2004 | Mykyta
Задача Майдану – це донесення правдивих новин до світової громадськості про події в Україні. Зараз всі світові агенства переповнені новинами з України, тому нашим козирем маю стати саме „гарячі” новини. Тому уклінне прохання:
<b>Безумовний приорітет для перекладу мають найсвіжіші новини з України.</b>
Ще раз - новини мають бути <b> з України</b> та вони мають бути <b>свіжими.</b> Новини з-за кордону мають нижчий приорітет і перекладаються лише у випадку надзвичайної важливості.
<i>Як правильно координуватись з іншими перекладачами.</i>
Для того, щоб уникнути дублювань і спростити роботу новинарям, які й без того перевантажені, ще одне уклінне прохання дотримуватись такого порядку:
1. Вибираєте важливу новину зі <a href=”http://maidan.org.ua/static/news.php”>стрічки новин Майдану,</a> яка відповідає вищенаведеним критеріям.
2. Робите короткий анонс. Для цього тут тиснете „відповісти” і сповіщаєте інших постингом „Беру таку-то новину” (якщо в тілі постингу більше нічого нема, не забувайте ставити знак мінус в дужках).
3. Перекладаєте, заходите на ваш анонс, тиснете „відповісти” і постите ваш переклад.
Заздалегідь дякую за розуміння!
<b>Безумовний приорітет для перекладу мають найсвіжіші новини з України.</b>
Ще раз - новини мають бути <b> з України</b> та вони мають бути <b>свіжими.</b> Новини з-за кордону мають нижчий приорітет і перекладаються лише у випадку надзвичайної важливості.
<i>Як правильно координуватись з іншими перекладачами.</i>
Для того, щоб уникнути дублювань і спростити роботу новинарям, які й без того перевантажені, ще одне уклінне прохання дотримуватись такого порядку:
1. Вибираєте важливу новину зі <a href=”http://maidan.org.ua/static/news.php”>стрічки новин Майдану,</a> яка відповідає вищенаведеним критеріям.
2. Робите короткий анонс. Для цього тут тиснете „відповісти” і сповіщаєте інших постингом „Беру таку-то новину” (якщо в тілі постингу більше нічого нема, не забувайте ставити знак мінус в дужках).
3. Перекладаєте, заходите на ваш анонс, тиснете „відповісти” і постите ваш переклад.
Заздалегідь дякую за розуміння!
2004.11.27 | Luba
beru: Розпочалося засідання ВР (-)
2004.11.27 | Luba
je: Розпочалося засідання ВР (-)
Verkhovna Rada started parliamentary session. Life broadcasts by radio stations ‚Era’ and ‚Nart’.2004.11.27 | Mykyta
Дякую дуже! До нас пишуть листи і просять продовжувати переклади
Ставлю!2004.11.28 | ukov
Re: Дякую дуже! До нас пишуть листи і просять продовжувати переклади
Микита, я міг би перекласти щось серйозне (складне і важливе).Можеш не повірити я живу в Канаді, уважно слідкую за новинами в Україні і тільки сьогодні узнав про Ваш сайт від американського друга який зараз знаходиться в Україні, читає лекції в Тернопільській Академії Народного Господарства, яку в свій час закінчив наш президент В. Ющенко.
2004.11.28 | Tizia
Приєднуйтесь до перекладу новин!
Часом тут бувають і більші тексти.2004.11.27 | Luba
je: Українцям світу: пряма трансляція подій
Life broadcasts from Ukraine via Internet: ‘5th’ TV channel (http://5tv.com.ua/), radio stations ‘Era’ (http://www.era-fm.net/) and ‘Radio Lux’ (www.radiolux.com). (all in Ukrainian language)2004.11.27 | Luba
z podalshymy perekladamy zmozhu pryjednatysja wwecheri (-)
2004.11.27 | Tizia
Беру Працівники ФСБ Росії вже в Донецьку? (-)
2004.11.27 | Mykyta
Беру Кушнарьов виагає (-)
2004.11.27 | Tizia
Беру про Рахівську райраду (-)
2004.11.27 | misha, maryland usa
beru:Харків. Продовження ГКЧП. Ситуація зі ЗМІ.
2004.11.27 | misha, maryland usa
pereklad: Kharkiv. More on the putsch. Media situation.
http://maidanua.org/static/news/1101548222.htmlAs is well known, yesterday the Kharkiv putschists [Kharkiv Regional Council -tr.] headed by Jevgenij Kushnar'ov passed a series of anti-constitutional resolutions, including stopping broadcasts of the 7th channel, the oldest independent channel in Ukraine.
No blackout has occurred so far. The 7th channel is running a telemarathon from its studio, which is receiving a storm of phone calls from Kharkiv residents with support. Among others, the studio got a call from the owner of rival channel "Simon", Oleksandr Davtjan, a person from the camp of Yanukovych supporters (at least he used to be.) Davtjan stated that, in case of 7th channel blackout, he will immediately make airtime available to journalists of the 7th channel.
A peculiarity of the situtation is that for many years there has been an information war going on between the owners of the two channels, in particular on the air.
2004.11.27 | Mykyta
Дякую, додаю (-)
2004.11.27 | Mykyta
Беру профспілку Укрпошти (-)
2004.11.27 | misha, maryland usa
beru: Харків каже - ні ГКЧП
2004.11.27 | misha, maryland usa
pereklad: Kharkiv says no to the putsch
http://maidanua.org/static/news/1101554020.htmlAs was expected, the session of Kharkiv City Council angrily condemned yesterday's anti-constitutional resolutions of the Regional Council.
Among resolutions of the session - immediate appeal to the regional prosecutor requesting holding the rebels to account, summoning them to court and declaring such resolutions to be void on the territory of the city of Kharkiv.
2004.11.27 | Mykyta
Дякую, додав (-)
2004.11.27 | misha, maryland usa
beru: Завершились переговоры между Евгением Кушнаревым и предста
2004.11.27 | misha, maryland usa
perevod: Kharkiv. Talks between Kushnarev and opposition
http://maidanua.org/static/news/1101552711.htmlNegotations between representatives of Viktor Yanukovich and representatives of the opposition have concluded in the regional state administration. Recall that the pro-government candidate was represented by Kushnarev, Zorchenko, Tatsij, Krivtsov, Kolesnik. The opposition representatives were Jaroslav Jushchenko, Arsen Avakov and Genrikh Altunjan. Correspondent of the media-group "Ob'ektiv" reports that the negotations concluded peacefully. According to Evgenij Kushnarev, those in Kharkiv are ready to support the initiative from the capital and start negotiations with the opposition.
The two sides also agreed that all rallies and actions of protest will take place within the bounds of the law.
Arsen Avakov stated that he holds the resolution regarding stopping the broadcast of the 7th channel to be illegal. According to his words, the 7th channel in its broadcasts did not call for overthrowing the constitutional order, while those who expressed opinions of this kind should be held personally responsible.
According to the results of negotiations between the administration of the Kharkiv region and the opposition, the chair of the Kharkiv regional administration Evgenij Kushnarev promised to appeal to the courts and prosecutor's office of the Kharkiv region with a request to accelerate the process of reviewing complaints about violations commited in the course of the second round of elections in the Kharkiv region.
2004.11.27 | Mykyta
Додаю, дякую (-)
2004.11.27 | Mykyta
Беру "Українську Правду" виштовхали з пресухи Я. (-)
2004.11.27 | misha, maryland usa
beru: Харків - "Нас багато і нас не роз"єднати!"
2004.11.27 | misha, maryland usa
perevod (prover'te nachalo, pozhalujsta)
Kharkiv: "We are many and we won't be divided!"http://maidanua.org/static/news/1101562364.html
A massive rally (many tens of thousands, difficult to say how many) took place in Kharkiv in the Freedom Square in defense of the 7th channel, being informed, while issuing joint demands of the civil disobedience, that the Kharkiv city prosecutor's office has initiated criminal action regarding the decision of the Kharkiv Regional Council. [ja eto pravil'no prochital? - tr.]
Those who have never spoken before in the streets are speaking out at the rally, in particular the owner of the 7th channel Genadij Kernes. Hearing a person of his fame break into the chant "we are many and we won't be defeated" has a shocking effect on the majority of Kharkiv residents - of a very positive kind.
Other slogans included "we are many and we won't be divided" and "we are many and we won't be intimidated".
An appearance by the mayor, Shumilkin, is expected.
The famous Kharkiv journalist Zurab Alasania made an emotional speech. He recalled the old saying: "when they came for the Jews I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew, when they came for the communists I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist, when they came for my neighbor I didn't speak out because I wasn't my neighbor, and when they came for me there was noone left to speak out."
"When I was asked to speak at the rally of Jaroslav Jushchenko three days ago, I declined. I told them that I'm a journalist, that my job is to do journalistic work. But yesterday they came for me, and here I am, standing before you. I'm glad to have someone to speak out for me, to have all of you."
Besides the orange color and the colors of parties, one can see flags of the EU, and also UK, Poland, and other countries of Europe.
The Petrovski street was blocked - two crowds of "blue" and "orange" faced off next to the office of the agency "TV - novny". In the morning, youths wearing blue scarves dominated the pickets around the agency, apparently protesting against objective news reporting. Later the "orange" crowd began to grow - already numbering 2-3 times more than the "blue" crowd. The face-off has been peaceful, with the crowds taking part in chanting "Yushchenko" and "Yanukovych". Afterwards "Yanukovych" was barely heard, because the orange crowd continued to grow. Lately, the remainder of the "blues" fled and the crowd that heard the news about the decision of the parliament was rather monochromatic. It's interesting that a considerable part of the "blues" was heard taking part in chanting "down with the gang" and "7th channel - we are with you".
In the evening, after the end of the rallies, mass celebrations and dancing with Ukrainian music are continuing in the square. The people are spontaneously chanting "Yushchenko!", "Victory!" and "Down with Kushnar'ov!". Professional sound equipment was finally installed at the square and musical performances are expected. The whole week before that the rallies were led from a truck with weak sound.
There are also people remaining on the side of the "blues", who are continuiting with speeches on the theme "Yanykovich is the president" and vituperating against nationalism and extremism. Their number is an order of magnitude less than of those in orange. In the meantime Yushchenko supporters are mixing with the "blues" and applying their powers of persuasion, as far as one can tell generally with success.
During a spontaneous rally near ATN, the correspondent was standing next to a middle-aged woman copiously bedecked with orange bands, who, in between chanting slogans, confessed that she voted for Yanukovych in both rounds, and now thinks that she was unscrupulously betrayed. Taxi drivers in town, who often have yellow bands hanging on their cars, are holding lively discussions about "trial and punishment". Maidan-INFORM in particular notes the idea of "International trials for Kivalov and Kuchma".
2004.11.27 | Tizia
Беру Сопротивление в Луганске. День третий (-)
2004.11.27 | Roman Zvarych obitsiaye usunuty
Roman Zvarych:“Today it was important to make a political, even a moral decision.”
Commenting on the on the decision of the Ukrainian Parliament on November 27 “On the political crisis in the nation which arose in connection with the election of the President of Ukraine,” the Member of Parliament, vice-president of the Narodnyi Rukh Party, Roman Zvarych, commented:
“This ice-flow, this situation, must be broken. I think that those who participated in this cheating must stop. I would give them this advice: look into your own eyes, into your conscience, and give yourself the answer, who you are, because the people of the nation have already spoken, that you will no longer spit into our faces. R. Zvarych noted that “today it was important to make a political, even a moral decision.” As for further steps of the coalition “Power of the People,” [Syla Narodu] the Member of Parliament stated: “Under any and all conditions, no matter what the threats to us, no matter what the government will do, we will never submit to a criminal regime, and will not retreat from here nowhere, until this criminal regime will be removed.”
2004.11.27 | Mykyta
Додаю, дякую. Робіть, будь-ласка, анонс (-)
2004.11.27 | Tizia
Беру В Дніпрі стоять палатки. (-)
2004.11.27 | Tizia
Беру У ДПА та ДПІ працівникам заборонили користуватись (-)
2004.11.27 | anna
Я беру "Одеса захищає голоси за Ющенка" (-)2004.11.27 | Yushchenko - Richnytsia Holodomoru
Viktor YushchenkoStatement on the Day of Mourning the Victims of the Holodomor (Genocide by Famine, 1932-33) and of Political Repression:
On November 27 Ukraine bows its head in sorrow before our countrymen, the victims of the Holodomor and of political repression. On this sorrowful day, we remember this tragedy on a universal scale – the genocide of the Ukrainian people. Vichnaya pam’iat’ – Eternal Memory – to our innocently perished brothers and sisters!
Now we know how and by whom this crime against the Ukrainian people happened. Its basis was evil, lies, disregard of human life, the destruction of human dignity. The people became the main tool in the hands of a totalitarian regime. We must all remember this, so that such a tragedy never returns to our homeland!
This year, the anniversary of the Holodomor is met not only with sorrow, but with great hope. The people have risen to defend their election, their honor, their freedom and independence. They no longer wish to live with falsehood, in oppression and humiliation, with which the present regime is burdening them. Ukrainian people are throwing off their chains, the chains forged in the past.
However dramatic are the present days, our victory is not far away. This victory belongs to us and our children. The victory of Ukraine is the obligation we are fulfilling in memory of those who perished.
Eternal Memory to Them!
Glory to Ukraine!
2004.11.27 | Mykyta
Дякую, робіть, будь-ласка, анонс (-)
2004.11.27 | anna
beru Одеса захищає голоси за Ющенка (-)From a letter to Maidan: Beginning Tuesday Odessa has witnessed everyday meetings of Yuschenko supporters. Today people came to Odessa Oblast Council building on Shevchenko Boulevard to protect their votes. You could see lines of people trying to get posters and flags that were handed out at orange tents. Crowds lined up along the road and greeted the orange marathon. Someone from a black Jeep drove by chanting “Yanukovich!” which elicited laughs from the crowd. The traffic was blocked for some time. The marathon participants were accused of breaking the traffic rules. In the same day there was a meeting of Yanukovich supporters that lasted almost 28 minutes!
2004.11.27 | Mykyta
Дякую, додаю (-)
2004.11.27 | Mykyta
УВАГА! Робіть, будь-ласка, АНОНСИ в ЗАГОЛОВКАХ (-)
2004.11.27 | anna
Re: Одну з умов Ющенка ВЖЕ не виконали(-)
беру Одну з умов Ющенка ВЖЕ не виконалиOne of the Yuschenko demands is not met.
Practically all the media in Odessa reports that we “orange” protesters were turned into zombies by Americans and that we are the enemies of our own city. They call us fascists and imply that all our actions are financed by USA.
Today on Donetsk and Makeevka TV channels “Ukraine”(Donetsk) and “Union” (Makeevka) showed a so-called marathon which was a way to air outrages and blatant lies. Everything they broadcasted before the elections seems to be innocent chat compared to this “performance”. The aim was obvious: to fool and provoke people that live in those mining regions. “Union” expressed 100% support for the bandit. I have never been that disgusted in my life! Donetsk criminals that govern the region try to fool the people and thus avoid legal prosecution for their crimes. Obviously, bribes and intimidation were not enough. Those “officials” incite people to anger towards western regions which are being called enemies; those who leech off the east of Ukraine. They even dare to say that they will “not be afraid to spill some blood”. This is beyond the limits! The gang is getting absolutely of hand!
2004.11.28 | Masha
Beru Курсантів Академії МВС нібито все-таки не вигнали (-)
2004.11.28 | Masha
Курсантів Академії МВС -pereklad
Students of the Internal Affairs Ministry Academy haven’t been expelled after all?According to the students, after several MPs and the school President arrived, those responsible for reprisals backed down and plead with the students not to wear their school uniforms to the rallies.
2004.11.28 | Tizia
Ставлю, дякую (-)
2004.11.28 | Victor Katolyk
Beru "Потемкинский" митинг за Януковича в Одессе (-)
2004.11.28 | Victor Katolyk
"Potemkin" meeting for Yanukovych in Odessa
Hello Maidan, I would like to share my impressions about the latest events in Odessa.In these latter days, Odessa authorities forcefully bring workers from enterprises to Yanukovych meetings. However, today is Saturday, and there was nobody to bring, so the city council had to turn to the experience of Prince Potemkin, who is known for building cardboard villages. On the Dumskaya square, they organized a phoney meeting.
The square was perimetered with white-and-blue tents backside out, and surrounded with metal fence. Slightly aside, they set up a loudspeaker, and 20 to 30 people in Yanukovych colors gathered around it. Inside, the camp was absolutely empty, but for a few people with security arm bands, who were hanging out between the tents.
2004.11.28 | Tizia
Ставлю, дякую (-)
2004.11.28 | Tizia
Беру Стокілометровий живий ланцюг на Сумщині (-)
2004.11.28 | Masha
Beru Голоси волаючих у російській інфопустелі (-)
2004.11.28 | Masha
Голоси волаючих - pereklad
Voices wailing in the Russian information desert.Tonight Russian TV channel TVC, obedient to Moscow Mayor Luzhkov, cited Western treacheries as reason for Ukrainian political crisis. Hundreds of thousands of people that spend their days on Maidan, Kyiv’s main Independence Square, people that come here for hours in a row, that walk in Khreshchatyk in unbelievable jams, - that, by the appraisal of the program “Post scriptum”, is a “well-organized crowd”. Anything but a people conscious of its own self-respect.
Moreover, TVC is giving voice to the crisis deepening scenario desirable for Russian authorities – scenario that implies interference in Ukrainian internal affairs: “We shouldn’t shy away from it – even at the cost of our friendship with EU and USA, even at the cost of Ukraine’s territorial integrity”.
And where is Russia’s intelligentsia? What is its civic stand? Where are the demands that media provide well-balanced information?
So far we only hear from some lone voices of Moscow’s, St. Petersburg’s and Sochi’s intellectual elite.
Why Sochi? Finally I saw the Russian tri-color on Maidan. Talking to the guy around 50 years old carrying the flag:
- Where are you from?
- Sochi. My name is Veniamin Sporevoy.
- Why did you decide to come to Kiev?
- Because I’m ashamed of Putin.
- Meaning?
- Well, events that happened in Ukraine didn’t happen without his participation. And our TV channels can’t be trusted. We don’t have the unbiased information about the orange revolution.
Similar idea has been expressed by the well-known Russian sociologist Anna Andreyenkova, who has represented the famous Levada Center when in charge of the National exit poll’2004. She has sent the following letter to the ‘Democratic Initiatives’ fund:
“Dear colleagues! We have returned to Moscow, we’re conducting our routine polls, but our thoughts are in Kiev with you. The only TV station I watch is “Euronews”, the only radio station I listen to is “Moscow’s Echo” – the ones that provide more or less unbiased information about what’s happening. The rest of the stations only try to cover everything up. It’s especially hard to witness this after our return from the orange Kiev, and the only things shown on TV are the blue rallies.
I feel like running outside and screaming “Guys! It’s not true, don’t believe it!”
I’ve never been so ashamed of Russia!”
Vitaliy Dovhych.
2004.11.28 | Tizia
Стоїть, дякую (-)
2004.11.28 | Victor Katolyk
Beru "V donetsku zbyrayutsya blokuvaty ..." (*)
2004.11.28 | Victor Katolyk
Orange meeting to be blocked in Donetsk
Information appeared that tomorrow before the beginning of the orange meeting, the square next to the Shevchenko monument will be blocked by cars decorated with blue and white. We shouldn't allow them to stop the orange movement of the People. The action is planned for 11:30.2004.11.28 | Tizia
Ставлю, дякую (-)
2004.11.28 | Victor Katolyk
Чому не постаються мої переклади?
Зявляються нові переклади, але моїх серед них немає. Що я роблю не так?2004.11.28 | Victor Katolyk
Re: Чому не постаються мої переклади?
ок, про одесу вже запостали, дякую.2004.11.28 | Tizia
Вже є.
Не хвилюйтеся, просто зв'язок поганий. Весь час зриває. Крім мене, здається, нікого нема, хто може ставити. Всі переклади будуть поставлені, але можливі затримки.2004.11.28 | misha, maryland usa
perevod "Харків - Нас багато ..."
Na vsjakij sluchaj napominaju pro svoj perevod khar'kovskih reportazhej (naverhu).Misha
2004.11.28 | Tizia
Дякую, я дійсно не побачила, що його ще нема, вибачте (-)
2004.11.28 | Masha
Beru В Николаеве продолжаются акции протеста (-)
2004.11.28 | Masha
В Николаеве продолжаются акции протеста - pereklad
Protest Rallies Continue in Mykolayiv.Protest rallies continue in Mykolayiv. More and more people join them every day. Here and there one can hear the songs born in the last few days. Unfortunately, some of them don’t sound that good – too many ‘extra’ (swear) words, but the persons the songs are about deserve it.
The orange mood is slowly but surely spreading all over the city. People wearing orange symbols began appearing in the streets, even cars started succumbing to the orange fashion. Yanukovych’s supporters are next to none. I counted as many as eight propaganda tents by the administration building, but only at most thirty people by them. However, the number of Yushchenko’s supporters keeps growing every day. Today already more than 500 people have joined the ranks under the orange flags.
2004.11.28 | Tizia
Поставила, дякую (-)
2004.11.28 | Masha
To Tizia
Чи можна перекласти деякі статті з Української Правди? Там так багато цікавого матеріалу, але я не знаю чи ви можете це розмістити у себе... Особливо хотілося б перекласти решту транкриптів про те як Янукович фальсифікував вибори.2004.11.28 | Бабай
Я б не радив.
Звичайно, робіть як хочете, але.1. Все, що є в укрнеті, перекласти неможливо
2. В нас працюють тільки волонтери
3. Просити волонтерів перекладати статті з професійних видань, де люди отримують за таке зарплату? Я не беруся оцінювати чи це морально.
Втім, якщо хтось хоче - перекладайте і ставте.
2004.11.28 | Victor Katolyk
Аморально по відношенню до кого?
Якщо це аморально до волентерів, то ми зголосилися самі. Чи я не так зрозумів?2004.11.28 | Masha
Re: Аморально по відношенню до кого?
Я теж цього аргументу про моральність не зовсім зрозуміла, вибачте. Справа ж у тім, що інформація ця дуже важлива, а англіиською її в інтернеті немає (я, принаймні, не знайшла); Українська Правда теж її не перекладає - у них англіиська сторінка вже кілька днів не оновлюється.2004.11.28 | Tizia
Українська Правда
Masha пише:> Українська Правда теж її не перекладає - у них англіиська сторінка вже кілька днів не оновлюється.
Ви можете спробувати запропонувати УП свої послуги - може в них власне перекладачів не вистачає - всі пішли на Майдан кричати "Нас багато"
Ну, а якщо ні - то постіть сюди, як бачите, шеф не проти
2004.11.28 | Mykyta
Статтю з транскриптом прослушки
мені прислали поштою - вона вже стоїть.Але як на мене, в нас власного матеріалу по самісінькі вуха вистачає.
2004.11.28 | Victor Katolyk
Re: To Tizia
Власне у мене те саме запитання.Я протягом декількох днів перекладаю статті з korrespondent.net, obozrevatel.com, elections.unian.net, etc. Вони знаходяться тут:
Я хотів би надалі постити свої переклади на вашому сайті.
Запитання: чи можна це зробити? Яким чином це найліпше організувати?
2004.11.28 | Бабай
Кидайте переклади сюди
Хай модератори дивляться і ставлять, що хочуть.2004.11.28 | Tizia
Що ж, новин не густо, іду спати (-)
2004.11.28 | anna
Beru Українські режисери в Німеччині - разом з нами!(-)
2004.11.28 | anna
Українські режисери в Німеччині - разом з нами!-перекладено
Ukrainian Theater Directors are with us!We are Ukrainian theater directors living in Germany. We have been working here for 10 years: we started in the late 80’s-early 90’s. It has been 10 years. 10 years of Kuchma’s presidency that ended forever. It has been enough shooting and primitive actions. We support Yuschenko!
Valeri Bilchenko, Berlin
Andriy Kritenko, Stuttgart
2004.11.28 | Mykyta
Дякую, додав (-)
2004.11.28 | anna
Беру: Плювати хотіли гебельси кучми на умови Ющенка(-)
2004.11.28 | anna
Re:Плювати хотіли гебельси кучми на умови Ющенка-перекладено
Regional “goebbels” and “kuchmas” spit on Yuschenko’s demands.Today on Channel “Ukraine” a video clip was broadcast in which pictures of Yuschenko, Hitler and murdered children were intermixed. This reminds me of desperation, when reasoning does not work and flat out lies and smear play the leading role. True separatist calls are in Donetsk media, not on Maidan.
Sent from Donetsk.
2004.11.28 | Mykyta
Дякую, додав (-)
2004.11.28 | anna
беру: Лист на Майдан (-)
2004.11.28 | anna
Re: Лист на Майдан-переклад
Letter to Maidan.Good evening Ukraine!
I want to tell you my story.
I live in the Democratic Republic of Cyprus. Actually, I was forced to live away from my country. I am originally from Donetsk. I was born there, got my degree. I used to be a member of the party of “Regions”. I asked for the refuge at Cyprus and left Ukraine 2.5 years ago.
The Parliament elections in 2002 in Donetsk were falsified, the same way the 2004 presidential elections were falsified. I not only witnessed it, I took a part in falsifications. I was pressured to do so. After the 2002 elections I realized the error of my ways and started fighting against my former “friends” from Ahmetov group. I wrote to opposition media and told about all the methods of falsifications and I showed proof. Unfortunately, I was quickly tracked down by Donetsk bandits. They beat me heavily on the stairs of my house and I spent 2 months in the hospital. The whole time I was getting threats from the Donetsk gangs and finally I decided to flee the country. I did not believe that it was possible to eradicate those disgusting thugs. It is not one person’s job.
The time has come now! Ukrainians do not lose your chance! Annihilate this gang! My heart and soul are with you, free Ukraine!
I am coming back home on December, 1.
2004.11.28 | Mykyta
Дякую, стоїть (-)
2004.11.28 | cb
"Orange" meeting was broken up in Donetsk
"Orange" meeting was broken up in DonetskAt 12.00 "orange" meeting should pass near a monument of Taras Shevchenko in Donetsk. Supportes of Yanukovich have gathered beforehand. When th meeting began, they started to provoke demonstrators, forced them to remove orange bands. People have refused, and for it they was beaten. Among victims there were doctors, professors. Supportes of Yanukovich have taken away cameras, videocameras. The militia refuses to accept the application for the event.
2004.11.28 | Mykyta
Дякую, робіть, будь-ласка, анонси. ЦЕ ДУЖЕ ВАЖЛИВО! (-)
2004.11.28 | dim
Беру "Закарпатский УБОП" и "МИД ведет двойную игру" (-)
2004.11.28 | Mykyta
Беру Облога рос. посольства (-)
2004.11.28 | AndriyM
Re: Беру Облога рос. посольства (-)
ВЖЕ ПЕРЕКЛАДЕНО !!! Приводжу текст ...The blockade of Russia's embassy in Ukraine will continue
The blockade of Russia's embassy in Ukraine will continue.
On November 28, 2004 at 13.00 (1 p.m.), organizations Pora (It's Time), Studentska Hvylya (Student Wave), Chysta Ukraina (Clean Ukraine), Molod - nadiya Ukrainy (Youth - Ukraine's hope), Sobor, Naronda opozyciya (The People's opposition) will begin the second day of blockading of the Russian embassy in Ukraine (at the address of 27 Povitroflotskyj Prospekt, Kyiv).
The second day will begin by embassy workers being given the universal medicine for political verbal diarrhea - a box of toilet paper - to pass on to Vladimir Putin. Protesters will draw attention to the symptoms of this illness evident in the Russian president's actions, namely two speeches and congratulations of victory given to Kremlin's chosen candidate, Viktor Yanukovych. These actions predated the official announcement of election results in "Uryadovyj Kuryer" ("Government Courier") and "Holos Ukrayiny" ("Ukraine's Voice") newspapers.
The first day of the blockade (November 27 at 13.00) began with simmultaneous protests in Kyiv, Ukraine and Warsaw, Poland. Approximately 1000 Ukrainians picketed the Russian embassy in Poland, insisting on the diplomats ceasing the unprecedented interference with Ukraine's internal affairs.
In Kyiv, the Russians were under siege from members of Pora (It's Time), Sobor, Molod - nadiya Ukrainy (Youth - Ukraine's hope), residents of the regions of Kharkiv, L'viv, and Cherkassy as well as Kievites.
At the beginning of the event, a statue to "the last Russian invader" was installed. This consisted of a pedestal fashioned from wet snow which formed a base for a symbolic zinc coffin with inscriptions to "Russian OMON" (a reference to SWAT-type troop formations) and "Is Chechnya not enough for you?!" Furthermore, protesters tied orange ribbons on the Christmas trees around the embassy.
This action of non-violent citizen protest against Putin's regime's agressive politics with regard to Ukraine will continue until the full withdrawal of the armed regiments "Vityaz" and "Vympel" (and the confirmation of this fact by international observers from USA, the EU and the UN), the withdrawal of all FSB agents from Ukraine (the list of their names is available to those interested at the protest), the removal of Russia's embassador to Ukraine (Mr. Chernomyrdin) and the revocation of Putin's untimely statement of recognition of the falsified election results.
2004.11.28 | Mykyta
ОК, дякую. Бачите, наскільки важливо робити анонси! (-)
2004.11.28 | cb
Zakarpatye’s militia unit supported people against criminal auth
ставте переклад!Zakarpatye’s militia unit supported people against criminal authority
The spontaneous mass meeting has taken place on November, 27 near a premise of the regional Department of Internal Affairs in Zakarpatye. It was under the slogan "Militia is with people". Chairman of Zakarpatye regional organization of National Ruh mr. Vladimir Pipash informed about it.
Before V.Pipash's community of Uzhgorod has specified, that the purpose of the many thousands’ action is protection of a constitutional law of people that elected the authority. Besides the recent management of regional militia released two hundreds of detained bandits. It was happened in spite of that weapon, certificates of workers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Interpol, propaganda materials supporting Yanukovich was found there. It was possible further decision of the regional public prosecutor to open criminal case against 40 fighters of militia unit that have detained bandits. The decision has exasperated a wave of indignation of inhabitants of Zakarpatye.
"At the answer to a situation which has developed, officer assembly have taken place. Mistrust has been expressed to the chief of regional militia Vartsabi and his assistant Rusin", - Vladimir Pipash informed, having emphasized, that the released bandits are free till now.
At the same day press conference has taken place. On the conference deputy chief regional militia unit Ivan Rahivsky has told that bandits have lists of activists National Ruh organization. These lists are in their hands till now. Ivan Rahivsky said: "We are tired of carrying out orders of criminal authority Paulio".
The mentioned bandits did criminal attacks on electional districts during time of election of Mukachevo major in spring of this year. Also they were involved in the first and second round of presidential elections. During the first round of presidential elections there were beaten People's Deputies Jury Orobets and Stepan Tucha by them in small town Grushiv.
Making comments on congress of separatists of Luzhkov and Yanukovich in Severodonetsk, mr. V.Pipash has told: "I won’t be in amazement if some deputies of regional Zakarpatye will try to play in separatism again, as it already was in our region at the beginning 90s of past century".
2004.11.28 | Mykyta
Стоїть, дякую (-)
2004.11.28 | cb
беру Українська гельсінська спілка готова надати суду 10 хвилин
2004.11.28 | cb
The Ukrainian Helsinki union is ready to give to court documented evidences of infringements at electionsYesterday "Documented evidences of mass infringements during elections" was distributed among deputies of pro-regime fractions at opening of extraordinary session of parliament
It is the collection of videoproofs, which have been collected by the Ukrainian Helsinki union for human rights and Foundation "Action of the law" during supervision behind presidential elections of Ukraine in all areas of the country. Brutal violations of rights of the Ukrainian voters during the second round of presidential elections of Ukraine are filmed and documented in the collection of video data. There are no more than 10 percent of all infringements which were fixed by supervisors at elections in the presented collection. In the initial records of observer there are much more of violations.
Most typical of them are votings by unfasten certificates, mass "migrations of unfasten state personnel", switching-off of light on electoral districts, banning of journalists to process of calculation of voices, processing of reports by chairmen of regional electoral districts, propaganda in day of voting, damage and fake of bulletins, etc. There are 24 facts of infringements total in the collection. The Ukrainian Helsinki union for human rights can give this materials to court, as proofs of infringements, on specific districts. Work above materials lasts. We also call all journalists to address for these materials and they will be to you given for broadcast and spelling of materials. Please address to Oleg Spornikov - +38(044)5380383
2004.11.28 | Mykyta
Дадаю, дякую (-)
2004.11.28 | AndriyM
Беру "Обстановка в Луганске накаляется"
Укр. текст: http://www.maidan.org.ua/static/news/1101648188.html2004.11.28 | AndriyM
Luganks Situation Intensifies
Lugansk Situation IntensifiesMass protests supporting Yushchenko in the centre of the city of Lugansk are now into their fourth day.
On Sunday, November 28, even more people gathered for the protest. In connection with the concurrent meeting of Luzhkov, Yanukovych and Chernomyrdin in Severodonetsk, the park area previously used for protests was enclosed by police who admitted noone. The protesters then gathered at the park's entrance. The representatives of Yanukovych's supporters quickly made their way to the scene. The main part of the meeting unfolded more or less quietly, but towards the end a group of strong-looking men forcefully pushed their way into the body of the protesters, splitting it into two parts and acting rudely. When Yushchenko's supporters did not react to this provocation, they decided to act themselves. Some drunkards savagely beat two people in the crowd, drawing blood. Everything happened quickly and these criminals disappeared in the crowd.
The commander of Lugansk city police, Mr. Korenev, was found near the police enclosure. He ignored the appeals of Yushchenko's party workers to at least separate the opponents and decided to leave the square right after the above-mentioned beatings. All his replies and actions were tinged with a high degree of cynicism and mockery. His actions consisted of nothing more than taking videos of Yushchenko supporters during the protest.
There are reports that the police of Lugansk no longer answers to Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs. It is not known who they take their orders from.
2004.11.28 | Mykyta
Ставлю, дякую (-)
2004.11.28 | cb
перевожу В Кировограде зверски избит журналист с Обкома
то есть вот этоВ Кировограде зверски избит журналист
Нападавшие потребовали от Геннадия Рыбченкова «писать только «за» Януковича».
В минувший четверг был зверски избит политический обозреватель еженедельника «Украина-Центр» (Кировоград) Геннадий Рыбченков. Когда он вечером возвращался домой с «оранжевого» митинга, проходящего на центральной площади города, его уже поджидали: группа молодчиков с характерной внешностью (в Кировограде их уже привычно называют гоблинами), предварительно уточнив действительно ли перед ними Геннадий, начали его жестоко избивать. При этом несколько раз прозвучала знаковая фраза: «теперь будешь писать только за Януковича».
Сообщить коллегам о ЧП Гена смог только почти через 1,5 суток.
Геннадий Рыбченков известен своими острыми публикациями не только в Кировограде: его материалы неоднократно появлялись и в центральной прессе и на многих сайтах. Особое раздражение у сторонников провластного кандидата вызывает его бескомпромиссная позиция относительно грубейших нарушений избирательного процесса на Кировоградщине и, в частности, в 100-м избирательном округе.
Это уже далеко не первый случай нападения на журналистов в Кировограде. Недавно бритоголовыми молодчиками был избит журналист телекомпании «Стимул», ретранслирующей «5 канал» Александр Дануца. Чуть раньше, за несколько дней до второго тура голосования прямо на центральной площади города было совершено нападение на ведущих журналистов «УЦ» Геннадия Рыбченкова и Оксану Гуцалюк, а также на корреспондента местного информагентства Руслана Худоярова, которые «посмели» появиться на концерте в поддержку Януковича с оранжевой символикой. Нападение десятка гоблинов на журналистов происходило прямо на глазах стоящих неподалеку милиционеров.
Ситуация с посягательством на жизнь журналистов, похоже, не имеет своего разрешения на местном уровне - все происходит при попустительстве правоохранительных органов и даже при участии отдельных представителей местной власти, которые, собственно, и направляют действия «бритоголовых». Необходима срочная помощь коллег со всей Украины, иначе мортиролог украинских журналистов вскоре пополнится фамилиями кировоградцев...
2004.11.28 | cb
Journalist was brutally beaten in Kirovograd
Journalist was brutally beaten in KirovogradAttackers have demanded from Gennady Rybchenkov "to write only for Yanukovich".
On the last Thursday the political analyst of a weekly journal "Ukraine-Center" (Kirovograd) Gennady Rybchenkov was brutally beaten. When it came back home from the "orange" meeting which was taking place in the central square of city in the evening, they was already waiting for him. Group of men with characteristic appearance (people of Kirovograd already named them goblins) first asked him is he Gennady Rybchenkov. Then they started to beat him severely. Thus the sign phrase has some times sounded: "now you will write only for Yanukovich!".
Gennady was able to inform colleagues about it only after 1,5 day.
Gennady Rybchenkov is known for the sharp publications not only in Kirovograd: his materials repeatedly appeared both in the central press and on many sites. The special irritation in supporters of the pro-regime candidate is caused with his uncompromising position concerning the roughest infringements of elective process in Kirovograd and, in particular, in 100-th electoral district.
It is already far from being the first case of an attack on journalists in Kirovograd. Recently goblins beated black and blue the journalist of a broadcasting company the "Stimul" relaying to "5 channel" Alexander Danutsa. Hardly earlier, some days prior to the second round of voting there was the attack on conducting journalists "U-C" Gennady Rybchenkov and Oksana Gutsaljuk was accomplished direct on the central square of the city. Also correspondent of local news agency Ruslan Hudojarov, which "have dared" to appear at a concert in support of Yanukovich with orange symbolics became their victim. The attack of ten goblins on journalists occured directly on eyes of militia men.
The situation with an encroachment for a life of journalists, similarly, has no sanction at a local level. All occurs with the connivance of law enforcement organs and even with participation of separate representatives of local authorities which, actually, and direct actions of goblins. The urgent help of colleagues from all Ukraine is necessary, differently death list of the Ukrainian journalists will soon be filled up with surnames of Kirovograd habitants...
2004.11.28 | Mykyta
Додаю, дякую (-)
2004.11.28 | cb
Янукович уже заработал на пожизненное.. c Обкома - переводить?
вот это имеется в виду
Янукович уже заработал на пожизненное заключение
Как ни странно, но гражданин Янукович все еще свободно перемещается по стране и откалывает от нее куски в свою пользу.
Премьер-министр Виктор Янукович прибыл в Северодонецк на Всеукраинский съезд народных депутатов и депутатов местных советов всех уровней. Вместе с Януковичем в Северодонецк прибыл мэр Москвы Юрий Лужков.
Когда Янукович входил в зал Ледового дворца, где собрались представители 17 областей Украины, участники съезда встали и в течение нескольких минут скандировали: «Президент».
Перед Ледовым дворцом, где должен начаться всеукраинский съезд народных депутатов и депутатов местных советов всех уровней, проходит многотысячный митинг.
Как сообщалось ранее, одним из главных вопросов съезда станет рассмотрение возможности организации рабочей группы по созданию и формированию налоговой, платежной, банковской, финансовой системы юго- восточных областей.
Ранее руководство Донецкой, Днепропетровской, Луганской и Харьковской областей инициировало изменения в системе управления, направленные на расширение полномочий регионов. Обсуждается также возможность проведения референдумов о создании автономий. Предполагается, что эта проблема будет обсуждена в числе прочих на форуме.
(по материалам украинских и российских информагентств)
2004.11.28 | Mykyta
Можна, але матеріали Майдану все-таки бажаніше (-)
2004.11.28 | cb
не было тогда новых материалов на МайданеYanukovich has already earned life imprisonment
Strangely enough, but citizen Yanukovich still freely moves on the country and breaks it on pieces to own advantage.
Prime minister Victor Yanukovich has arrived to Severodonetsk on Ukrainian congress of people's deputies and deputies of local councils of all levels. Mayor of Moscow Yury Luzhkov has arrived to Severodonetsk together with Yanukovich. When Yanukovich entered into a hall of the Ice palace where representatives of 17 areas of Ukraine have gathered, participants of congress have risen and within several minutes shouted: "President".
Mass meeting passes near the Ice palace where should begin Ukrainian congress of people's deputies and deputies of local councils of all levels.
As it was informed earlier, one of the main questions of congress is consideration of an opportunity of the organization of working group on creation and formation tax, payment, bank, a financial system of south-east areas.
Earlier the management of Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Lugansk and Kharkov areas initiated changes in a control system, directed on expansion of powers of regions. The opportunity of carrying out of referendum about creation of autonomy is discussed also. It is supposed, that this problem will be discussed among other at a forum.
2004.11.28 | Mykyta
Додав, дякую (-)
2004.11.28 | Mykyta
Спробуйте чи працює вже форум для перекладачів
http://maidan.org.ua/news/list.php3?expnd=&sort=&force_refresh=1&bn=maidan_trans&site=maidan2004.11.28 | cb
беру Ющенко вимагає негайно відкрити кримінальні справи проти(-)
2004.11.28 | cb
Yushchenko demands to open criminal cases against local authoritiesThe Committee of national rescue created by the Ukrainian opposition under the head of Victor Jushchenko demands immediately to excite criminal cases against heads of the regional authority, that are trying to realize separative idea of a south-east autonomy.
V.Yushchenko has declared this on Sunday, November 28, on Maidan nezalezhnosti in Kiev, addressing to tens of thousands of supporters on the meeting proceeding already the sixth day. "The authority which has completely lost for elections, has lost for competition to its people, today throws up very dangerous card for political polemic - a card of separatism", - was declared. It was noted, that the country is threatened with split as the authority tries "to avoid the responsibility for distortion of will of citizens and Ukrainian laws".
He has also noted, that the idea of the south-east autonomy "is in hands of those heads of regional administrations, which were champions of falsifications in elective process on November, 21, and also on October, 31". In particular, V.Yushchenko has named the head of the Donetsk regional administration Anatoly Bliznjuk, Lugansk - Alexander Efremov and Kharkov - Evgenie Kushnarev.
2004.11.28 | Mykyta
УВАГА ПЕРЕКЛАДАЧАМ! Спеціальний форум вже ніби пофіксено
http://maidan.org.ua/news/list.php3?expnd=&sort=&force_refresh=1&bn=maidan_trans&site=maidanКоординуємось тепер там.
2004.12.19 | ladalesia
Re: УВАГА ПЕРЕКЛАДАЧАМ! Спеціальний форум вже ніби пофіксено
Nareshti znaishla tsei viddil! A to dumala, shcho znyk. Mozhe treba maty notatku v sektsiyi "Rozrobky" pro novu adresu? Bo tiazhko znaity. Diakuyu.