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05/03/2003 | Englishman
Çíàéäåíî íà Yahoo ôîðóì³:

Daily Telegraph reporters announced early yesterday that U.S forces might have found what may be the raw materials for constructing an atomic bomb. They said that a team of U.S marines led by an Iraqi informer, who was paid the standing $20,000 reward for WMD information, have discovered what appears to be a ‘lump of iron’ in a disused industrial area.

Later a team of U.S experts in full protective gear said that “iron can be a percursor for an Atomic Device”. “Definitely iron is a necessary ingredient for an Atomic Weapon”.

“This is it, this is it. This is the smoking gun,”Donald Rumsfeld was quoted later at the Whitehouse.

Iraqi scientists and leaders have long denied Iraq possess nuclear devices or WMD but with this latest find, Whitehouse officials say , “we will not be fooled or misled this time.”

Some experts though have privately voiced some doubts over the discovery, for example Dr. Richard Wendelman, Nobel Prize Physicist at MIT, “Well a lot of things are needed besides iron,” but when pressed by reporters he had to admit “iron can be necessary for building certain atomic devices, especially the casing.”

Pentagon officials claim that there is enough metal in the lump to build a casing for an atomic device of sufficient yield to “destroy San Francisco”.

Foxnews has announced that it will be airing a two hour special on the find entitled , “The Helllfire Lump”.

Even more significant in the discovery of the lump of iron was that a 10 by 6 glossy photo of Saddam was found at the site clearly signifying the closelink between Saddam and the atomic program. Even more disturbing is a torn newspaper found in the wreckage with an ARTICLE ON OSAMA BIN LADEN. This demonstrates clearly, Whitehouse officials announced, the Al-Qaeda connection to Saddam which was long suspected. “This is added proof, what else do you need?” Conservative Senators announced.

President Bush has pushed congress for a supplementary spending bill of 150 billion, for in his words, “to create a Lump Free Middle East.” Dick Cheney later elaborated that most of the 150 billion will be to subsidize petrochemical firms in developing plastic alternatives for iron. Another 2 trillion will needed later “to replace all iron objects in the Middle East with plastic”. Congressional leaders are debating the 2 trillion but are certain to pass the first 150 billion bill, “we have to stand by the president at this time of crisis”. A new federal agency has been mandated to oversee developments, called the Lump Oversight and Control Organisation or L.O.C.O.

Meanwhile the infamous“Lump of Iron” is scheduled to be transferred under tight security to an undisclosed army base for further testing by the Atomic Energy Commission, but U.S experts are confident, “it’s iron alright”

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