Абсурдопедія: антипод Wiki
10/20/2005 | Юрій Шеляженко
Чи знаєте ви, що коли пташка сере Вам на голову - це добра прикмета (для пташки, не для Вас)?
Чи знаєте Ви, що контрабанда шведських котят - найпотужніше джерело наркотрафіку?
Чи знаєте Ви, що ураган "Катріна" врятував Америку від нашестя кровожерливих динозаврів?
Все це - у вільній від здорового глузду Абсурдопедії:
А найбільш важливо те, що всі статті Абсурдопедії може редагувати кожен. Як кожен може зробити і відкат до попередніх варіантів редагування.
Статті про Україну зібрані тут:
Перший варіант:
From Uncyclopedia
Mistakenly famous for being the birth country of Leo Tolstoy and Yakov Smirnoff.
Ukraine is a tiny country located somewhere along the green
plains of Scotland and Luxembourg. The country is among the wealthiest
in Europe. It is being paid tribute to by Germany, Moldova and Estonia
- the superpowers of the World.
National hobby is to go hunting for the barbarian neighbours in
kazapstan, or better known as "russkies". Some Ukrainians go as far as
cooking russkies, because they are classified as "cold blooded
It is known that Ukraine's far-east neighbours the "russkies"
are always trying to associate themselves with Ukraine. Many go as far
as calling them "brothers and sisters", though Ukrainians reject such
nonsense and go shoot some more barbarians.
As once Oscar Wilde said from the Czech exile: "{Ukraine is} Good country with good people but with very envious neighbours =)"
Другий варіант:
From Uncyclopedia
Mistakenly famous for being the birth country of Leo Tolstoy and Yakov Smirnoff.
Ukraine is a tiny country currently located somewhere along the green plains of Scotland and Luxembourg. The country is among the wealthiest in Europe. It is being paid by Germany, Moldova and Estonia (E-e-e-sto-o-o-nia-a-a)- the superpowers of the World. Ukrainians prefer to be referred to as “Hohli” especially when referred to by “russkies,” which is ultimately a matter of national pride.
Ukraine is fatherland of oranges. Greatest of oranges is Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and head of Ukrainian Academy of the sciences Mykhailo Svystovich.
Recent studies conclude that Ukrainians are the sole descendants of Atlantis. They have preserved much of their ancient cultural residue, such as indulging in “Salo” (salted pork fat) and washing it down with “Gorilka” (a type of tractor brake fluid).
National hobby is giving head to barbarian neighbours in kazapstan, or better known as "russkies". Some Ukrainians go as far as cooking russkie's spunk, because it's classified as "cold blooded mammals" delicatessen. Other pass-times include getting drunk and fighting for no apparent reason.
It is known that Ukraine's far-east neighbours the "russkies" are always trying to associate themselves with Ukraine. Many go as far as calling them "arse brothers and sisters", though Ukrainians reject such nonsense and go and blow those barbarians.
As once Oscar Wilde said from the Czech exile: "{Ukraine is} Good country with good people but with very envious neighbours =)"
Ukraine is one of the countries in the G8, the capital of the country has been moved to Chernobyl after the plague wiped out the entire southern region of the country. The national drink of the country is a cocktail named white russian, which is a mix of vodka and semen. The national past time is goat fucking. Ukraine is famous for having a colony set up on Uranus. The inhabitants of that country are dead, but it's a colony none-the-less. Being the second richest country in the world, first being Zimbabwe, this country has many slaves, many of whom were brough over from Africa. However, a good majority of the slaves are blonde, beautiful Swedish women brought over from the island of Mexico. The main religion of the country is believed to be sodomy. Obviously being the center of the universe, Ukraine has control over everything, including your bowel movements. Ukraine is also behind AIDS and poison arrow frogs. The first inhabitans of Earth were Ukrainian, and God is a black woman who was born to a Ukrainian prophet. Also, Ukrainian immigrants are actually biological weapons. Each immigrant is infected with no less than 7 different deseases that he spreads upon contact with a new civilization. Meanwhile, the real Ukrainians are evacuating to Death Star, which will soon destroy this silly flat disk we call Earth.
The Orange Revolution
From Uncyclopedia
The Orange Revolution marked an evolutionary economic step in Ukraines history taking place in November 2004. It was launched to celebrate the first time the majority of Ukrainians were able to afford oranges. The revolution was lead by Yuliya Tymoshenko, Viktor Yushchenko and George W. Bush - all having enormous financial interests in the orange industry.
Economic analysts predicts an automobile revolution in Ukraine around 2026.
p.s. ця реклама розміщена за підтримки Партії Любителів Брехні http://brehnya.org.ua
Чи знаєте Ви, що контрабанда шведських котят - найпотужніше джерело наркотрафіку?
Чи знаєте Ви, що ураган "Катріна" врятував Америку від нашестя кровожерливих динозаврів?
Все це - у вільній від здорового глузду Абсурдопедії:
А найбільш важливо те, що всі статті Абсурдопедії може редагувати кожен. Як кожен може зробити і відкат до попередніх варіантів редагування.
Статті про Україну зібрані тут:
Перший варіант:
From Uncyclopedia
Mistakenly famous for being the birth country of Leo Tolstoy and Yakov Smirnoff.
Ukraine is a tiny country located somewhere along the green
plains of Scotland and Luxembourg. The country is among the wealthiest
in Europe. It is being paid tribute to by Germany, Moldova and Estonia
- the superpowers of the World.
National hobby is to go hunting for the barbarian neighbours in
kazapstan, or better known as "russkies". Some Ukrainians go as far as
cooking russkies, because they are classified as "cold blooded
It is known that Ukraine's far-east neighbours the "russkies"
are always trying to associate themselves with Ukraine. Many go as far
as calling them "brothers and sisters", though Ukrainians reject such
nonsense and go shoot some more barbarians.
As once Oscar Wilde said from the Czech exile: "{Ukraine is} Good country with good people but with very envious neighbours =)"
Другий варіант:
From Uncyclopedia
Mistakenly famous for being the birth country of Leo Tolstoy and Yakov Smirnoff.
Ukraine is a tiny country currently located somewhere along the green plains of Scotland and Luxembourg. The country is among the wealthiest in Europe. It is being paid by Germany, Moldova and Estonia (E-e-e-sto-o-o-nia-a-a)- the superpowers of the World. Ukrainians prefer to be referred to as “Hohli” especially when referred to by “russkies,” which is ultimately a matter of national pride.
Ukraine is fatherland of oranges. Greatest of oranges is Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and head of Ukrainian Academy of the sciences Mykhailo Svystovich.
Recent studies conclude that Ukrainians are the sole descendants of Atlantis. They have preserved much of their ancient cultural residue, such as indulging in “Salo” (salted pork fat) and washing it down with “Gorilka” (a type of tractor brake fluid).
National hobby is giving head to barbarian neighbours in kazapstan, or better known as "russkies". Some Ukrainians go as far as cooking russkie's spunk, because it's classified as "cold blooded mammals" delicatessen. Other pass-times include getting drunk and fighting for no apparent reason.
It is known that Ukraine's far-east neighbours the "russkies" are always trying to associate themselves with Ukraine. Many go as far as calling them "arse brothers and sisters", though Ukrainians reject such nonsense and go and blow those barbarians.
As once Oscar Wilde said from the Czech exile: "{Ukraine is} Good country with good people but with very envious neighbours =)"
Ukraine is one of the countries in the G8, the capital of the country has been moved to Chernobyl after the plague wiped out the entire southern region of the country. The national drink of the country is a cocktail named white russian, which is a mix of vodka and semen. The national past time is goat fucking. Ukraine is famous for having a colony set up on Uranus. The inhabitants of that country are dead, but it's a colony none-the-less. Being the second richest country in the world, first being Zimbabwe, this country has many slaves, many of whom were brough over from Africa. However, a good majority of the slaves are blonde, beautiful Swedish women brought over from the island of Mexico. The main religion of the country is believed to be sodomy. Obviously being the center of the universe, Ukraine has control over everything, including your bowel movements. Ukraine is also behind AIDS and poison arrow frogs. The first inhabitans of Earth were Ukrainian, and God is a black woman who was born to a Ukrainian prophet. Also, Ukrainian immigrants are actually biological weapons. Each immigrant is infected with no less than 7 different deseases that he spreads upon contact with a new civilization. Meanwhile, the real Ukrainians are evacuating to Death Star, which will soon destroy this silly flat disk we call Earth.
The Orange Revolution
From Uncyclopedia
The Orange Revolution marked an evolutionary economic step in Ukraines history taking place in November 2004. It was launched to celebrate the first time the majority of Ukrainians were able to afford oranges. The revolution was lead by Yuliya Tymoshenko, Viktor Yushchenko and George W. Bush - all having enormous financial interests in the orange industry.
Economic analysts predicts an automobile revolution in Ukraine around 2026.
p.s. ця реклама розміщена за підтримки Партії Любителів Брехні http://brehnya.org.ua

2005.10.22 | Юрій Шеляженко
Абсурдопедія про лідерів помаранчевої революції
Yuliya TymoshenkoFrom Uncyclopedia
This clone of Britney Spears, were make The Orange Revolution in Ukraine, was product by secret biological laboratories in Iran to fool both the USA and Russia.
Yulia Timoshenko grow in atmosphere of oil and gas. One of the last neighbours of propeth Mohammed teach him conspiracy and doing some secret shahid mission in European politics.
He start this mission as a president of govegnmental energetic company and spend money of this company to support street gangs in the Lviv city. Some time ago, teenagers supported by Yulia Timoshenko go to Iran to courses of political activity and civil aid network. They create nationalistic political party "Batkivshina" vere headed by Yulia Tymoshenko.
Before The Orange Revolution, Yulia Tymoshenko try to import green oranges from secret biological laboratories in Iran to Ukraine for make The Great Green Revolution. But Viktor Yushchenko and George W. Bush self-hand recolour oranges with orange paint. However, activists from "Batkivshina" during The Orange Revolution present on the streets 1 040 345 copies of Koran printed in Russia for free (Yulia Tymoshenko told Putin that this kind of activity will convince ukrainian people return back to the USSR).
After The Orange Revolution, Yulia Tymoshenko become prime minister of Ukrane but five months ago will fired by Viktor Yushchenko because all ministers in new Government have appeared a iranians and martians. Now he prepare green revolution on parliamential elections in 2006.
Viktor Yushchenko
From Uncyclopedia
Viktor Yushenko is a martian who open export of revolutionary oranges from Mars into Ukraine. In such way he become an President of Ukraine. Yushenko have some hypnotic abilities like making people cry his name "Yus-hen-ko! Yus-hen-ko!" and vote for him. This trick he apply at U.S. Senate to get credit for development of orange plantations in Ukraine. Viktor Yushenko's hobbies is monetarism and bees. Also, he like to say to people something good such as "criminals must be punished" or "my hands is clear". However, if journalists near him, Viktor Yushenko sayed: "you are killers, Yulya Tymoshenko pay to you".