Интересная статья в The Christian Science Monitor
02/21/2007 | Саид
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from the February 20, 2007 edition - http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0220/p09s02-coop.html
A lesson in stifling violent extremism
Crimea's Tatars have created a promising model to lessen ethnoreligious conflict.
By Waleed Ziad and Laryssa Chomiak
The effort to help Muslim moderates and democratic reformers, President Bush insists, is a primary bulwark against ethnoreligious conflict and the terrorism it breeds. Yet, five years into the war on terror, real-world examples to support that contention are scarce. There is, however, a conflict zone that has developed a strong model of stifling violent extremism – one that could be replicated in hot spots around the world: Ukraine's Crimean peninsula.
Last month in picturesque Crimea, minority Muslim Tatars clashed violently with ethnic Russians who make up the majority of the region's population. This was the worst in a string of incendiary events that began in August 2006: pro-Moscow paramilitary gangs assaulted Tatars at their holiest site, a building housing their parliament was bombed, and a Tatar journalist was assassinated.
Meanwhile, foreign-sponsored Wahhabi Muslim extremist groups appeared on the scene, urging violent retaliation. Most anywhere else in the world, this would have been the trigger for a major ethnoreligious war. But thanks to the Tatars' locally developed democracy, their leadership was able to avert full-scale hostilities.
The Tatars of Crimea were victims of ethnic cleansing and deportation policies under Russian czars and later under Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union. In 1944, Stalin deported all Tatars to Uzbekistan and other parts of Central Asia. Throughout their exile, Tatars maintained a strong national identity, and, post-Stalin, they formed a celebrated nonviolent resistance movement.
After the fall of the Soviet Union, Crimea became an autonomous republic in Ukraine, and the resistance movement collaborated with the newly independent Ukrainian government to secure Tatars' right of return. However, Crimea continues to be dominated by its Russian majority and a pro-Moscow party.
The new repatriates faced oppression as ethnic Russian authorities in Crimea prevented the restitution of land and job opportunities. Rather than be marginalized, the Tatar leadership's unique solution was the 1991 creation of the Mejlis, or "assembly" system, to establish their legitimacy in the Ukrainian political milieu.
Leaders adopted the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights as their political model, with democracy and nonviolence as guiding doctrines. Early on, Mejlis members appealed to the UN and the international community for recognition of their rights, which has resulted in close working ties between the Mejlis and various international aid organizations. The Mejlis was eventually recognized as a legitimate political player by Ukraine's government. Mustafa Jemilev, the father of the resistance movement, now holds a seat in the Ukrainian parliament. Indeed, he is part of the Orange bloc coalition, which has been a symbol for democracy in the region and worldwide.
An elected religious institution, the Muftiyat, was established alongside the Mejlis system to prevent the inpouring of religious extremism and preserve Tatar Islamic folk traditions. Amid the ethnic tensions, small-scale Wahhabist groups sponsored by Arab Gulf states have emerged, including the banned Hizb-i-Tehrir, which castigated the Mejlis for its "soft" policies. But the Muftiyat, allied with the Mejlis, denounced these ideologies as "false teachings and objectives rejected by Islam," and swiftly silenced the radicals with popular tolerance and education campaigns at local mosques.
The overwhelming success of the Mejlis in preventing the spread of violence rests on its exclusive reliance on negotiations, international support, and nonviolent public protests. When Tatar rights are denied or provocation occurs, Mejlis leaders step in to mediate. And the Mejlis actively preventsthe formation of independent militias, recognizing their detriment to any negotiation process.
Despite many roadblocks, peaceful Tatar activism has achieved what was previously inconceivable: repatriation and citizenship for 250,000 Tatars, quasi- recognition of the Mejlis by the central government, and seats within Ukrainian and Crimean legislatures.
The Crimean Tatar experience proves that there is indeed a nonviolent prophylactic for ethnoreligious conflict. Giving official recognition to the political aspirations of indigenous minorities helps address popular grievances through peaceful negotiation instead of street violence. That's the lesson of the Mejlis and Muftiyat in Crimea. And it's the lesson that should be applied to other conflict zones, from Muslim minority populations across the former Soviet Union, to the Kurds in Syria and the Moros in the Philippines.
Fostering local participatory movements isn't just about keeping democracy healthy. In the global war on terror, it's one of the best defenses against transnational fundamentalism.
• Waleed Ziad, an economic consultant and a principal at the Truman National Security Project, writes extensively on Islamic fundamentalist movements. Laryssa Chomiak, a Department of Homeland Security fellow, covered the Crimean Tatar minority for the University of Maryland's Minorities at Risk Project. They recently returned from Crimea, where they interviewed Tatar leaders.
from the February 20, 2007 edition - http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0220/p09s02-coop.html
A lesson in stifling violent extremism
Crimea's Tatars have created a promising model to lessen ethnoreligious conflict.
By Waleed Ziad and Laryssa Chomiak
The effort to help Muslim moderates and democratic reformers, President Bush insists, is a primary bulwark against ethnoreligious conflict and the terrorism it breeds. Yet, five years into the war on terror, real-world examples to support that contention are scarce. There is, however, a conflict zone that has developed a strong model of stifling violent extremism – one that could be replicated in hot spots around the world: Ukraine's Crimean peninsula.
Last month in picturesque Crimea, minority Muslim Tatars clashed violently with ethnic Russians who make up the majority of the region's population. This was the worst in a string of incendiary events that began in August 2006: pro-Moscow paramilitary gangs assaulted Tatars at their holiest site, a building housing their parliament was bombed, and a Tatar journalist was assassinated.
Meanwhile, foreign-sponsored Wahhabi Muslim extremist groups appeared on the scene, urging violent retaliation. Most anywhere else in the world, this would have been the trigger for a major ethnoreligious war. But thanks to the Tatars' locally developed democracy, their leadership was able to avert full-scale hostilities.
The Tatars of Crimea were victims of ethnic cleansing and deportation policies under Russian czars and later under Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union. In 1944, Stalin deported all Tatars to Uzbekistan and other parts of Central Asia. Throughout their exile, Tatars maintained a strong national identity, and, post-Stalin, they formed a celebrated nonviolent resistance movement.
After the fall of the Soviet Union, Crimea became an autonomous republic in Ukraine, and the resistance movement collaborated with the newly independent Ukrainian government to secure Tatars' right of return. However, Crimea continues to be dominated by its Russian majority and a pro-Moscow party.
The new repatriates faced oppression as ethnic Russian authorities in Crimea prevented the restitution of land and job opportunities. Rather than be marginalized, the Tatar leadership's unique solution was the 1991 creation of the Mejlis, or "assembly" system, to establish their legitimacy in the Ukrainian political milieu.
Leaders adopted the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights as their political model, with democracy and nonviolence as guiding doctrines. Early on, Mejlis members appealed to the UN and the international community for recognition of their rights, which has resulted in close working ties between the Mejlis and various international aid organizations. The Mejlis was eventually recognized as a legitimate political player by Ukraine's government. Mustafa Jemilev, the father of the resistance movement, now holds a seat in the Ukrainian parliament. Indeed, he is part of the Orange bloc coalition, which has been a symbol for democracy in the region and worldwide.
An elected religious institution, the Muftiyat, was established alongside the Mejlis system to prevent the inpouring of religious extremism and preserve Tatar Islamic folk traditions. Amid the ethnic tensions, small-scale Wahhabist groups sponsored by Arab Gulf states have emerged, including the banned Hizb-i-Tehrir, which castigated the Mejlis for its "soft" policies. But the Muftiyat, allied with the Mejlis, denounced these ideologies as "false teachings and objectives rejected by Islam," and swiftly silenced the radicals with popular tolerance and education campaigns at local mosques.
The overwhelming success of the Mejlis in preventing the spread of violence rests on its exclusive reliance on negotiations, international support, and nonviolent public protests. When Tatar rights are denied or provocation occurs, Mejlis leaders step in to mediate. And the Mejlis actively preventsthe formation of independent militias, recognizing their detriment to any negotiation process.
Despite many roadblocks, peaceful Tatar activism has achieved what was previously inconceivable: repatriation and citizenship for 250,000 Tatars, quasi- recognition of the Mejlis by the central government, and seats within Ukrainian and Crimean legislatures.
The Crimean Tatar experience proves that there is indeed a nonviolent prophylactic for ethnoreligious conflict. Giving official recognition to the political aspirations of indigenous minorities helps address popular grievances through peaceful negotiation instead of street violence. That's the lesson of the Mejlis and Muftiyat in Crimea. And it's the lesson that should be applied to other conflict zones, from Muslim minority populations across the former Soviet Union, to the Kurds in Syria and the Moros in the Philippines.
Fostering local participatory movements isn't just about keeping democracy healthy. In the global war on terror, it's one of the best defenses against transnational fundamentalism.
• Waleed Ziad, an economic consultant and a principal at the Truman National Security Project, writes extensively on Islamic fundamentalist movements. Laryssa Chomiak, a Department of Homeland Security fellow, covered the Crimean Tatar minority for the University of Maryland's Minorities at Risk Project. They recently returned from Crimea, where they interviewed Tatar leaders.
2007.02.22 | Aziz
Re: Интересная статья в The Christian Science Monitor перевод
Я перевел начерно основные моменты из данной статьи, русский язык не вычитывал…Урок крымских татар по сдерживанию экстремизма создал многообещающую модель по ослаблению этнорелигиозных конфликтов.
В живописном Крыму произошло жестокое столкновение малочисленных мусульман крымских татар с этническими русскими, которые составляют большинство полуосторова. Это был самый серьезный конфликт в цепочке управляемых конфликтов, начавшихся с августа 2006 года. Промосковские полувоенные банды напали на татар на священной для них земле, в здание, где находится их парламент, была брошена бутылка с зажигательной смесью, а татарский журналист был убит.
Тем временем, спонсируемые из-за рубежа, экстремистские группы мусульман ваххабисткого толка появились на сцене. В любом другом месте на земле, это все послужило бы толчком для этнорелигиозной войны. Однако, благодаря демократии, созданной крымскими татарами на местном уровне, лидерам удалось предотвратить полномасштабный конфликт.
Крымские татары были жертвами этнических чисток и депортации осуществленными российскими царями и Сталиным во время Советского союза. В 1944 году Сталин депортировал всех татар в Узбекистан и другие страны Центральной Азии. Во время ссылки, татары сохранили национальную идентичность, и после смерти Сталина они создали мирное движение сопротивления.
После распада СССР, Крым стал автономной республикой в Украине, и движение стало сотрудничать с независимым украинским государством для обеспечения прав татар на возращение на родину. Однако, Крым остается под властью русского большинства и промосковских партий.
Репатрианты испытывают притеснения со стороны местных властей, которые препятствуют возвращению земли и предоставлению рабочих мест. Крымские татары вместо того, чтобы превратиться в маргинальную группу, создали в 1991 году Меджлис для своей легитимизации в украинском политическом пространстве.
Лидеры Меджлиса руководствуются Декларацией ООН по правам человека, с основными доктринами как демократия и ненасилие. Ранее, Меджлис обращался в ООН и международному сообществу для признания своих прав, что вылилось в тесные рабочие связи между Меджлисом и различными международными организациями. Меджлис был признан легитимными политическим игроком в украинском правительстве. Мустафа Джемилев, являющийся одним из «отцов» сопротивления, в настоящее время является членом украинского парламента. Также он был в коалиции «оранжевых», которая являлась символом демократии в регионе и в мире.
Как выборный религиозный орган, Муфтият, был создан вместе с Меджлисом для препятствования проникновения религиозного экстремизма и для сохранения татарских исламских традиций. Небольшие ваххабитские группы, включая Хизбут-Тахрир, спонсируемые арабскими государствами, возникли на фоне этнических конфликтов. Они критикуют Меджлис за «мягкую» политику. Муфтият и Меджлис осудили эти идеологии за «фальшивое учение и задачи, отрицаемые Исламом», остановив радикалов ,путем образовательных кампаний в мечетях…..
Успех Меджлиса в предотвращении распространения насилия лежит в их приверженности переговорам, международной поддержке и ненасильственным формам протеста. Когда права татар попираются или происходит провокация, лидеры Меджлиса выступают в роли посредника. Меджлис активно препятствует созданию независимого народного ополчения, признавая свою приверженность к переговорному процессу.
Несмотря на все проблемы, мирные действия крымских татар достигли того, что казалось недостижимым: репатриация и гражданство для 250 тыс. крымских татар, полупризнание Меджлиса центральным правительством и места в украинском и крымском парламентах.
Опыт крымских татар доказывает, что существует мирная профилактика по предотвращению этнорегилигозных конфликтов. Официальное политическое признание чаяний автохтонных меньшинств помогает решать недовольства посредством мирных переговоров вместо уличных противостояний. Это основной урок Меджлиса и Муфтията в Крыму. Этот урок может быть применен и в других конфликтных зонах, где проживают мусульманские меньшинства в бывших республиках СССР…..
Стимулирование местных общественных движений является не только средством поддержания демократии, но и является лучшей защитой от международного фундаментализма в контексте глобальной войны с террором.
2007.02.22 | Саид
Re: Интересная статья в The Christian Science Monitor перевод
Sagol, в очень сжатой форме, и о чень ясно авторы смогли объяснить миссию Меджлиса. Это хорошо, что в таких солидных СМИ есть такое глубокое понимание. Удивительно, что сотни российских и украинских СМИ не могут предолеть свою зашоренность, и опубликовать хотя бы на током уровне одну статью. Может в "Трибуну" послать эту статью для перпечатки2007.02.22 | Aziz
Re: Интересная статья в The Christian Science Monitor перевод
Тут еще дело в том, что эти ребята - не журналисты, а исследователи, настоящие, не такие как господин Затулин и прочие "специалисты"2007.02.22 | Исмаил
Re: Интересная статья в The Christian Science Monitor перевод
Приятно удивлен! Эти ребята побывали в Крыму? Надо бы эту статью в российских СМИ перепечатать, едрена мать!2007.02.22 | Aziz
Re: Интересная статья в The Christian Science Monitor перевод
В том-то и проблема, что эту статью никто печатать не будет, а российский обыватель вряд ли будет читать The Cristian Science Monitor на английском:)