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Архіви Форумів Майдану

Еще один обиженный...

04/30/2008 | Саид
Надир одной рукой делает хорошее дело, а другой это дело ...жаль

Good day!
Today Mr. Mubeyyin Batu Altan the representative of the Foundation of the
Research and Support of Indigenous Peoples of Crimea at the UN made a
statement on behalf of the Foundation at the session of the Permanent
Forum on Indigenous Issues of UN in New York which is going on the second
Evaluating the statement the Chairman of the Permanent Forum Mrs. Victoria
Tauli Corpuz stated that the importance of the problem raised is so big
that she is going to put it into the agenda of the closed session of the
Read in attachment please.
Another important case is that on May 6, 2008 the Council on the Security
and Defence of Ukraine is planning to consider question about the Crimean
Tatar's protest camps around Simferopol claiming the land for Crimean
The results of that consideration is not known yet of cource but the
leaders of Meclis are nervising very mach because the President's organ is
going to discuss the topic with the involvement of those Crimean Tatar
activists which were labled publically by Meclis leaders as extremists and
radicals. We may suppose that on the basis of the meeting of Security
Council some kind of president's order may be issued. In context of the
future extraordinary presidential and parliamentarian elections waited for
the next Autumn and under the influence of growing international concern
the content of the order might be rather surprising.
I may expect that leaders of Mejlis will try to undermine the talks
between Crimean Tatar's land claimers and presidential office or to
interven into them and to pull initiative at the last secong to own hands
in order to present themselves as nation savers. Will see.
Nadir Bekir,


  • 2008.04.30 | Филолог

    Я хоть и филолог, но не английского языка. Плиз, переведите!

    А то программа "Прагма" дает некую абракадабру :)
  • 2008.04.30 | Aziz

    Re: Еще один обиженный...

    Основная идея, что Совет по Безопасности и Обороне Украины планирует разобрать вопрос о лагерях протеста крымских татар в Симферополе. Г-н Бекир пишет, что лидеры Меджлиса нервничают, что в обсуждение вовлечены те лидеры крымских татар, которых Меджлис называет экстремистами и радикалами, и попытается не допустить их контактов с Администрацией Президента или просто возьмет инициативу в свои руки, для того, чтобы выставить себя в свете спасителей нации..

    p.s. Не в обиду г-ну Бекиру, текст полон грамматических и орфографических ошибок.

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