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Архіви Форумів Майдану

Крымский татарин, эмигрировавший в США, читает лекции про СССР

02/07/2009 | Wrangler
Talk about former USSR featured at B-CU luncheon

DAYTONA BEACH -- A native of Crimea, an autonomous region in the Ukraine, will talk about the former USSR and its political system at a public luncheon Friday.

The local chapter of the United Nations Association of the United States of America is sponsoring the speech about the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics by retired civil engineer and author Atilla Bektore.

Bektore is author of a "A Nomad's Journey," a memoir. The retired Daytona Beach resident was 10 years old when his father was arrested by Soviet authorities in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, and falsely accused of anti-Soviet activities. His father, who was a university graduate and teacher, was convicted and sentenced to 10 years in a labor camp.

After 14 years of confinement and eight years of exile in Siberia, his father re-joined his family in Turkey in 1956. The elder Bektore later moved to the United States in 1961, traveling throughout the country on various engineering assignments.

Friday's luncheon speech begins at noon in the Graduate Seminar Room of the Bethune-Cookman Civic Engagement Center, 740 International Speedway Blvd. in Daytona Beach. Entry is through the east side of the building.

The event costs $13 for adults and $10 for students. For reservations, call Judy Asaad at 386-226-6579.

-- Kelly Cuculiansky



  • 2009.02.07 | Дневной дозор

    Айдын Шемьи-заде об Атилле и Шевки Бекторе

    Живет еще в США Атилла Бекторе, сын великого поэта Шевки Бекторе, который хотя не был членом Курултая, но был активным общественным деятелем Крыма, лично знал многих выдающихся курултаевцев. В архиве Крымскотатарской библиотеки им. И. Гаспринского хранится переписка Эшрефа Шемьи-заде с Шевки Бекторе, которого он считал своим учителем.

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