Returning scholars fellowship
12/11/2006 | Roman
Call for Applications: Academic Fellowship Program
November 30, 2006
OSI's International Higher Education Support Program invites scholars to apply for its Academic Fellowship Program (AFP).
Recognizing that universities play a fundamental role in supporting civil society, AFP aims to contribute to higher education reform in Southeastern Europe and Eurasia, and to help build academic networks locally, regionally, and globally. AFP focuses on both the educational institution and the individual scholar by:
helping reform-minded departments achieve world-class academic stature in hopes that the departments will become model platforms for innovation and reform elsewhere in the region; and
assisting promising local scholars by promoting their return to the region, their positioning within academe, and their continued professional development.
To achieve these goals, AFP offers two fellowship programs:
The Returning Scholars Fellowship Program (RSFP) offers financial, institutional and professional development support for talented scholars who, after studying abroad, seek university positions and academic careers in their home countries.
The International Scholars Fellowship Program (ISFP) invites highly qualified scholars in the social sciences and humanities from around the world to teach and/or consult at selected university departments in the region.
For more information and an application, please see the the RSFP or ISFP guidelines
November 30, 2006
OSI's International Higher Education Support Program invites scholars to apply for its Academic Fellowship Program (AFP).
Recognizing that universities play a fundamental role in supporting civil society, AFP aims to contribute to higher education reform in Southeastern Europe and Eurasia, and to help build academic networks locally, regionally, and globally. AFP focuses on both the educational institution and the individual scholar by:
helping reform-minded departments achieve world-class academic stature in hopes that the departments will become model platforms for innovation and reform elsewhere in the region; and
assisting promising local scholars by promoting their return to the region, their positioning within academe, and their continued professional development.
To achieve these goals, AFP offers two fellowship programs:
The Returning Scholars Fellowship Program (RSFP) offers financial, institutional and professional development support for talented scholars who, after studying abroad, seek university positions and academic careers in their home countries.
The International Scholars Fellowship Program (ISFP) invites highly qualified scholars in the social sciences and humanities from around the world to teach and/or consult at selected university departments in the region.
For more information and an application, please see the the RSFP or ISFP guidelines
2006.12.11 | Roman
International scholarship program
Може хто з викладачів гуманітарних чи природничих наук хоче приїхати в Украіни і не словом, а ділом довести своє бажання допомогту рідній освітіInternational Scholars Fellowship Program
The International Scholars Fellowship Program invites highly qualified scholars in the social sciences and humanities from around the world to teach and/or consult at selected university departments in the region. By sharing the latest developments in their discipline, introducing new courses in their host departments, and encouraging development of skills critical to academic discourse, the International Scholars (ISs) expose students and departmental colleagues to a range of new materials and methodologies.
AFP offers two opportunities for International Scholars, Nonresident and Resident:
Nonresident scholars share their expertise with host departments on a consulting basis. They visit the host institution for several short consultations and remain in contact for mentoring and advice between visits. Details of such arrangements are negotiated on an individual basis during the selection process. Applicants for nonresident arrangements must be senior or well-established academics; recent PhD recipients will NOT be considered.
Resident scholars live in the host country and teach courses for one academic year (two semesters) at partner universities. In addition to teaching, Fellows work on a variety of projects in their host departments, and benefit from the diverse academic network connecting AFP program countries. Resident fellowships are awarded for placement ONLY in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Mongolia.
For the academic year 2006–2007, AFP placed 4 resident ISs and 43 nonresident ISs in selected partner departments.
The competition for all AFP fellowships is merit-based, and priority is given to those candidates who most closely match the profile of an “ideal” AFP candidate. Specific eligibility factors for the International Scholars Fellowship include:
An internationally recognized PhD or JD in an AFP-supported academic discipline. Candidates must apply to teach outside their country of citizenship. Nonresident International Scholars must be experienced and well-established academics.
Extensive experience in scholarly research and teaching. The successful candidate will show proficiency in innovative teaching methodologies and a strong commitment to high-quality teaching. AFP will consider applications from retired faculty
For resident scholars: Ability to develop and teach courses appropriate for and beneficial to the host department, and a commitment to engage fully in the academic life of department. Language of instruction should be accessible to departmental audience.
Strong professional interest in the region and a desire to contribute to higher education reform and development locally.
Flexibility in time commitment. Resident International Scholars spend at least one academic year teaching at the host institution, while Nonresident International Scholars arrange for a long-distance mentorship punctuated by repeat visits for short courses or seminars. AFP will help design the experience to be rewarding to the department and feasible for the Fellow.
To Apply
Applications can be completed online and submitted via the Internet at
Paper applications can be downloaded below and submitted via regular mail, email, or fax. Paper and online applications are evaluated equally.
AFP offers two options for the International Scholar Fellowship Program. Please choose the correct application below according to the following instructions:
I am interested in being considered only for a Resident International Scholars Fellowship, an arrangement in which fellows teach and consult for a full academic year in residence at the host institution. Resident fellowships are awarded for placement ONLY in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Mongolia.
Complete the application for Resident International Scholars.
I am interested in being considered only for a Nonresident International Scholars Fellowship, an arrangement in which fellows visit the host institution for several short consultations and remain in contact for mentoring and advice between visits (actual schedule to be negotiated). Applicants for non-resident arrangements must be senior or well-established academics; recent PhD recipients will not be considered.
Complete the application for Nonresident International Scholars and indicate this preference on the application.
I am interested in being considered for either a Resident or Nonresident International Scholars Fellowship, and I meet the eligibility requirements for both.
Complete the application for Nonresident International Scholars and indicate this preference on the application.
March 23, 2007.