ϳäòðèìêà ó÷àñòè â ÐÏ íàóêîâèõ äîñë³äæåíü ªÓ: ²çðà¿ëü
10/06/2008 | Shooter
ISERD is an inter-ministerial directorate, established by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Planning and Budgeting Committee of the Council for Higher Education, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
ISERD – The Israeli Directorate for EU FP - aims at promoting joint Israeli-EU R&D ventures within the EU’s R&D Framework Program.
²çðà¿ëü, â ïðèíöèï³, º àñîö³éîâàíèì äî FP - ïëàòèòü ãðîø³. Ïðîòå ²çðà¿ëü ðàçîì ³ç Øâåéöàð³ºþ ìàþòü íàéâèùèé "success rate" â FP ïðîãðàìàõ.
 Óêðà¿í³ ïîä³áíîþ ðîáîòîþ, äå-ôàêòî, çàéìàºòüñÿ....îäèí NCP. ßêèõ, ìîæëèâî, çá³ëüøàòü äî 2-5...
ISERD is an inter-ministerial directorate, established by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Planning and Budgeting Committee of the Council for Higher Education, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
ISERD – The Israeli Directorate for EU FP - aims at promoting joint Israeli-EU R&D ventures within the EU’s R&D Framework Program.
²çðà¿ëü, â ïðèíöèï³, º àñîö³éîâàíèì äî FP - ïëàòèòü ãðîø³. Ïðîòå ²çðà¿ëü ðàçîì ³ç Øâåéöàð³ºþ ìàþòü íàéâèùèé "success rate" â FP ïðîãðàìàõ.
 Óêðà¿í³ ïîä³áíîþ ðîáîòîþ, äå-ôàêòî, çàéìàºòüñÿ....îäèí NCP. ßêèõ, ìîæëèâî, çá³ëüøàòü äî 2-5...