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Чи був Ісус Христос юдеєм???

04/14/2004 | Анатолій
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  • 2004.04.14 | Тестер

    Re: Я вважаю, що крім патріотизму чи заказу якогось

    соціального чи політичного потрібен ще бути "здравий смисл".
    А також те, що називають науковим підходом.
    А впихати невпихуєме то не благородна робота :sarcastic:
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2006.01.23 | Социст

      А яким є здравий смисл в епоху апокаліпсиса?(--)

  • 2004.04.14 | Augusto

    Korotka notatka.

    Ancient History
    Like a number of other regions, this area has been contested for
    thousands of years. During the 3rd Millennium BCE the Ammorites
    dominated and inhabited the Golan until the 2nd Millennium when
    they were substituted by the Arameans. Later known as Bashan, the
    area was contested between Israel (the northern of the two Jewish
    kingdoms extant at that time) and the Aramean kingdom since the
    800s BCE. King Ahab of Israel (reigned 874-852 BCE) defeated
    Ben-Hadad I in the southern Golan.
    In the 700s BCE the Assyrians gained control of the area, but were
    later replaced by the Babylonian and the Persian Empire. In the
    5th century BCE, the region was settled by returning Jewish exiles
    from Babylon (modern Iraq).
    In the 4th century BCE, the area came under the control of
    Alexander the Great and remained under Hellenestic rule, until
    captured by the Romans. In the mid 2nd century BCE, Judah Maccabee
    aided the local Jewish communities when they came under attack,
    although the area itself was not in Jewish hands.
    The area was named Golan following the Roman occupation -- the
    Greeks referred to the area as "Gaulanitis", the term used by the
    Romans, which led to the word "Golan". After the partioning of the
    Roman Empire in 391 AD, the Golan Heights became part of the
    Byzantine Empire. In 636, the area came under Arab control and
    quickly under the control of the Caliph in Baghdad. In the 15th
    and 16th centuries, Druze began to settle the northern Golan and
    the slopes of Mount Hermon. Sudanese, Algerians, Turkomans and
    Samarian Arabs also settled on the Heights. In the 16th centrury,
    the Ottoman Turks came in control of the area, and remained so
    until the end of World War I.
  • 2004.11.04 | Социст

    Був юдеєм, але не був євреєм.

    Був юдеєм, бо поклав своє життя в жертву культу Єгови, але не був євреєм, бо помилився і усвідомив свою помилку. А доказом тому є те, що всох старий дуб Страстєй Христових. Ось і Казці Кінець...

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