Трохи богословського гумору (англ.)
02/02/2008 | Георгій
Хто любить "Мeрі Поппінс," зрозуміє. 
From Fr. Joseph Huneycutt's blog, ORTHODIXIE, here's this hilarious song:
To the tune of "Supercalafragalisticexpialadocius" ...
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Superchristological and Homoousiosis
Even though the sound of them is something quite atrocious
You can always count on them to anathemize your Gnosis
Superchristological and Homoousiosis
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Now Origen and Arius were quite a clever pair.
Immutable divinity make Logos out of air.
But then one day Saint Nicholas gave Arius a slap--
and told them if they can't recant, they ought to shut their trap!
[chorus] Oh, Superchristological and Homoousiosis...
One Prosopon, two Ousia are in one Hypostasis.
At Chalcedon this formula gave our faith its basis.
You can argue that you don't know what this means,
But don't you go and try to say there's a "Physis" in between!
[chorus] Oh, Superchristological and Homoousiosis...
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Now freedom and autonomy are something to be praised,
But when it comes to human sin, these words must be rephrased,
For Pelagius was too confident that we could work it out--
And Augustine said *massa damnata* is what it's all about.
[chorus] Oh, Superchristological and Homoousiosis...
Heresies are arguments that you might find attractive,
But just remember in this case the Church is quite reactive.
So play it safe and memorize these words we sing together,
'Cause in the end you'll find, my friend, that we may life forever.
[chorus] Oh, Superchristological and Homoousiosis
Even though the sound of them is something quite atrocious
You can always count on them to anathemize your Gnosis
Superchristological and Homoousiosis
Lyrics by Dan Idzikowski

From Fr. Joseph Huneycutt's blog, ORTHODIXIE, here's this hilarious song:
To the tune of "Supercalafragalisticexpialadocius" ...
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Superchristological and Homoousiosis
Even though the sound of them is something quite atrocious
You can always count on them to anathemize your Gnosis
Superchristological and Homoousiosis
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Now Origen and Arius were quite a clever pair.
Immutable divinity make Logos out of air.
But then one day Saint Nicholas gave Arius a slap--
and told them if they can't recant, they ought to shut their trap!
[chorus] Oh, Superchristological and Homoousiosis...
One Prosopon, two Ousia are in one Hypostasis.
At Chalcedon this formula gave our faith its basis.
You can argue that you don't know what this means,
But don't you go and try to say there's a "Physis" in between!
[chorus] Oh, Superchristological and Homoousiosis...
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Now freedom and autonomy are something to be praised,
But when it comes to human sin, these words must be rephrased,
For Pelagius was too confident that we could work it out--
And Augustine said *massa damnata* is what it's all about.
[chorus] Oh, Superchristological and Homoousiosis...
Heresies are arguments that you might find attractive,
But just remember in this case the Church is quite reactive.
So play it safe and memorize these words we sing together,
'Cause in the end you'll find, my friend, that we may life forever.
[chorus] Oh, Superchristological and Homoousiosis
Even though the sound of them is something quite atrocious
You can always count on them to anathemize your Gnosis
Superchristological and Homoousiosis
Lyrics by Dan Idzikowski