Кондоматы будут размещаться в студенческих общежитиях, вузах
06/15/2009 | kiyany.obozrevatel.com
В Киеве в 2009 году планируется установить до 500 кондоматов по продаже презервативов. Первая партия из 15 кондоматов будет установлена в течение лета.
2009.06.16 | Що кортить народу, білянауковому? Й це добре!
Re: Кондоматы будут размещаться в студенческих общежитиях, вузах
Жодна з тем, що обговорювалася на форумі за останні 5 років, не мала такого „суспільного” інтересу. За 11 годин майже 800 відвідувань. Пане Модератору, це не помилка?2009.06.16 | ba8
Re: Кондоматы будут размещаться в студенческих общежитиях, вузах
Бажано теж поруч з кондоматами розмістити і книгомати. Вночі теж буває кортить щось цікаве почитати.2009.12.07 | telegraph.co.uk
Cambridge University investigates 'sabotaged' condoms
A warning has been issued to Cambridge University students after condoms issued by the students’ union were apparently pierced by saboteurs.By Nick Britten
Published: 3:42PM GMT 04 Dec 2009
A third-year female student raised the alarm after finding a hole in a condom and subsequent checks of the batch it came from found that half had been pierced with a fine needle.
The condoms, which are routinely distributed by university’s students’ union to colleges, had been stored in unsealed boxes in an unlocked cupboard in the union's office.
Two years ago, similar attacks at King's College were widely attributed to the Cambridge Pro-Life Society - claims the president of the society denied at the time.
The student who raised the alarm studies at Newnham College and was given the condom by the college’s welfare officer, who an hour previously had taken a box of the contraceptives from the central store.
She said she only discovered what had happened after using it, because she spotted a hole in the wrapper. She said: “I realised the next morning because the wrapper was on my bedside table and I saw a raised bump on the side.
"I held it up to the window and light just streamed through. I almost fainted, it was horrible and so irresponsible. They don't know what they could be doing to someone's life. It was a big shock and I'm still angry.
“Who the hell would do such a thing? And how would they feel if their actions led to someone contracting HIV? It doesn’t bear thinking about."
She has now undergone tests for sexually transmitted diseases and taken advice about a potential pregnancy.
Students posting on websites pointed the finger at religious and pro-life groups.
But Sam Corio, president of the Cambridge Pro-Life Society and an economic student, said: "Sabotaged condoms expose their users to life-threatening STIs.
"Because they increase the probability of unplanned pregnancies damaged condoms also potentially contribute to the loss of unborn human lives."
Last year the students’ union was forced to issue a warning to students after realising that more than 1,000 condoms it handed out at the freshers’ fare did not carry a kitemark indicating British Standards Institution approval and so potentially were not safe.
Tom Chgbo, 21, president of Cambridge University Student's Union (CUSU) said they were investigating the situation ''as a matter of urgency'' and were also talking to the manufacturers Durex about the possibility they were faulty from production.
He said there was no clear evidence of sabotage at this stage.
2009.12.07 | Георгій
UVMOD: провокація (див. "кількість відвідувань")
2011.08.04 | censor.net.ua
Привет от Кабмина: в аптеках Киева нельзя купить презервативы, подгузники и прокладки
04.08.11 09:16 Привет от Кабмина: в аптеках Киева нельзя купить презервативы, подгузники и прокладкиhttp://censor.net.ua/ru/news/view/177247/privet_ot_kabmina_v_aptekah_kieva_nelzya_kupit_prezervativy_podguzniki_i_prokladki