дослідницька стипендія для кандидатів чи докторів наук
07/01/2010 | Освіта-БП
Research Fellowships social sciences and humanities
Institution/Organiser: Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS Sofia)
Kind of support/work: 2011/2012 In-Residence Advanced Academia Fellowships in the fields of the humanities and the social sciences
Duration: two to five months. Candidates must indicate the preferred fellowship duration and its starting date within the following periods: 01.03-31.07.2011 and 01.10.2011-29.02.2012.
Site: Sofia, Bulgaria
Topics: The selected Fellows will take part in the regular Fellow seminars and the other scientific events organized by the Centre (workshops, conferences, lectures, etc.) and are invited to present and discuss their project in lectures or seminars. The results of their work shall be summarized in a paper (in English), to be published in the electronic CAS Working Paper Series.
Eligibility: Candidates should be non-Bulgarian citizens; have completed a PhD in the fields of the humanities and social sciences and international research experience (participation in projects and refereed conferences) and publications in peer-reviewed academic editions are strong advantages. Good command of English is highly desirable.
Deadline: November 1, 2010
Tamara Martsenyuk,
International Education Programs Advisor for Faculty and PhD Students
National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"
Kyiv, Ukraine
Tel/Fax: +38 044 425-50-16, 425-77-71
E-mail: i_proj@ukma.kiev.ua
Institution/Organiser: Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS Sofia)
Kind of support/work: 2011/2012 In-Residence Advanced Academia Fellowships in the fields of the humanities and the social sciences
Duration: two to five months. Candidates must indicate the preferred fellowship duration and its starting date within the following periods: 01.03-31.07.2011 and 01.10.2011-29.02.2012.
Site: Sofia, Bulgaria
Topics: The selected Fellows will take part in the regular Fellow seminars and the other scientific events organized by the Centre (workshops, conferences, lectures, etc.) and are invited to present and discuss their project in lectures or seminars. The results of their work shall be summarized in a paper (in English), to be published in the electronic CAS Working Paper Series.
Eligibility: Candidates should be non-Bulgarian citizens; have completed a PhD in the fields of the humanities and social sciences and international research experience (participation in projects and refereed conferences) and publications in peer-reviewed academic editions are strong advantages. Good command of English is highly desirable.
Deadline: November 1, 2010
Tamara Martsenyuk,
International Education Programs Advisor for Faculty and PhD Students
National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"
Kyiv, Ukraine
Tel/Fax: +38 044 425-50-16, 425-77-71
E-mail: i_proj@ukma.kiev.ua
2010.07.01 | Мацяльця
А в Албанії немає стипендій?
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Уперше бачу богоносця, що українську опанував. Поздоровляю.
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А що Ви носите у собі?
Крім фекалій? Вам навіть йоду бракує в організмі.До речі, нестача йоду, очевидно й призвела до того, що ваш етнос так і не спромігся створити власну писемність. Паразитуєте на києво-полтавскій мові.
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UVMOD: грубі образи в адрeсу особи опонeнта, п. 0
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