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Архіви Форумів Майдану

Тут ото свого часу говорилося про дарвінізм

07/16/2010 | Сергій Вакуленко
То я подам оте, що прийшло на електронну пошту:

O Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

tem a satisfação de dar a conhecer a publicação dos

números 2 e 3 do volume 129 da revista

Theory in Biosciences

(da editora Springer)

com o título

Darwin evaluated by contemporary evolutionary and philosophical theories

que reúne muitos dos textos apresentados num colóquio com o mesmo nome realizado pelo CFCUL em 23 e 24 de Abril de 2009 na FCUL e que tem por editores

Nathalie Gontier, Francisco Carrapiço, Marco Pina, André Levy and Helena Abreu

Nele se encontram os 17 artigos seguintes (pp.77-245):

Darwin’s legacy

Nathalie Gontier

Playing Darwin. Part A. Experimental Evolution in Drosophila

Margarida Matos

Playing Darwin. Part B. 20 years of domestication in Drosophila subobscura

Punctuated equilibrium in a neontological context

Melanie J. Monroe and Folmer Bokma

Punctuated equilibrium and species selection: what does it mean for one theory to suggest another?

Derek Turner

Saltational symbiosis

Jan Sapp

How symbiogenic is evolution?

Francisco Carrapiço

What is a species? Essences and generation

John S. Wilkins

New insights into molecular evolution: prospects from the Barcode of Life Initiative (BOLI)

Filipe O. Costa and Gary R. Carvalho

Pattern, process and the evolution of meaning: species and units of selection

André Levy

Evolutionary epistemology as a scientific method: a new look upon the units and levels of evolution debate

Nathalie Gontier

Computational evolution: taking liberties

Luís Correia

Human evolution and cognition

Ian Tattersall

Grammatical equivalents of Palaeolithic tools: a hypothesis

Antonio B. Vieira

Sensory exploitation and cultural transmission: the late emergence of iconic representations in human evolution

Jan Verpooten and Mark Nelissen

Language trees ≠ gene trees

James Steele and Anne Kandler

Taking evolution seriously in political science

Orion Lewis and Sven Steinmo

Os resumos e os conteúdos podem ser consultados em http://www.springerlink.com/content/h30434147v76/?sortorder=asc&p_o=0

Theory in Biosciences

Special Issue: Darwin evaluated by contemporary evolutionary and philosophical theories.

Guest Editors: Nathalie Gontier, Francisco Carrapiço, Marco Pina, André Levy and Helena Abreu

Volume 129, Numbers 2-3, September, 2010.


  • 2010.07.16 | А. К. Толстой

    Re: Тут ото свого часу говорилося про дарвінізм

    Полно, Миша! Ты не сетуй!
    Без хвоста твоя ведь . . . .,
    Так тебе обиды нету
    В том, что было до потопа.

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