Nature: Non-English papers decrease rankings
01/07/2011 | alf
Хлопці з Лейдена, де складається один з відомих університетських рейтингів, пишуть, що наявність публікацій у неангломовних журналах серйозно знижує рейтинги провідних німецьких і французьких вузів, тому що знижується цитованість в перерахунку на статтю і на людину.
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Non-English papers decrease rankings
Ton van Raan,Thed van Leeuwen& Martijn Visser
Affiliations Journal name: Nature Volume:469, Page: 34 Date published:(06 January 2011)
In applying a set of standard bibliometric indicators to rank the scientific status of 500 universities worldwide for the 2010 Leiden Ranking, we have discovered that the language of publication has a dramatic and largely underestimated effect on citation-based measurements of research performance.
Publications in non-English-language journals count as part of a country's output, but these generally have a low impact as fewer scientists can read them. This effect is particularly evident in application-oriented fields such as clinical medicine and engineering, and in the social sciences and the humanities.
Rankings based on the number of citations per paper and per staff
member are responsible for the strikingly low position of many
German and French universities,
Important ratings by Times Higher Education, QS, the Shanghai Academic Ranking
of World Universities and the Leiden Ranking, for example, all unfortunately
rely on rankings influenced by this language effect.
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Non-English papers decrease rankings
Ton van Raan,Thed van Leeuwen& Martijn Visser
Affiliations Journal name: Nature Volume:469, Page: 34 Date published:(06 January 2011)
In applying a set of standard bibliometric indicators to rank the scientific status of 500 universities worldwide for the 2010 Leiden Ranking, we have discovered that the language of publication has a dramatic and largely underestimated effect on citation-based measurements of research performance.
Publications in non-English-language journals count as part of a country's output, but these generally have a low impact as fewer scientists can read them. This effect is particularly evident in application-oriented fields such as clinical medicine and engineering, and in the social sciences and the humanities.
Rankings based on the number of citations per paper and per staff
member are responsible for the strikingly low position of many
German and French universities,
Important ratings by Times Higher Education, QS, the Shanghai Academic Ranking
of World Universities and the Leiden Ranking, for example, all unfortunately
rely on rankings influenced by this language effect.