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Ö³êàâà ñòàòòÿ: ï³ñò íàïeðeäîäí³ Ð³çäâà ë³êóº äeïðeñ³þ (ë.)

12/15/2009 | Ãåîðã³é

"...The Orthodox Nativity fast helps people tame their worldly appetites. It is an exercise in being able to transcend the body and not be ruled by impulses. The Orthodox church considers fasting a spiritual benefit, that can help people get through tough times. It helps people experience existence on a more spiritual plane, and teaches that regardless of their worldly limitations, people have spiritual substance that can sustain them in difficult times.

In addition to increased prayer, almsgiving is expected to increase during the Nativity fast. This means, specifically, giving money to relieve poverty and material need. Doing this offers a counterbalance to people’s urges to overspend and over-indulge in material goods during Christmas. It brings the faithful in contact with others who are far worse off financially, quelling feelings of personal deprivation that tend to arise in this culture where so many have so much."

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